Imbarcadero di Luino

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Imbarcadero di Luino

Address :

Piazza Libertà, 21016 Luino VA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 21016
Website :
Categories :
City : Luino

Piazza Libertà, 21016 Luino VA, Italy
Donatella Rodighiero on Google

Ottima partenza per degli splendidi tour del lago. Prezzo nella media.
Excellent departure for splendid lake tours. Average price.
Mr Pittogatto on Google

Se vuoi prendere un battello, sei nel posto giusto.
If you want to take a boat, you are in the right place.
Erik Noorman on Google

Leuke plaats. Op woensdag heel druk i.vm. weekmarkt.
Nice place. Very busy on Wednesday due to weekly market.
Leonie Ka on Google

Extrem!!! unfreundliches Personal beim Ticketverkauf in Pallanza und intra! Sehr genervt und absolut nicht hilfsbereit. Trotz Corona wurden circa 10000 menschen auf das Boot gequetscht. Außerdem wurden am Mittwoch, wo ja seit ca. 500 Jahren der Markt stattfindet, keine weiteren Fähre nach Luino eingesetzt, Wodurch es natürlich brechend voll war.
Extreme!!! unfriendly staff when selling tickets in Pallanza and intra! Very annoyed and absolutely not helpful. Despite Corona, around 10,000 people were squeezed onto the boat. In addition, on Wednesday, where the market has been taking place for about 500 years, no further ferry to Luino was used, which of course meant that it was packed.
Alex Re on Google

Schöne Fahrt auf dem Lago gehabt... 7,80€ pP für hin und zurück sind fair... Für einen Halbtags Ausflug zu empfehlen... Im Januar war da nichts los
Nice trip on the Lago ... 7.80 € pp for there and back are fair ... Recommended for a half-day trip ... In January there was nothing going on
אלעד סרור on Google

Bad comtion
Yogaboy on Google

Nice Market and good Pizzas.
Na Na on Google

DO NOT BOOK TICKETS ONLINE! We received the online tickets via mail under the impression that we would not have to queue at the ticket office any more as it did not say so anywhere in the confirmation email or at the ticket office itself where we had checked 3 days prior to our planned trip. We arrived at the ticket office at 10:30 with 35 minutes spare time until departure of the ferry. The ferry was already waiting at the dock at that time. We passed the queue at the ticket office as we had already purchased our tickets and there was no sign or information anywhere saying we needed to verify our tickets (as you can see from the photo attached). Upon trying to embark at 11:00 (embarking earlier was not possible because the gate was still closed), the person checking the tickets sent us away (when we showed him the attached pdf tickets) to the ticket office saying we needed some kind of QR-code. We went there (many people were still waiting in line to get on the 11:05 ferry, so we had to ask people to skip the line) but the cashier made the impression of not even knowing about the possibility to buy online tickets, so they did not know what to do and did not give us the required QR-code. This did not only affect us; there were plenty of people having that exact same issue but none of the staff members seemed to care or was willing to offer a solution. On top of that, trying to resolve the issue with the staff took so long that in the meantime the ferry departed at 11:05, right on time, ignoring the passengers that had already bought online tickets. So, all these people, including us, missed the ferry. After a long dispute with a staff member, who rejected refunding our tickets immediately, he told us to write an email requesting the refund, but we have the impression that this will not lead anywhere.

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