Il Porticciolo

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Il Porticciolo

Address :

Piazza Carlo Pisacane, 4, 04027 Ponza LT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9778989
Postal code : 04027
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 12–3PM
Tuesday 12–3PM
Wednesday 12–3PM
Thursday 12–3PM
Friday 12–3PM
Saturday 12–3PM
Sunday 12–3PM
Categories :
City : Ponza

Piazza Carlo Pisacane, 4, 04027 Ponza LT, Italy
Massimiliano Max Poletti on Google

Location e accoglienza superiore alla media, pesce fresco. Antipasti medio-bassi. Primi e secondi di livello e abbondanti. Eccezionali i pacchetti con tonno, olive, capperi, scorretta di limone “e non solo”. Consigliata la zuppa di cozze con crostini tanto abbondante da poter tranquillamente dividere in 2. Ottimo il vino della casa, lievemente dolce “simil-Marsala” ma che si accosta divinamente ai piatti e sicuramente economico rispetto ai vini proposti in carta. 2 antipasti, 1 primo, 1 secondo, 1l di vino della casa e caffè con amari offerti, conto 85€.
Above average location and hospitality, fresh fish. Medium-low appetizers. First and second level and abundant. Exceptional packages with tuna, olives, capers, unfit lemon "and not only". Recommended mussel soup with croutons so abundant you can safely divide 2. Great house wine, slightly sweet "Marsala-like" but divinely approaches to dishes and certainly cheaper than the wines offered in the paper. 2 starters, 1 first, 1 second, 1l of house wine and coffee with bitters offered, € 85 account.
Wasyl pl. on Google

Spoto zabraklo. Miejsce na idealną knajpkę, jest. Cudowny widok na port, stoliki urokliwe ustawione, z widokiem na port, ładna zastawa, fajne menu. Ale brakuje najważniejszego, smaku i wyrafinowana. Jak za te pieniądze, nie warto. Przekąska była słaba, mięso suche, bez wyrazu, wizualnie też nie robi wrażenia. Danie główne podobnie, smażona ryba w panierce, nic specjalnego, na talerzu wyglądało żałośnie. Desery ratowały w zasadzie cały wieczór, jedyny smaczny punkt kolacji. Nie polecam wina della casa, okropne. Serwis też pozostawia dużo do życzenia, szczególnie oczekiwanie na kawę i rachunek. Restauracja droga, niestety nie ten poziom jakości do ceny, nie warto.
A lot of ran out. There is a place for a perfect eatery. Wonderful view of the port, charming tables arranged, with a view of the port, nice tableware, nice menu. But the most important thing is missing, taste and refined. As for the money, it's not worth it. The snack was poor, the meat dry, without expression, visually not impressive either. Main course similar, fried fish in batter, nothing special, it looked pathetic on the plate. Desserts basically saved the whole evening, the only tasty dinner spot. I do not recommend della casa wine, terrible. The service also leaves a lot to be desired, especially waiting for a coffee and a bill. An expensive restaurant, unfortunately not this level of quality for money, not worth it.
Marlene Morel on Google

Nous avons été très bien accueillis, le personnel est très prévenant et la patronne est également venue nous voir pour échanger quelques mots. Tous les plats étaient délicieux, et notamment l'antipasto de poisson cru. Assaisonnement parfait et cuisson des pâtes et fruits de mer maîtrisée. Seul bémol pour la quantité de pâtes à l'encre de sèche, mais le reste était bien servi. Prix élevés, mais pas plus que les autres restaurants du coin.
We were very well received, the staff are very attentive and the boss also came to see us to exchange a few words. All of the dishes were delicious, especially the raw fish antipasto. Perfect seasoning and controlled cooking of pasta and seafood. Only downside for the amount of dry ink pasta, but the rest was well served. High prices, but no more than other restaurants in the area.
Maurizio D'Ercole on Google

Il Ristorante come vorresti che fosse! Già dalla prenotazione sanno farti sentire accolto. Centralissimo, ci hanno dato il tavolo migliore anche se ne hanno diversi con uno straordinario affaccio sul piccolo porto di Ponza. La posizione laterale e leggermente rialzata favorisce molto il punto di vista dell'osservatore. Sai quando realizzi che hai scelto il posto giusto? Pulitissimo, elegante il giusto e senza ostentare. Siamo stati supportati con discrezione e mestiere nella scelta delle pietanze e delle quantità. A volte il vino della casa è un plus e non una scelta di ripiego per risparmiare: buonissimo e in più ci portiamo a casa il ricordo di aver bevuto qualcosa di veramente tipico, strettamente del luogo, prodotto in piccola quantità e quindi introvabile altrove. Il cibo tutto molto buono, le porzioni soddisfacenti, il servizio sempre attento, presente e mai invadente. Tempi andanti, quasi lenti ma adeguati a una cena romantica. Con una cinquantina abbondante di euro a testa ce la siamo cavata avendo però mangiato antipasto, secondi, contorni e dolce. Siamo a metà settembre e tra poco arriva la chiusura stagionale, riapriranno a Pasqua. Ciao, Ponza, ciao Il Porticciolo, torneremo!
The restaurant as you would like it to be! From the booking they know how to make you feel welcomed. Very central, they gave us the best table even though they have several with an extraordinary view over the small port of Ponza. The slightly raised side position greatly favors the observer's point of view. Do you know when you realize you've chosen the right place? Very clean, the right style and without showing off. We have been supported with discretion and skill in the choice of dishes and quantities. Sometimes the house wine is a plus and not a makeshift choice to save: very good and we take home the memory of having drunk something really typical, strictly local, produced in small quantities and therefore impossible to find elsewhere. The food is all very good, the portions satisfying, the service is always attentive, present and never intrusive. Going times, almost slow but adequate for a romantic dinner. With about fifty euros a head we managed to get away with having an appetizer, main courses, side dishes and dessert. We are in mid-September and the seasonal closure is coming soon, they will reopen at Easter. Ciao, Ponza, hello Il Porticciolo, we'll be back!
Roberta Fabbracci on Google

Posto magico..attratti dall'atmosfera siamo stati non una ma tre volte in pochi giorni!ogni piatto..e li abbiamo provati quasi tutti di mare e amore,quello di Luigina per ogni suo ospite...tutto freschissimo(guai se non ti gusti le teste dei gamberi,si raccomanda capitan luigina),abbondante(mai vista una zuppa di cozze così,tanta e tanto buona),accompagnato da buonissimi vini del Lazio (ottima la falanghina servita a temperatura perfetta) vi lascerete guidare dai consigli di Luigina che vi farà accostare i piatti giusti, coccolati dall'attentissima Assunta e dalle dolcissime Federica e Sara,con quella splendida vista sui colori del porto,i buonissimi piatti di Antonio che hanno già un ottimo sapore ne avranno uno ancora più speciale..
Magical place .. attracted by the atmosphere we have been not once but three times in a few days! Every dish .. and we have tried almost all of them .. it knows of sea and love, that of Luigina for each of her guests ... all very fresh ( woe betide if you don't like shrimp heads, captain luigina is recommended), abundant (never seen a mussel soup like this, so much and so good), accompanied by very good wines from Lazio (excellent falanghina served at a perfect temperature). you will let yourself be guided by the advice of Luigina who will make you combine the right dishes, pampered by the very attentive Assunta and the sweetest Federica and Sara, with that splendid view of the colors of the port, the delicious dishes of Antonio that already have an excellent taste will have one even more special ..
Michela Farinelli on Google

Location centrale ma lontano dal caos, Luigina con il suo staff oltre la gentilezza e l' accoglienza , qualita' del cibo Top, consigliatissimo!!! Il bis e' di default??
Central location but far from the chaos, Luigina with her staff beyond kindness and hospitality, top quality food, highly recommended !!! The encore is by default??
Alonso Carral Cuevas on Google

Amazing food and service in a simple atmosphere, don't miss the pasta with squid!
Antonio Conte on Google

Exceptional food. Had the tuna semicrudo (fresh from the sea whole tuna prepared by the head chef daily). Followed by gnocchi marechiaro (absolutely recommend) followed by Frozen Tiramisu. Paired with the house wine. (Made by the executive chef). The attention to detail and quality in the craftsmanship of the food makes this, in my humble opinion, the best restaurant on the island. You'd be hard-pressed to find better sanitary standards, quality and freshness of food as well as atmosphere.

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