Hospital Sandro Pertini

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital Sandro Pertini

Address :

Via dei Monti Tiburtini, 385, 00157 Roma RM, Italy

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City : Roma

Via dei Monti Tiburtini, 385, 00157 Roma RM, Italy
Daniela Vinciguerra on Google

Mio figlio ha trascorso venti giorni nel reparto di pediatria di questo ospedale per una pancreatite acuta. Io e mio marito ci siamo alternati per stare con lui e le figlie. Non è stato un periodo facile, ma posso dire che mi sentivo in buone mani. Ho sempre avuto grande fiducia nell'operato dei medici e della dottoressa Nardi che era responsabile per il suo caso. Ho avuto fiducia perché c'è sempre stata trasparenza. Quando, dopo la prima settimana, i valori non rientravano come ci si aspettava, sono stati chiesti i pareri di altri colleghi, come il primario di gastroenterologia. C'è stato un contatto diretto con i colleghi dell'ospedale pediatrico Bambino Gesù, dove al momento non vi erano posti liberi. Ho sempre avuto la convinzione che tutto il personale stesse facendo del proprio meglio. Tutti sono sempre stati molto gentili e disponibili, gli addetti alle pulizie, al servizio mensa, gli infermieri, i medici... E last but not least, ho incontrato persone capaci di autentica empatia, capaci di essere presenti e allo stesso tempo discreti. Grazie a tutti
My son spent twenty days in the pediatric ward of this hospital for acute pancreatitis. My husband and I took turns to stay with him and the daughters. It was not an easy time, but I can say that I felt in good hands. I have always had great confidence in the work of the doctors and of Dr. Nardi who was responsible for her case. I trusted because there has always been transparency. When, after the first week, the values ​​did not return as expected, the opinions of other colleagues, such as the head of gastroenterology, were sought. There was direct contact with colleagues from the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital, where there were currently no vacancies. I always had the belief that all the staff were doing their best. Everyone has always been very kind and helpful, the cleaners, the canteen service, the nurses, the doctors ... And last but not least, I have met people capable of authentic empathy, capable of being present and at the same time discreet. Thank you all
Antonella Brogi on Google

Esperienza sempre positiva per quanto riguarda le analisi del sangue, sia durante la gravidanza nel periodo pre-covid, che adesso. Anche presentandomi la mattina presto senza prenotazione, mi hanno inserito a metà mattina andando al recup al piano superiore. Con gli orari vanno sempre molto bene. Il 4 febbraio 2022 è stato un venerdì in cui i terminali erano in difficoltà per cambio gestionale mi pare di aver capito, ma di solito scorre tutto davvero molto rapidamente. Le infermiere sono gentilissime, allo sportello attente a leggere le ricette e rilevano errori del medico di base come nel mio caso. Portate sempre anche il foglio dello specialista così possono verificare gli errori eventuali.
Always positive experience regarding blood tests, both during pregnancy in the pre-covid period and now. Even showing up early in the morning without a reservation, they put me in mid-morning by going to the upstairs recuperation. With timetables they always go very well. February 4, 2022 was a Friday in which the terminals were in difficulty due to a management change, I think I understand, but usually everything flows very quickly. The nurses are very kind, at the counter careful to read the prescriptions and detect errors of the general practitioner as in my case. Always bring the specialist sheet as well so they can check for any errors.

a hohospital
Ariane D Garcia on Google

not a good place stay away
Mohamed Yusif on Google

Very cool stuff, welcoming and easy to approach, i was admitted at the emergency department, (pronto scorso) the reaction of the stuff towards me was amazing, i meet a DRS called Masciangelo Valentina, and she was soo kind with willing to do her best, Thank you all?
Golshan mkh on Google

Horrible horrible experience! I was there for 4 days i was about to loose my mind, extremely unprofessional and judgy staff and unnecessary exams. Do not go if you have a choice
Yorkie_Chloe Ber on Google

Worst and lack of work ethics of the staff. My mother admitted to this hospital and the staff were so not attentive to the care that my mother needs. They could not careless maybe it's because we are ”STRANIERO”(Foreigner) as they call it. Even her ward mates the way they looked at us Every time we got to visit her it was degrading. My mother did not receive proper care from this hospital. In fact, this is not a free hospitalisation for her as she pays proper tax and this is one of her benefits as a worker. Patients should be treated fairly and equally regardless of race, ethnicity, or whatever the background you have.
Milly O. on Google

Was admitted on the 14.12.2021 in the ostetricia and ginecologia department and left a week after .my experience was good , the staff were very courteous and professional, thanks to the nurses who responded quickly to my calls and needs. Special thanks to dottsa Alessandra passarello for offering an incredible and professional care, she's really kind, patient and has a golden heart.she went out her way to ensure I was comfortable, responded to all my queries/doubts and made sure all my needs were taken care of .thanks dottsa for being such an angel. And to all the amazing doctors who go out of their way to ensure their patients feel safe confident and comfortable.

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