
4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hertz

Address :

Via dei Mestieri, 7, 75100 Matera MT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9897
Website : https://www.hertz.it/p/noleggio-auto/italia/matera/matera-via-dei-mestieri
Categories :
City : Matera

Via dei Mestieri, 7, 75100 Matera MT, Italy
nunzio didio on Google

Esperienza pessima direi , non ci sono parole riguardo questa agenzia . Ho noleggiato un furgone una sola giornata , ma purtroppo mentre ero su strada un mezzo mi ha sparato una pietra sul parabrezza. I furgoni non hanno un'assicurazione completa , hanno un RCA base ,dicono loro. Non compre danni di nessun genere. Non mi hanno riferito nulla di tutto ciò, hanno preteso alla consegna del furgone 600 euro di franchigia, più il costo del noleggio , quindi in poche parole automaticamente trattengono il costo del danno, tramite carta di credito . In questo caso direi che dovrebbero assicurare al cliente almeno tutto ciò , dato che sono veicoli che percorrono strade di tutti i generi , e queste cose succedono sempre. -Controllate sempre la lancetta del gasolio -E controllate bene tutti i punti riportati sul contratto. A me non hanno riferito nulla di tutto ciò. Soprattutto della copertura assicurativa, loro dicono solo che hai un RCA base . Parlano davvero poco alla consegna del veicolo, come se tutti dovessero sapere tutto. Cercate altre agenzie .
Bad experience I would say, there are no words about this agency. I rented a van one day, but unfortunately while I was on the road a vehicle shot me a stone on the windshield. The vans don't have full insurance, they have a basic RCA, they say. It does not buy damages of any kind. They did not report any of this to me, they asked for the delivery of the van 600 euro excess, plus the cost of the rental, therefore in a few words they automatically retain the cost of the damage, by credit card. In this case I would say that they should assure the customer at least everything, since they are vehicles that travel on roads of all kinds, and these things always happen. -Always check the diesel needle -And check all the points on the contract carefully. They didn't report any of this to me. Especially insurance coverage, they only say you have a basic RCA. They speak very little about the delivery of the vehicle, as if everyone should know everything. Look for other agencies.
Nicola Lecci on Google

Non ci si può lamentare. Ma arrivarci é un'impresa se non ha un navigatore satellitare o Google Maps (non é una pubblicità é un semplice consiglio). Comunque i prezzi sono poco economici. Comprensivi? Chi? Nessuno lo é quà. Comunque senza fare altri giri quì si può fare.
One cannot complain. But getting there is a business if it doesn't have a satellite navigator or Google Maps (it's not an advertisement, it's just a tip). However the prices are not cheap. Inclusive? Who? Nobody is here. However without doing other laps here you can do it.
B M on Google

Il personale di questo centro Hertz è davvero molto poco collaborativo, accoglienza con molta svogliatezza, non lo consiglio, strano come possa essere un centro Hertz, ho ricevuto tutta un'altra accoglienza altrove
The staff of this Hertz center is very uncooperative, welcome with a lot of unwillingness, I do not recommend it, strange how a Hertz center can be, I received a whole different welcome elsewhere
Marco Magrì on Google

Cordiali, gentili e molto disponibili.
Friendly, kind and very helpful.
Mr Nihil on Google

Al momento del ritiro dell’auto, la Renault da noi richiesta non è disponibile e ci viene chiesto di attendere o, in alternativa, di prendere una Peugeot già disponibile, che però è prenotata per un cliente per 25 giorni: ci viene dunque chiesto se per cortesia possiamo aspettare per la Renault. Decidiamo di aspettare. Dopo un’ora di ritardo la Renault arriva ma ahimè non possiamo ancora prenderla perché è in vendita (!!!) e c’è bisogno di una conferma scritta da un manager Hertz per poter procedere con l’affitto. Ovviamente la conferma non arriva e dopo oltre 2 ore di attesa disdiciamo la macchina. Gentilezza: ok Professionalità e serietà : zero.
When collecting the car, the Renault requested by us is not available and we are asked to wait or, alternatively, to take a Peugeot that is already available, but which is reserved for a customer for 25 days: we are therefore asked whether please can we wait for Renault. We decide to wait. After an hour of delay, the Renault arrives but alas we cannot take it yet because it is on sale (!!!) and we need a written confirmation from a Hertz manager in order to proceed with the rental. Obviously the confirmation does not arrive and after more than 2 hours of waiting we cancel the car. Kindness: ok Professionalism and seriousness: zero.
Mehdi Khadir on Google

Nous avons attendu plus de 2h (on nous avait annoncé 20 minutes d'attente)... pour une voiture qui s'avérait être mise en vente et donc indisponible. L'agence n'ayant pas d'autre voiture nous avons dû annuler nos plans pour la journée. L'accueil était bon, mais l'organisation n'est pas du tout professionnelle.
We waited more than 2 hours (we had been told to wait 20 minutes) ... for a car that turned out to be on sale and therefore unavailable. The agency having no other car we had to cancel our plans for the day. The reception was good, but the organization is not at all professional.
Maria Brunella Licchelli on Google

Rebeca Binda on Google

13/08/2018 Had a pre payed voucher from Brazil to rent a car and the Matera agency charged us twice without even telling us they were charging us. We were firstly told the amount registered on the credit card was a deposit when it actually was a real new charge for the car rental. Terrible customer service. Went back there to sort it out and one of the owners was more worried about the fact the agency just started it’s week holiday rather than help it’scustomers to have a pleasant holiday when in a different country. He tried to help but didn’t make many efforts sounding like he was doing us a favor. He didn’t even for the voucher document, what he was supposed to do as strictly written on the voucher. It’s amazing how some companies are used to give the worst customer service ever and always presume the customers are there to take advantage and not to just have the expected benefit of what we payed a lot for. Also, we requested an exchange of the car as one week before we rented a car much more appropriate to our necessities with the same kind of voucher (air conditioner working properly and a trunk with a size compatible to the type of car we rented) and instead of getting some help they were mocking on us saying ironic jokes in front of a lot of other customers and they all laughing at us. It’s a shame hertz doesn’t have a unique system to avoid misunderstandings and also offer a customer service that matches the reputation of such a recognised car rental company.

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