Farmacia Lughignani

4.8/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Farmacia Lughignani

Address :

Via V. Veneto, 28, 25038 Rovato BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9978
Postal code : 25038
Categories :
City : Rovato

Via V. Veneto, 28, 25038 Rovato BS, Italy
Gio Gio on Google

Gaetano Zaccareo on Google

Molto gentili
Very kind
Zulqurnain Mehdi on Google

Ottimo servizio
Excellent service
Marta Gatteri on Google

Le farmaciste sono gentili, attente e cordiali. Farmacia ben rifornita. Parcheggio antistante la farmacia.
The pharmacists are kind, attentive and friendly. Well stocked pharmacy. Parking in front of the pharmacy.
cristian Bolzoni on Google

Farmacia ottimamente fornita, dottoresse molto cordiali, professionali ed attente all’esigenza del cliente. Complimenti !
Well-stocked pharmacy, very friendly, professional and attentive to customer needs. Congratulations !
Sabrina Sala on Google

Anche se è un farmacia di frazione è fornitissimo, le dottoresse sono gentili e competenti, e se serve qualcosa cercano sempre di farlo arrivare il prima possibile.
Even if it is a pharmacy in the hamlet, it is well stocked, the doctors are kind and competent, and if you need something they always try to get it there as soon as possible.

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