Etschland Möbel

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Etschland Möbel

Address :

Via Roma, 22, 39014 Postal BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 39014
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Categories :
City : Postal

Via Roma, 22, 39014 Postal BZ, Italy
Monika Mathis on Google

Gehe ich sehr gerne rein, ein sehr schönes Mödelhaus, immer freundlich begrüßt und beraten von den Angestellten. Preise sind in Ordnung schöne Dekoration und Deko Artikel.
I like to go in, a very nice Mödelhaus, always warmly welcomed and advised by the staff. Prices are fine nice decoration and decorative items.
Fabian Gamper on Google

Schlechter Kundenservice und nicht zufriedenstellende Produkte. Vor 3 Monaten ein Bett gekauft, welches nach ununterbrochenem Lüften heute immer noch nach Lack und Leim stinkt. Nach einer Nachfrage im Geschäft war die Antwort, dass man ein Glas Milch ins Zimmer stellen soll damit der Gestank verschwindet. Von Rückgabe, Gutschein oder Austausch keine Spur. Total unprofessionelles Verhalten. Auf gar keinen Fall zu empfehlen!
Bad customer service and unsatisfactory products. Bought a bed 3 months ago, which still smells of varnish and glue after uninterrupted ventilation. After a question in the shop, the answer was that you should put a glass of milk in the room so that the stench would go away. No trace of returns, vouchers or exchanges. Totally unprofessional behavior. Definitely not to be recommended!

Un bellissimo negozio di mobili moltissima scelte di arredamento
Voll In Pension Vado in Pensione on Google

Nun ist sie ein Jahr alt, meine Nolte Küche. Ich blicke zurück und kann nur von guter Erfahrung berichten. Im Geschäft habe ich auch nachher noch interessante Artikel gekauft und werde dort auch immer freundlich und sachkundig beraten. Wilma R.
Now it's one year old, my Nolte kitchen. I look back and can only report good experiences. I bought interesting items in the shop afterwards and I always get friendly and knowledgeable advice there. Wilma R.
Hannes Gufler on Google

Komplette Küche planen und einbauen lassen. Es wurde mir eine Abzugshaube eingeplant, verkauft und eingebaut. Sie machte nach kurzer Zeit laute Schlaggeräusche und der Abzug funktionierte nicht. Die Antwort des Chefs war daraufhin: "Dass diese Abzugshaube viel zu stark für das Abzugsrohr wäre und ich das wissen müsste!" Es wurde mir nicht geholfen. Musste Hydrauliker, Gibser/Maler selber organisieren und blieb auf den Zusatzkosten sitzen. Zusätzlich wurde fälschlicherweise ein zu großes Waschbecken bestellt. Ich bemerkte den Fehler zum Glück noch vor der Montage. Der Chef wollte mir den Fehler zuschieben. Nach längeren Diskutieren wurde mir das richtige Waschbecken bestellt. Zu guter Letzt machte der Kühlschrank nach 4 Monaten komische Geräusche. Zu dem lies sich die Spühlmaschinentür nach 6 Monaten schwer schließen. Es kam heraus, dass beide Geräte eingesetzt wurden ohne sie festzuschrauben. Für diese Leistung wurde mir zum Glück keine Rechnung gestellt. Ungenügende Planung und Beratung. Kosten- und nervenaufreibend.
Plan and install a complete kitchen. An extractor hood was planned for me, sold and installed. After a short time it made loud knocking noises and the trigger did not work. The boss's answer was: "That this extractor hood would be far too strong for the exhaust pipe and that I should know that!" I was not helped. Had to organize hydraulic engineers, genders / painters themselves and was left with the additional costs. In addition, a washbasin that was too large was wrongly ordered. Fortunately, I noticed the error before assembly. The boss wanted to pass the mistake on to me. After a long discussion, I was ordered the right washbasin. Lastly, the refrigerator made strange noises after 4 months. In addition, the dishwasher door was difficult to close after 6 months. It turned out that both devices were inserted without screwing them down. Fortunately, I was not billed for this service. Insufficient planning and advice. Costly and nerve-wracking.
Timo Gierke on Google

Das vorsintflutliche Möbelhaus punktet mit großen Flächen und einer unterirdischen Produktqualität. Die Präsentation müsste es jedem renomierten Möbelhersteller von selbst verbieten hier Produkte auszustellen. Die Mitarbeiter tun mir leid. Schade, um dieses vergeudete Potenzial.
The antediluvian furniture store scores with large areas and sub-par product quality. The presentation would have to forbid every well-known furniture manufacturer to exhibit products here. I feel sorry for the staff. It's a shame about this wasted potential.
Cristina Laurenza on Google

Che dire! Ho fatto letteralmente "la corte" ad una cucina Nolte con elettrodomestici Miele e il mio sogno si è realizzato in questi giorni. Dalla vetrina di Etschlandmöbel, una cucina degna dei migliori chef stellati, è arrivata in casa mia! Bella... ma che dico: superlativa!!! Canavacciuolo sarebbe grigio dall'invidia. Il personale è stato gentilissimo sin dal primo momento e il signor Illmer un vero gentleman, che ha saputo darmi ogni consiglio pratico e funzionale. Grazie a tutto lo staff e complimenti
What to say! I literally "courted" a Nolte kitchen with Miele appliances and my dream has come true these days. From the showcase of Etschlandmöbel, a kitchen worthy of the best starred chefs, has arrived in my house! Beautiful ... but what am I saying: superlative !!! Canavacciuolo would be gray with envy. The staff was very kind from the first moment and Mr. Illmer a true gentleman, who was able to give me every practical and functional advice. Thanks to all the staff and congratulations
Moni Schroffy on Google

Qualche mese fa siamo stati da Etschland Möbel con l'obiettivo di acquistare una cucina. Fin da subito abbiamo avuto un ottima intesa con il titolare, che si è rivelato molto competente. Con un semplice disegno ha realizzato fin nei minimi particolari la nostra cucina, soddisfacendo in pieno le nostre esigenze. Altrettanta competenza e bravura è stata dimostrata nel montaggio della cucina, eseguito a regola d'arte e nei tempi stabiliti. Siamo rimasti molto contenti del servizio e sicuramente ritorneremo per i nostri futuri acquisti.
A few months ago we went to Etschland Möbel with the aim of buying a kitchen. We immediately had an excellent understanding with the owner, who proved to be very competent. With a simple design he has created our kitchen down to the smallest detail, fully satisfying our needs. Equal competence and skill was demonstrated in the assembly of the kitchen, performed in a workmanlike manner and within the established times. We were very happy with the service and will certainly return for our future purchases.

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