Elva Conti Guida Turistica Personale Firenze

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Elva Conti Guida Turistica Personale Firenze

Address :

50127 Firenze FI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +997989
Website : http://www.elvaconti.com/
Categories :
City : Firenze

50127 Firenze FI, Italy
Stefano Chianucci on Google

Che dire... ho avuto l'immensa fortuna di conoscere Elva tramite un'amica ed ho partecipato a diversi suoi tour! Elva è una guida bravissima, potrebbe parlare per ore e io rimarrei sempre ad ascoltarla perché è preparata, si sa adeguare sempre al suo pubblico, sa interessare adulti e ragazzi più giovani. Ho partecipato con lei anche a guide in francese e mi sono divertito da morire. Da lei si imparano sempre tante cose ma è come uscire con un'amica di vecchia data e nei suoi tour c'è sempre una bellissima atmosfera anche fra persone che non si conoscono perché è Elva a crearla! Un esempio perfetto della bravura e della capacità di una guida italiana, del luogo, certificata! Non affidatevi a guide che non vivono a Firenze, wikipedia ve la potete leggere da soli! Prendete una guida del luogo come Elva! Non ve ne pentirete MAI!
What about ... I had the great fortune to know Elva through a friend and I attended several of his tour! Elva is a very good guide, she could talk for hours and I would always listen to her because she is prepared, she always knows how to adapt to her audience, she knows how to interest adults and younger children. I participated with her also guides in French and I had fun as hell. From her they learn so many things but it's like hanging out with an old friend and his tour there is always a great atmosphere, even among people who do not know because it is Elva create it! A perfect example of the skill and ability of an Italian guide of the place, certified! Do not trust guides who do not live in Florence, wikipedia there you can read it yourself! Take a guide of the place as Elva! You will not regret EVER!
marcodigre1 on Google

Un' esperienza Indimenticabile Elva!! Elva oltre ad essere molto preparata culturalmente sulla città di Firenze, sa rendere la visita guidata frizzante e avvincente, non vi annoierete mai; se poi avrete il piacere di passare più tempo con lei durante il giorno, vi farà scoprire un aspetto di Firenze altrettanto entusiasmante: cibo e vino!
An unforgettable experience Elva !! Elva, besides being very culturally prepared for the city of Florence, knows how to make the guided tour sparkling and exciting, you will never get bored; if then you will have the pleasure of spending more time with her during the day, you will discover an equally exciting aspect of Florence: food and wine!
Sylvie Moissonnier on Google

Nous avons visité la Galerie des Offices avec Elva le 19 avril. Quel plaisir de découvrir ces oeuvres magnifiques lors d'une visite aussi parfaitement menée ! Elva est passionnée et passionnante et nous avons passé un formidable moment. Ses connaissances pointues et son humour ont accompagné la visite durant toute la matinée ; trois heures qui ont pourtant passé très vite, tant Elva a su nous captiver et intéresser tout notre petit groupe ! Pétillante, drôle, chaleureuse et charmante, Elva a été parfaite et nous a permis de profiter pleinement de ce voyage dans l'histoire de la peinture italienne. Sans oublier, pour terminer, des conseils de bonnes adresses pour savourer une délicieuse glace ... Nous recommandons vivement de contacter Elva pour des visites florentines absolument inoubliables. Encore merci pour tout, Elva ! Sylvie, Benjamin & Serge
We visited the Uffizi Gallery with Elva on April 19th. What a pleasure to discover these magnificent works during such a perfectly conducted visit! Elva is passionate and exciting and we had a great time. His in-depth knowledge and his humor accompanied the visit throughout the morning; three hours which nevertheless passed very quickly, so much Elva knew how to captivate us and interest all our small group! Sparkling, funny, warm and charming, Elva was perfect and allowed us to fully enjoy this journey into the history of Italian painting. Not to mention, to finish, advice on good addresses to enjoy a delicious ice cream ... We highly recommend contacting Elva for absolutely unforgettable Florentine tours. Thanks again for everything, Elva! Sylvie, Benjamin & Serge
Maredi on Google

Elva guida frizzante, competente ed empatica! Piacevole visita al Battistero e all' Opera del Duomo!!!
Elva sparkling, knowledgeable and empathetic guide! Pleasant visit to the Baptistery and the Opera del Duomo !!!
Alessandra Andreani on Google

Ho incontrato Elva per una visita guidata di Famiglia ed è stata un'esperienza assolutamente indimenticabile! Elva è competente, professionale ma è anche molto divertente e sa rendere i partecipi i ragazzi! Si sa con la famiglia spesso è difficile fare anche solo una passeggiata nel centro storico spiegando dove siamo, i nomi dei palazzi, delle vie e magari cercando di coinvolgere i più giovani ad entusiasmarsi per un bel museo ma ecco che Elva con i suoi percorsi e con la sua disponibilità ti vengono in soccorso per regalarti un'emozione fiorentina indimenticabile! Bè, ora sono tempi duri per tutti ma consiglio di fare una visita guidata con Elva, anche solo una passeggiata 'storica', (anche voi fiorentini, eh!) perché c'è sempre tanto da imparare e "la bellezza salverà il mondo".
I met Elva for a Family guided tour and it was an absolutely unforgettable experience! Elva is competent, professional but she is also a lot of fun and knows how to make the kids participate! We know with the family it is often difficult to even take a walk in the historic center explaining where we are, the names of the buildings, the streets and maybe trying to involve the youngest to get excited about a nice museum but here is Elva with her paths and with his availability they come to your rescue to give you an unforgettable Florentine emotion! Well, now these are hard times for everyone but I recommend taking a guided tour with Elva, even just a 'historical' walk, (you Florentines too, eh!) Because there is always so much to learn and "beauty will save the world" .
Baptiste Godvin on Google

Nous avons fait appel à Elva pour une visite en famille à Florence. Elva est ponctuelle, super sympa et a adapté la visite pour les enfants. Excellentes connaissances historiques, un français au top et on a eu droit de découvrir des endroits et des anecdotes insolites. Merci beaucoup pour la visite, toute la famille a beaucoup apprécié!
We called on Elva for a family visit to Florence. Elva is punctual, super nice and has adapted the visit for children. Excellent historical knowledge, a French at the top and we had the right to discover places and unusual anecdotes. Thank you very much for the visit, the whole family enjoyed it a lot!
Hervé Buntinx on Google

Pétillante, joviale, passionnante, Elva est LA guide à choisir si l'on veut partir à la découverte de Florence ! C'est une oeuvre d'art parmi toutes les autres oeuvres d'art.
Sparkling, jovial, fascinating, Elva is THE guide to choose if you want to discover Florence! It is a work of art among all other works of art.
herve BELLEUDY on Google

Point d orgue de notre beau voyage en Toscane, Elva nous a fait découvrir Florence et sa grande histoire, son architecture, mais aussi ses côtés insolites qui font la vie de cette belle cité. Quelle chance aussi d' avoir pu, le lendemain, parcourir à ses côté la Galerie des Offices avec mille et une explications sur la vie de la noblesse des artistes et de l'art. Nous étions douze amis avides de savoir et de questions et Evla nous a fait partager ses connaissances avec humour, passion et gentillesse .
The high point of our beautiful trip to Tuscany, Elva made us discover Florence and its great history, its architecture, but also its unusual sides which make the life of this beautiful city. How fortunate also to have been able, the next day, to browse the Uffizi Gallery by his side with a thousand and one explanations on the life of the nobility of artists and art. We were twelve friends eager to know and ask questions and Evla shared her knowledge with us with humor, passion and kindness.

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