Dott. Valerio Ramieri - Chirurgo Maxillofacciale

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dott. Valerio Ramieri - Chirurgo Maxillofacciale

Address :

Via Nomentana, 311, 00198 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99998
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City : Roma

Via Nomentana, 311, 00198 Roma RM, Italy
Livia Patta on Google

Per me è il Dott. Ramieri è il migliore. Di grande esperienza, competente e attento e allo stesso tempo empatico, umano e calmo. Un approccio raro tra i medici talentuosi! Siamo andati dal Dott. Ramieri per mia figlia, per un’estrazione di un dente da latte che creava problemi al dente che stava spuntando. Mia figlia era molto preoccupata ma il dottore ha fatto l’intervento rapidamente e efficacemente, con grande competenza tecnica, dialogando tutto il tempo con la bambina e mettendola a suo agio. Meglio di così, impossibile. Per problemi di dentatura non voglio vedere nessun altro! :)
For me it is Dr. Ramieri is the best. Highly experienced, competent and attentive and at the same time empathetic, humane and calm. A rare approach among talented doctors! We went to Dr. Ramieri for my daughter, for an extraction of a milk tooth that was causing problems with the tooth that was emerging. My daughter was very worried but the doctor carried out the surgery quickly and effectively, with great technical competence, talking all the time with the child and putting her at ease. Better than that, impossible. For tooth problems I don't want to see anyone else! :)
alberto marino s. on Google

Complimenti al dottor Ramieri e a tutto il suo staff per serietà e professionalità. Appena entrato nello studio mi sono subito sentito a mio agio, sono stato visitato e mi sono state illustrate le varie possibilità terapeutiche. Il dottore mi ha rassicurato e ha richiesto degli esami più specifici. Vedremo come proseguirà la cosa ma per adesso mi sento di consigliarlo a chiunque abbia problematiche del distretto oro-facciale.
Congratulations to Dr. Ramieri and all his staff for their seriousness and professionalism. As soon as I entered the office, I immediately felt at ease, I was examined and the various therapeutic possibilities were explained to me. The doctor reassured me and requested more specific tests. We will see how it will continue but for now I feel I can recommend it to anyone with problems in the orofacial area.
Gabriele Mazzenga on Google

Mi sono operato circa 4 mesi fa per correggere una terza classe con il dottor Ramieri e non posso che consigliarlo a chiunque abbia il mio stesso problema. Oltre alla sua capacità di metterti a proprio agio sin dalla prima visita, ho apprezzato tantissimo l'entusiasmo che trasuda da tutti i pori, quello di chi ha il giusto mix di esperienza e gioventù. Ed è stato proprio questo mix che mi ha spinto a scegliere lui, con la convinzione che avrei ottenuto un ottimo risultato e, al tempo stesso, che sarei andato incontro a un post-peratorio il più leggero possibile, al passo con quanto garantito dalle più recenti innovazioni in campo di chirurgia maxillo-facciale. A posteriori posso dire oggi che le mie convinzioni sono state totalmente rispettate e rifarei questa scelta altre 100 volte. Grazie a te Doc e a tutta la tua affiatatissima equipe!
I had an operation about 4 months ago to correct a third class with Dr. Ramieri and I can only recommend it to anyone who has the same problem as me. In addition to his ability to put you at ease from the first visit, I really appreciated the enthusiasm that exudes from all pores, that of those who have the right mix of experience and youth. And it was precisely this mix that prompted me to choose him, with the conviction that I would have obtained an excellent result and, at the same time, that I would have gone through a post-operative procedure as light as possible, in step with what is guaranteed by the most recent innovations in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In retrospect I can say today that my beliefs have been fully respected and I would make this choice another 100 times. Thanks to you Doc and all your close-knit team!
Consigli Trans on Google

Mi sono operata col dott. Ramieri due settimane fa per una ridefinizione e aumento della mandibola con protesi dopo un precedente intervento di limatura mascella da un altro chirurgo mal riuscito. Mi sono trovata benissimo e, cosa molto importante, sono felicissima del risultato che mi ha ridato una linea della mascella piu' definita e cambiato in meglio la forma del viso. Non ho avuto nessun tipo di dolore tant'e che il giorno dopo l'intervento stavo gia' al parco con i miei cani.... Consiglio fortemente a tutti.
I operated on with dr. Ramieri two weeks ago for a redefinition and augmentation of the mandible with prosthesis after a previous jaw filing by another unsuccessful surgeon. I had a great time and, very importantly, I am delighted with the result which gave me a more defined jaw line and changed the shape of my face for the better. I didn't have any kind of pain so much so that the day after the surgery I was already in the park with my dogs .... I strongly recommend to everyone.
Alessandro Massa on Google

Mi sono recato circa un paio di mesi fa dal Dott Ramieri per l'estrazione di tre denti del giudizio. L'intervento e' stato svolto in ambulatorio in un'unica seduta. Sono contento di aver eseguito le estrazioni presso un chirurgo maxillo-facciale, in quanto il Dott Valerio con la sua competenza e' stato in grado di portare a termine con ottimo risultato l'intervento, con la ricostruzione del lembo in una delle tre estrazioni.Sono stato seguito con disponibilita' prima durante e dopo l'operazione. Consigliatissimo.
I went to Dr. Ramieri about a couple of months ago for the extraction of three wisdom teeth. The operation was carried out in the clinic in a single session. I am happy to have performed the extractions at a maxillofacial surgeon, as Dr. Valerio with his expertise was able to complete the surgery with excellent results, with the reconstruction of the flap in one of the three extractions. I was followed up with availability before, during and after the operation. Highly recommended.
Sami Hyytiäinen on Google

I had a consultation with dr. Valerio Ramieri regarding the BIMAX with CCWr. My experience with him was very good. He took his time (was not in a hurry) to explain what is possible and feasible in my case. He had analyzed my CBCT scan in beforehand and used it during the consultation. He seemed very knowledgeable and honest. I highly recommend you to consult with this surgeon. He was also very familiar with custom PEEK implants. I felt comfortable with him.
Gaia S on Google

My experience with Dr Ramieri as an international patient from the UK has been amazing from start to finish. I recently underwent his pioneering "face makeover" procedure which involved a bsso + lefort 1 + genioplasty + rhinoplasty + custom infraorbital malar implants in peek all with a submental intubation and the results have been absolutely amazing. All of which was coordinated remotely as an E-patient, my orthodontist based in London, UK would coordinate with Dr Ramieri the plan and we would discuss together directly via Instant Messaging how things will go. This allowed all my queries to be answered directly and immediately by Dr Ramieri at anytime and gives you that reassurance you are his priority. This truly is the future of medical tourism. I feel his clinic and team is a hidden gem in the field of aesthetics that continues to grow and expand. One thing you will appreciate here, it feels as though you are friend they are trying to help, they want you to achieve to be the best version of yourself and will take the time to invest in you, which is rare to find.
Andrea Volpini on Google

I wanted to thank Dr. Ramieri for performing a flash surgery on my five-year-old daughter with unprecedented expertise and empathy. We were in and out in no time; the doctor clarified the surgery steps to both of us, creating an instant atmosphere of trust. In literally 20 minutes, he saved my child from a potential nightmare—a top-notch choice for any young patient having trouble with teeth, maxillofacial, and smiles.

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