Dott. Götz Lehle

4.4/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Dott. Götz Lehle

Address :

Viale Ludovico Ariosto, 24b, 50124 Firenze FI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Firenze

Viale Ludovico Ariosto, 24b, 50124 Firenze FI, Italy
Elisabetta Russotto on Google

Chiara Valdiserri on Google

Mi hanno consigliato il dott. Lehle Gòtz per risolvere i miei dolori e blocchi alla schiena . Sono andata da lui piegata dal dolore e sono uscita dopo circa 1 ora ..dritta e senza male ... non ci potevo credere !!! È una una persona gentile , competente e preparatissima, con cui ho instaurato da subito un rapporto di fiducia e che ,in una seduta , mi fa passare il problema ed il dolore che sarebbe scomparso in settimane di medicine e punture . Da quando vado da lui non sono più rimasta a letto per settimane con la schiena bloccata ; mi succede ancora di avere ogni tanto dolore ,ma dopo un paio di sedute .. tutto passa !! Non posso che consigliarlo .!!
The dr. Lehle Gòtz to solve my back pains and blockages. I went to him with pain and I left after about 1 hour .. straight and without trouble ... I couldn't believe it !!! She is a kind, competent and well-trained person, with whom I immediately established a relationship of trust and who, in a session, makes me pass the problem and the pain that would have disappeared in weeks of medicine and bites. I haven't been in bed for weeks with my back blocked since I go to him; it still happens to me that I have pain from time to time, but after a couple of sessions .. everything passes! I can only recommend it. !!
Sharnie Williamson on Google

Nel 2012/2013, sono stata trattato per la prima volta dal dott. Götz Lehle a Pontassieve dopo essere caduto dalle scale. Dopo la prima sessione, sono migliorata dell'80%, in grado di camminare normalmente e di funzionare bene. Sono andata ancora due volte e ho avuto il massimo raggio di movimento in seguito. Poi presi mia bambina di 2 anni (che era nato con labbro leporino e il palato) a lui per il trattamento cranico. Avevamo lavorato con un'altra praticante per mia figlia, ma lei piangeva e si dimenava per andarsene. Mia figlia era l'opposto di Dr Lehle e lui era in grado di lavorare bene con lei. Ho anche portato mia madre da lui che zoppicava dopo un infortunio calcistico e dopo 2-3 sessioni, è stata in grado di tornare in Australia e giocare di nuovo a calcio. Consiglio vivamente il dott. Lehle per infortuni sportivi, traumi e trattamento cranico. ---------------------------- In 2012/2013, I was first treated by Dr. Götz Lehle in Pontassieve after I had fallen down stairs. After the first session, I was 80% better, able to walk normally and function well. I went a further two times and had maximum range of movement afterwards. I then took my child of 2 years (who was born with a cleft lip and palate) to him for cranial treatment. We had worked with another practitioner for my daughter, but she would cry and wriggle to get away. My daughter was the opposite with Dr Lehle and he was able to work well with her. I also took my mother to him who was limping after a football injury and after 2-3 sessions, she was able to return to Australia and play football again. I would highly recommend Dr Lehle for sports injuries, trauma and cranial treatment.
In 2012/2013, I was treated for the first time by dr. Götz Lehle in Pontassieve after falling from the stairs. After the first session, I improved by 80%, able to walk normally and function well. I went two more times and had the maximum range of movement afterwards. Then I took my 2 year old girl (who was born with cleft lip and palate) to him for head treatment. We had worked with another practitioner for my daughter, but she cried and struggled to leave. My daughter was the opposite of Dr Lehle and he was able to work well with her. I also brought my mother to him who limped after a football injury and after 2-3 sessions, she was able to return to Australia and play football again. I highly recommend dr. Lehle for sports injuries, trauma and cranial treatment. ---------------------------- In 2012/2013, I was first treated by Dr. Götz Lehle in Pontassieve after I had fallen down stairs. After the first session, I was 80% better, able to walk normally and function well. I went a further two times and had maximum range of movement afterwards. I then took my child of 2 years (who was born with a cleft lip and palate) to him for cranial treatment. We had worked with another practitioner for my daughter, but she would cry and wriggle to get away. My daughter was the opposite with Dr Lehle and he was able to work well with her. I also took my mother to him who was limping after a football injury and after 2-3 sessions, she was able to return to Australia and play football again. I would highly recommend Dr Lehle for sports injuries, trauma and cranial treatment.
Elisa Ragli on Google

La visita è molto costosa ( 150 euro ) e nel mio caso non ha risolto nulla. Mi sono rivolta per un mal di testa e tale è rimasto dicendo che forse sono i denti. Sono stata però in passato pure da un dentista specializzato in postura il quale ha escluso fosse derivante da quello. Considerando che costa più del prezzo di una visita con un primario ospedaliero in intramoenia a careggi , meglio andare altrove secondo me.
The visit is very expensive (150 euros) and in my case it did not solve anything. I turned around for a headache and it remained so saying that maybe it's the teeth. However, in the past I have also been to a dentist who specializes in posture which he excluded it was derived from that. Considering that it costs more than the price of a visit with a primary hospital in intramoenia in careggi, it is better to go elsewhere in my opinion.
Judith Grove on Google

Dr. Lehle is the most incredibly thorough diagnostician I have ever experienced. His unique and brilliant perspectives on the body will make you very happy you chose this office!!

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