Dimensione Sicilia Incoming Operator

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dimensione Sicilia Incoming Operator

Address :

Via Vampolieri, 8/A, 95022 Aci Catena CT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9977
Postal code : 95022
Website : https://www.dimensionesicilia.com/
Categories :
City : Aci Catena

Via Vampolieri, 8/A, 95022 Aci Catena CT, Italy
Valentina La Rosa on Google

Personale sempre disponibile, sin dai primi contatti e le prime richieste. Professionalità ed ottima organizzazione. Super consigliato per viaggi ed escursioni in Sicilia!
Staff always available, from the first contacts and the first requests. Professionalism and excellent organization. Super recommended for trips and excursions in Sicily!
guial az on Google

Une excursion à Panarea et Stromboli qui s'est bien passée mais grosse incomprehension concernant le prix de l'excursion qui était plus élevé que d'autre qui faisait la même chose que nous à une différence prêt...30 euros. Par ailleurs, une réponse le 14 août aurait pu être sympas pour nous prévenir du changement d'heure ..mail et appel téléphonique mais pas de réponses. On me dit que c'est la compagnie de bateau qui n'a pas prévenu, je veux bien mais dans ce cas là, un peu d'insistance aurait été judicieux. Déçu du prix, du service de communication et de la prise en charge qui fut très loin de notre camping. A comparer avec d'autres agences avant de se lancer dans l'aventure Stromboli avec dimsitour...
An excursion to Panarea and Stromboli which went well but big misunderstanding concerning the price of the excursion which was higher than other which did the same thing as us with a difference ready ... 30 euros. In addition, an answer on August 14 could have been nice to warn us of the change of time ..mail and phone call but no answers. I am told that it is the boat company that did not warn, I agree but in this case, a little insistence would have been advisable. Disappointed with the price, the communication service and the support that was very far from our campsite. To compare with other agencies before embarking on the Stromboli adventure with dimsitour ...
anardiaries on Google

No la recomiendo, una pérdida de tiempo y tomadura de pelo. Daría mi opinión sobre una excursión si hubiera podido hacerla, pero no pude gracias a su pésimo servicio y atención. Contacté con esta agencia debido a las buenas opiniones, lamentablemente yo no he tenido la misma experiencia con dos de sus trabajadoras. Especialmente con Ottavia, mi primer mensaje fue el 29 de septiembre preguntando si era posible que una excursión que ofrecía recogida en el hotel se pudiera hacer desde Palermo. Ottavia me respondió al día siguiente confirmando que era posible y preguntando qué cuantos seríamos y la fecha de nuestro viaje. Le respondí al día siguiente (sábado) explicándole todos los detalles, que estaríamos del 1 al 7 y que me gustaría realizar la excursión el jueves 05 de la semana siguiente y preguntándole información concreta sobre precio y condiciones para contratar la excursión. Su respuesta se demoró hasta el martes 3 pudiendo haber contestado el lunes, no solo fue una respuesta en la que ignoraba las preguntas que le había realizado sino que me preguntó si teníamos coche de alquiler y me ofreció la posibilidad de reservar un transporte privado . Si tuviera coche de alquiler para llegar no le estaría preguntando si es posible que me recojan en mi hotel de Palermo y si ya me informó de que era posible no tiene sentido que me hable de reservar un transporte privado, lo cual me hace pensar que no presta atención al contenido de los mails de sus clientes. Aún así le respondo y le indico de nuevo que quería realizar la excursión el jueves. Su respuesta ? Que la excursión no tiene plazas el jueves, y que no sabe el viernes, que podríamos mirarlo nosotros mismos en Milazzo y que podría mirar para la semana que viene. Es decir hace una semana le digo el día que me gustaría hacer la excursión y le pido detalles e información, responde tarde, de forma vaga no da información y ahora me dice no solo que no se puede el día que le dije hace una semana sino que para el día siguiente no lo sabe y que lo comprobemos nosotros mismos en Milazzo, vamos que me organice la excursión yo y que si lo hace ella lo hace la semana siguiente que sabe que no estamos ya en Sicilia. De risa. Además hoy mismo llamamos para ver si alguna otra trabajadora era más competente que Ottavia, quedaron en llamarnos para informarnos de las plazas disponibles para realizar la excursión, no nos llamaron. Conclusión pésimo servicio, escasa profesionalidad, no leen los mails de sus clientes ni les prestan atención y nos quedamos sin realizar la excursión a Panarea y Stromboli gracias a ellos. Adjunto por si alguien quiere comprobar la veracidad de mi review la atención recibida vía email. En respuesta al comentario de dimensione sicilia Dimensione Sicilia - Dimsi yo también lamento su indisponibilidad para leer las fechas de nuestra estancia y para informar de las excursiones del jueves y viernes, aunque supongo que como no había plazas a otras personas si les informaron. También lamento su indisponibilidad para llamar por teléfono cuando dijeron que lo harían y para dar información y responder a las preguntas de los emails. Y también lamento que ofrezcan en su web excursiones a las islas para los jueves y los domingos y que luego no sepan el día que se realizan. Es mejor reconocer que hubo un fallo de atención o que estaban saturados que intentar justificar lo injustificable y por ello no creo que haya próxima vez. Un saludo
I do not recommend it, a waste of time and tease. I would give my opinion on an excursion if I could have done it, but I couldn't thanks to its lousy service and attention. I contacted this agency because of the good opinions, unfortunately I have not had the same experience with two of their workers. Especially with Ottavia, my first message was on September 29 asking if it was possible that an excursion offering hotel pick-up could be done from Palermo. Ottavia responded the next day confirming that it was possible and asking how many we would be and the date of our trip. I responded the next day (Saturday) explaining all the details, that we would be from 1 to 7 and that I would like to make the excursion on Thursday 05 of the following week and asking for specific information about price and conditions to hire the excursion. His response was delayed until Tuesday 3 and he could have answered Monday, not only was it an answer in which he ignored the questions he had asked but he asked me if we had a rental car and offered me the possibility to book a private transport. If I had a rental car to arrive I would not be asking if it is possible to pick me up at my hotel in Palermo and if you already informed me that it was possible it makes no sense to talk to me about booking a private transport, which makes me think not Pay attention to the content of your clients' mails. Still, I answer and tell him again that I wanted to take the tour on Thursday. Your answer ? That the excursion has no places on Thursday, and that it doesn't know on Friday, that we could look at it ourselves in Milazzo and that we could look for next week. That is to say a week ago I tell you the day that I would like to do the excursion and I ask for details and information, respond late, vaguely does not give information and now it tells me not only that you can not the day I told you a week ago but that for the next day he does not know it and that we check it ourselves in Milazzo, we will organize the excursion myself and that if she does it the following week she knows that we are not already in Sicily. Laughing Also today we called to see if any other worker was more competent than Ottavia, they stayed to call us to inform us of the places available for the excursion, they did not call us. Conclusion lousy service, poor professionalism, do not read the mails of their customers or pay attention to them and we remain without making the trip to Panarea and Stromboli thanks to them. Attached in case someone wants to check the truth of my review the attention received via email. In response to the comment of dimensione Sicily Dimensione Sicilia - Dimsi I also regret your unavailability to read the dates of our stay and to inform the excursions on Thursday and Friday, although I suppose there were no places for other people if they were informed. I also regret their unavailability to call on the phone when they said they would and to give information and answer questions from emails. And I also regret that they offer on their website excursions to the islands for Thursdays and Sundays and then do not know the day they are made. It is better to recognize that there was a failure of attention or that they were saturated than to try to justify the unjustifiable and for that reason I do not believe that there is next time. a greeting
Martina Allora on Google

Organizzazione ottima! Il tour di 8 giorni ci ha permesso di scoprire vari angoli di questa bellissima regione. Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di avere una guida eccellente: Antonella. Una professionista molto preparata e di una gentilezza squisita. Unico consiglio: dare l'opzione di scegliere se avere i pasti inclusi (purtroppo, devo essere onesta, con i menù fissi e i locali scelti non abbiamo assaporato delle prelibatezze...). Comunque consigliatissimo!!
Excellent organization! The 8 day tour allowed us to discover various corners of this beautiful region. We were lucky enough to have an excellent guide: Antonella. A very prepared professional and an exquisite kindness. Only advice: give the option to choose whether to have meals included (unfortunately, I must be honest, with the set menus and the places chosen we have not tasted any delicacies ...). However highly recommended !!
Sergio Rosi on Google

Ho visitato Palermo con la guida turistica Simone Faraone. Non si può visitare Palermo o la Sicilia senza avere l'ausilio di questo giovane ragazzo. Persona colta, preparatissimo, gentile, educato e sempre disponibile. Con lui il tour di Palermo è stato veramente un piacere, ci ha fatto vedere una città che grazie alle sue spiegazioni si è rivelata fantastica. Lo consigliero' vivamente ai miei amici che scenderanno in Sicilia, e lo richiedero' tassativamente la prossima volta che verrò a visitare la meravigliosa Sicilia. Grazie ancora di cuore a Simone per la sua competenza e bravura. A presto
I visited Palermo with the tour guide Simone Faraone. You cannot visit Palermo or Sicily without having the help of this young boy. Cultured person, very well prepared, kind, polite and always available. With him the tour of Palermo was truly a pleasure, he showed us a city that, thanks to his explanations, turned out to be fantastic. I will highly recommend it to my friends who will come to Sicily, and I will strictly request it the next time I come to visit the wonderful Sicily. Thanks again to Simone for his competence and skill. See you soon
Valeria Segantin on Google

Tour organizzato benissimo con guide preparatissime. Grazie ad Angela e Ivan e a Valeria dell' agenzia
Very well organized tour with highly trained guides. Thanks to Angela and Ivan and to Valeria of the agency
Rita Lodesani on Google

Partner insostituibile per i nostri viaggi di gruppo in Sicilia. Programmi cuciti in maniera sartoriale sulle nostre esigenze, con disponibilità a risolvere eventuali inghippi normalissimi nella programmazione dei gruppi! Grazie davvero. Continuate così!
Irreplaceable partner for our group travels in Sicily. Programs tailored to our needs, with a willingness to solve any normal problems in the programming of groups! Thank you very much. Keep it up!
Bada Ging on Google

8 Day tour was GREAT! Great personnel from start to finish. These folks know how to get it done!

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