Church of St. Andrew the Apostle

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Church of St. Andrew the Apostle

Address :

Piazza F. Ruffa, 4, 89861 Parghelia VV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 89861
Website :
Categories :
City : Parghelia

Piazza F. Ruffa, 4, 89861 Parghelia VV, Italy
Floriano Maffi on Google

pasquale gabriele galantini on Google

Maria Luisa Loiacono on Google

Bellissima chiesa
Beautiful church
Capitan Pollo on Google

Una normale chiesa per cristiani normali.
A normal church for normal Christians.
Gina Festa on Google

Una chiesetta di Tropea dove fermarsi per meditare e dire una preghiera.
A small church in Tropea where you can stop to meditate and say a prayer.
Ronny Boesger on Google

Schöne Kirche, schlicht aber sehr schön. Einen Besuch wert.
Nice church, simple but very nice. Worth a visit.
Lech Rydzkowski on Google

Kościół jest zadbany, ładnie wykończony, bez zbędnego przepychu. Bardzo ciekawe msze z chrztem.
The church is well-kept, nicely finished, without unnecessary splendor. Very interesting masses with baptism.
Francesco Barritta on Google

Chiesa ben tenuta e molto bella. Ideale per le cerimonie. Durante il giorno di Sant'Andrea, si tiene una grande festa in paese e, dal campanile della chiesa, vengono gettate giù le castagne. Una tradizione antica che si rinnova ogni anno.
Well maintained and very beautiful church. Ideal for ceremonies. During the day of Sant'Andrea, a big party is held in the village and chestnuts are thrown down from the church tower. An ancient tradition that is renewed every year.

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