Chiesa Rupestre di Santa Margherita

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Contact Chiesa Rupestre di Santa Margherita

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Mottola, SP28, 74017 Mottola TA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999887
Postal code : 74017
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City : Mottola

Mottola, SP28, 74017 Mottola TA, Italy
gianfausto maraglino on Google


gloriana aloisio on Google

Luoghi che meritano cura e attenzione.
Places that deserve care and attention.
Mariano D'Ambrosio on Google

Chiesa rupestre nelle campagne di Mottola raggiungibile moto enduro o mtb
Rock church in the countryside of Mottola reachable by enduro motorbike or mtb
Maurizio Campanelli on Google

Chiesa rupestre ricca di affreschi. Visitabile sotto la guida del locale Infopoint.
Rock church rich in frescoes. Visitable under the guidance of the local Infopoint.
Rocco Digregorio on Google

Si tratta di una chiesa rupestre ,intrinsa di importante cultura preistorica,immersa nel parco naturale regionale della terra delle gravine, che mette in risalto al visitatore l'aspetto religioso dell'uomo vissuto nel periodo a.c..La chiesa è interamente ricavata in una grotta di tufo, ed è inserita nello scenario della murgia mottolese, assieme ad altre chiese rupestri, anch'esse ricavate in grotte di tufo ,dette anche " le grotte di Dio "
It is a rupestrian church, intrinsic to an important prehistoric culture, immersed in the regional natural park of the land of ravines, which highlights the religious aspect of the man lived in the ac period. The church is entirely carved out of a cave tufo, and is included in the scenario of the Murgia area, together with other rock churches, also obtained in tuff caves, also called "the caves of God"
Pato on Google

Muy bonita dentro del circuito conocido como "Las grutas de Dios". Para visitarla hay que ponerse en contacto con la Delegación de Turismo de la ciudad, porque solo se puede hacer mediante visita guiada.Personalmente me pareció un desastre la gestión:estuve en contacto con ellos meses antes y al final, resultó que tienes que poder ir el día exacto y a la hora exacta que ellos pueden (que varía según lo que me dijeron), y si no sois el número suficiente de personas consideran que no te llevan. Una vergüenza. Consejo: aseguraos de ir con ellos, porque está todo cerrado y solo puedes ver algo desde lejos. "Supuestos horarios": Nov-Marzo: 10, 12, 14 /Abril-Junio: 9, 11, 14, 16 /Jul-Agosto: 9, 11, 16, 18 Sept-Oct: 9,11,14.30, 16.30 En medio de una vegetación salvaje, está la pequeña caverna subterránea, probablemente destinada a fines funerarios.Unos pilares dividen la cuenca en dos naves con un ábside. En el fondo del primer ábside hay un altar apoyado contra la pared y en la otra habitación se encuentran restos de otros dos altares. Está dedicada a Santa Margarita, imagen pintada al fresco en el pilar frente a la entrada. (Una de las pocas imágenes que se pueden ver si acudes de manera particular desde el exterior). Margarita de Antiochia de Pisidia, fue durante la Edad Media, protectora de las mujeres embarazadas. Está encerrada en un arco, como un icono de madera, ricamente decorado con un vestido opulento bizantino, decorado con círculos y folletos, los bordes enriquecidos con bordados en forma de diamante, y el abrigo bordeado con cuentas y un motivo cruzado. Una rica corona descansa sobre el cabello ondulado. Sostiene la cruz en alto en su mano derecha. Se convirtió en uno de los mejores ejemplos de la producción pictórica provincial de Apulia en el período de la dinastía imperial bizantina del Comneni (S.XII), probablemente influenciado de modelos de origen balcánico. En la pared izquierda está San Antonio Abad y la representación del milagro de S.Nicolás, probablemente entre los S.XIII-XIV, único ejemplo de pintura rupestre en toda la Puglia que ilustra el milagro del Santo, milagro que se hizo famoso por Dante Alighieri, que lo menciona en la Divina Comedia. Junto él, el Arcángel San Miguel atribuible al período angevino (S.XIII-XIV), representado en traje imperial, con una lanza y un globo celeste con la inscripción "Cristo gana". Hay también una representación de la Virgen, sobre un trono con el Niño en brazos, probablemente del S.XIV, muy dañada. Un tríptico que representa a San Lorenzo, San Marcos evangelista y un Santo Obispo anónimo.Junto a él está San Jorge en caballo junto al dragón, con una túnica con puntos blancos, que probablemente representen la malla metálica de la armadura. En el ábside, un Pantocrátor del S.XIV, bendiciendo, con el libro sagrado abierto, con la inscripción " EGO SVM LVX MVMVNDI; QUI SEQUITUR NO AMBULAT IN TENEBRIS". Junto a Él, la Virgen y San Juan Bautista. Junto al Bautista se ve una de las raras representaciones de la Virgen de la Lactancia, probablemente del S.XIV, muy arruinada. En el arco que conduce a la segunda habitación están dos de los frescos más antiguos: Santa Margarita, del S.XII, y el Arcángel Miguel, icono puramente de estilo bizantino (S.XII). Las tablas pintadas al fresco, de los S.XIII-XIV, continúan con la historia del Martirio (muy arruinadas por el moho), hecho famoso en la Edad Media por la Leyenda Dorada de Jacopo da Varagine. Estas escenas solo se conservan en esta cripta y en la Iglesia de Sant'Antonio en Laterza Marina. Está representado San Demetrio: primer obispo de Tesalónica. Le sigue un fresco de San Esteban del S.XIV, con ricas decoraciones en forma de diamante sosteniendo el libro y el incensario. También hay un Cristo monocromático de medio cuerpo con la inscripción IC XC, en rojo ocre, sentado, sosteniendo el pergamino de la ley con su mano izquierda y bendiciendo. Es bastante probable que se trate de un dibujo preparatorio de un fresco que ha quedado sin terminar, del S.XIII-XIV.
Very beautiful within the circuit known as "Las Grutas de Dios". To visit it you have to contact the Tourism Delegation of the city, because it can only be done through a guided tour. Personally I found the management a disaster: I was in contact with them months before and at the end, it turned out that you have to be able to go the exact day and the exact time that they can (which varies according to what they told me), and if you are not enough, people consider that they are not taking you. A shame. Tip: make sure you go with them, because it's all closed and you can only see something from afar. "Time assumptions": Nov-March: 10, 12, 14 / April-June: 9, 11, 14, 16 / Jul-August: 9, 11, 16, 18 Sept-Oct: 9,11,14.30, 16.30 In the middle of wild vegetation, there is the small underground cavern, probably destined for funeral purposes. Some pillars divide the basin into two naves with an apse. At the bottom of the first apse there is an altar leaning against the wall and in the other room there are remains of two other altars. It is dedicated to Santa Margarita, frescoed image on the pillar in front of the entrance. (One of the few images that can be seen if you go in a particular way from the outside). Margarita de Antiochia de Pisidia, was during the Middle Ages, protector of pregnant women. It is encased in a bow, like a wooden icon, richly decorated with an opulent Byzantine gown, decorated with circles and brochures, the edges enriched with diamond-shaped embroidery, and the coat beaded with a cross motif. A rich crown rests on wavy hair. He holds the cross up high in his right hand. It became one of the best examples of Apulian provincial pictorial production in the period of the Byzantine imperial dynasty of Comneni (XIII century), probably influenced by models of Balkan origin. On the left wall is San Antonio Abad and the representation of the miracle of S. Nicolás, probably between the XIII-XIV, the only example of cave painting in all of Puglia that illustrates the miracle of the Saint, a miracle that was made famous by Dante Alighieri, who mentions it in the Divine Comedy. Along with him, the Archangel Saint Michael attributable to the Angevin period (XIII-XIV century), represented in imperial costume, with a spear and a celestial globe with the inscription "Christ wins". There is also a representation of the Virgin, on a throne with the Child in her arms, probably from the 14th century, very damaged. A triptych representing Saint Lawrence, Saint Mark the Evangelist and an anonymous Holy Bishop. Next to him is Saint George on horseback next to the dragon, in a robe with white dots, which probably represent the metal mesh of the armor. In the apse, a Pantocrator from the 14th century, blessing, with the sacred book open, with the inscription "EGO SVM LVX MVMVNDI; QUI SEQUITUR NO AMBULAT IN TENEBRIS". Along with Him, the Virgin and Saint John the Baptist. Next to the Baptist is one of the rare representations of the Virgin of Lactation, probably from the 14th century, very ruined. In the arch that leads to the second room are two of the oldest frescoes: Santa Margarita, from the 12th century, and Archangel Michael, a purely Byzantine style icon (S.XII). The frescoed tables, from the XIII-XIV centuries, continue with the story of the Martyrdom (very ruined by mold), made famous in the Middle Ages by the Golden Legend of Jacopo da Varagine. These scenes are only preserved in this crypt and in the Church of Sant'Antonio in Laterza Marina. Saint Demetrius is represented: first bishop of Thessalonica. It is followed by a fresco from San Esteban from the 14th century, with rich diamond-shaped decorations holding the book and the censer. There is also a monochrome half-length Christ with the inscription IC XC, in ocher red, sitting, holding the scroll of the law with his left hand and blessing. It is quite likely that it is a preparatory drawing of a fresco that has been left unfinished, from the XIII-XIV century.
Maria Grottola on Google

È la vera "perla" delle chiese rupestri pugliesi, dedicata a Santa Margherita di Antiochia di Pisidia, protettrice di gestanti e partorienti, nel medioevo. Vi sono dipinti numerosissimi affreschi, databili fine XIII-XIV secolo, di cui ben sei rappresentano la Vergine col Bambino. Vi è anche affrescata la "passio" della martire, in 12 scenette, proprio come vuole il racconto agiografico. Vi sono, inoltre, due bellissime rappresentazioni dell'Arcangelo Michele ed un San Giorgio, oltre che un San Demetrio di Tessalonica. E, ciliegina sulla torta (si fa per dire, la chiesa è una meraviglia da visitare assolutamente!) vi è l'affresco di San Nicola che regala la dote alle tre fanciulle, tema iconografico piuttosto raro in ambito rupestre.
It is the true "pearl" of the Apulian rock churches, dedicated to Santa Margherita di Antiochia of Pisidia, protector of pregnant and pregnant women, in the Middle Ages. There are numerous paintings, dating from the late thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, six of which represent the Virgin and Child. There is also frescoed the "passio" of the martyr, in 12 skits, just as the hagiographic narrative wants. There are also two beautiful representations of the Archangel Michael and a Saint George, as well as a Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica. And, icing on the cake (so to speak, the church is a wonder to visit absolutely!) There is the fresco of St. Nicholas that gives the dowry to the three girls, a rather rare iconographic theme in the rocky area.

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