Chiesa di San Giuseppe da Copertino

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Contact Chiesa di San Giuseppe da Copertino

Address :

Via S. Giuseppe, numero 12, 73043 Copertino LE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9897
Postal code : 73043
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City : Copertino

Via S. Giuseppe, numero 12, 73043 Copertino LE, Italy
Luigi Martina on Google

Bellissima chiesa che si raggiunge percorrendo le vie del borgo vecchio del paese,a due passi dalla stanza in cui è nato il Santo dei voli!
Beautiful church that can be reached by going through the streets of the old village of the town, a stone's throw from the room where the Saint of flights was born!
Pato on Google

Este es el santuario con el que la ciudad honra a su hijo privilegiado, nacido y bautizado en la iglesia del pueblo, San José de Copertino; franciscano, patrón de los estudiantes y profesores. La leyenda narra que le costaba muchísimo estudiar. Lo único del Evangelio que recordaba en los exámenes era la frase “Bendito es el fruto de tu viente Jesús “. También es conocido como el “santo del vuelo”, pues levitaba al meditar los misterios de la vida de Jesús y de la Virgen. Me hace mucha gracia pensar en él: imaginarme cómo volaba por el coro del monasterio cuando rezaban laudes o vísperas. Tuvieron que relevarle del cargo de hebdomadario pues con sus “vuelos” no se podía seguir el ritmo de la liturgia!!! Aunque no fue canonizado hasta 1727 por Clemente XII, desde su beatificación-en 1753- ya era considerado como santo por el pueblo. Y en 1754 comenzaron las obras de este santuario, en el barrio, muy pobre y miserable, en el que nació el santo. Se trata de una planta central cubierta con una bóveda. En 1872 se amplió para hacer la capilla absidal. Por dentro es muy sencilla, pintada en azul y amarillo. En ella se custodian reliquias del santo, entre las que destaca el corazón, cedido en 1953 por la ciudad de Osimo-donde murió. Su breviario de oraciones, túnicas sacerdotales, instrumentos de penitencia, huesos y otros.
This is the sanctuary with which the city honors its privileged son, born and baptized in the village church, San José de Copertino; Franciscan, patron of students and teachers. The legend tells that he had a hard time studying. The only thing in the Gospel that I remembered in the exams was the phrase "Blessed is the fruit of your soul Jesus." He is also known as the "saint of flight", as he was levitating by meditating on the mysteries of the life of Jesus and the Virgin. It makes me very funny to think of him: to imagine how he flew through the choir of the monastery when they prayed lutes or vespers. They had to relieve him of the charge of hebdomadario because with his "flights" you could not keep up with the liturgy! Although he was not canonized until 1727 by Clement XII, since his beatification - in 1753 - he was already considered as a saint by the people. And in 1754 the works of this sanctuary began, in the neighborhood, very poor and miserable, in which the saint was born. It is a central floor covered with a vault. In 1872 it was expanded to make the chapel absidal. Inside it is very simple, painted in blue and yellow. In it, relics of the saint are guarded, among which the heart stands out, ceded in 1953 by the city of Osimo-where he died. His breviary of prayers, priestly robes, instruments of penance, bones and others.
Luca Verdesca on Google

Chiesa in onore del santo patrono di Copertino, San Giuseppe Desa, annessa al convento francescano. Molto bella da visitare, insieme ai luoghi di vita del santo. Ai limiti del centro storico, molto facile da raggiungere.
Church in honor of the patron saint of Copertino, San Giuseppe Desa, annexed to the Franciscan monastery. Very beautiful to visit, along with the places of life of the saint. At the edge of the historic center, very easy to reach.
Manuel Hernandez on Google

Lugar con encanto y bendecido por San José de Cupertino. Magníficos y entregados frailes especialmente su prior Fray Duilio,gran siervo de Dios y mejor persona
Charming place and blessed by San José de Cupertino. Magnificent and dedicated friars especially their prior Friar Duilio, great servant of God and better person
Maria Pia Mazze on Google

il paese è simile a tanti altri della regione. la chiesa in questo momento è chiusa al pubblico per restauro. si può visitare la casa paterna del Santo: una stanzetta ove è esposta statua a mezzo busto di S. Giuseppe ed un dipinto.
the country is similar to many others in the region. the church is currently closed to the public for restoration. you can visit the paternal house of the Saint: a small room where a half-length statue of St. Joseph and a painting are exhibited.
Art Del Muscio on Google

La chiesa fondata nel settecento include la stalla dove è nato il santo dei voli. L'edificio a pianta ellittica presenta tre Altari e diverse tele. La zona dell'abside è stata ricostruita nel XX secolo. All'ingresso è sulla destra una piccola sala con reliquie e oggetti appartenuti al santo tra cui due lettere autografe, a sinistra si entra nella piccola stalla.
The church founded in the eighteenth century includes the stable where the saint of flights was born. The elliptical building has three altars and several paintings. The apse area was rebuilt in the 20th century. At the entrance there is a small room on the right with relics and objects that belonged to the saint including two autographed letters, on the left you enter the small stable.
Massimo Cammerinesi on Google

Luogo di culto suggestivo dedicato al Santo natio di questo paese situato all’interno del centro storico di Copertino, All’interno si trovano alcune reliquie del Santo e davanti alla chiesa uscendo si trova anche la casa natale di S. Giuseppe. Merita di essere visitata sicuramente.
An evocative place of worship dedicated to the native saint of this town located within the historic center of Copertino. Inside there are some relics of the saint and in front of the church, on exiting, there is also the birthplace of St. Joseph. Definitely deserves to be visited.
Paul Peter ROM on Google


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