Chiesa della Madonna dello Spasimo

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chiesa della Madonna dello Spasimo

Address :

Via XX Settembre, 55, 24122 Bergamo BG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
Website :
Categories :
City : Bergamo

Via XX Settembre, 55, 24122 Bergamo BG, Italy
Luca Burini on Google

Piccola chiesa molto bella nel centro di Bergamo, dove sono custodite le reliquie di Santa Lucia. Nel periodo natalizio è tradizione per i bimbi portare le letterine contenenti buone intenzioni e la lista dei regali desiderati in occasione della festa della Santa che è il 13 dicembre.
Very beautiful small church in the center of Bergamo, where the relics of Saint Lucia are kept. During the Christmas period it is tradition for children to bring the letters containing good intentions and the list of desired gifts on the occasion of the Feast of the Saint which is December 13th.
Elena Francavilla on Google

Si respira Amore, si respira calma e benessere, pace e serenità, ci sono stata casualmente ieri pomeriggio, Meravigliosa! Santa Lucia prega per noi. Amen
You can breathe Love, you can breathe calm and well-being, peace and serenity, I was there by chance yesterday afternoon, Wonderful! Saint Lucia pray for us. Amen
Stefania Marconi on Google

Da bambina sono sempre andata a portare la letterina a S. Lucia e.....adesso che sono diventata mamma è un' emozione portare mia figlia !
As a child I always went to take the letter to S. Lucia and ..... now that I have become a mother it is a thrill to bring my daughter!
Zygmunt Borowski on Google

Kościół Madonna dello Spasimo w Bergamo, zwany również Santa Lucia jest małym kościółkiem wśród handlowej dzielnicy. Budowę rozpoczęto w 1764 roku na gruzach wcześniejszego kościoła z 1592 roku. Wnętrze posiada jedną wydłużoną nawę z występem filarów, między którymi umieszczone są ołtarze boczne. Ciekawa historia o Santa Lucia sprawia, że kościół odwiedzają dzieci. Piszą one listy z prośbą o prezenty, i pozostawiają obok świętej aby dostać je 13 Grudnia.
The Madonna dello Spasimo church in Bergamo, also called Santa Lucia is a small church among the commercial district. Construction began in 1764 on the ruins of an earlier church from 1592. The interior has one elongated nave with a projection of pillars, between which side altars are placed. Interesting story about Santa Lucia makes the church visited by children. They write letters asking for gifts, and leave them next to the saint to get them on December 13.
Filippo B29 on Google

Storica Chiesa nel centro di Bergamo, bellissima, e con una importante guida spirituale. In questa Chiesa i bimbi, secondo una antica usanza portano (fine novembre, inizio dicembre ) una letterina a Santa Lucia, per chiedere dei regali per il 13 dicembre giorno della sua festa . Comunque è una chiesa di molto interesse per la sua storia e per le sue opere artistiche. Consiglio una visita.
Historic church in the center of Bergamo, beautiful, and with an important spiritual guide. In this church the children, according to an ancient custom, bring (late November, early December) a letter to Saint Lucia, to ask for gifts for December 13, the day of her feast. However it is a church of great interest for its history and its artistic works. I recommend a visit.
Pawel Poninski on Google

Shame, that made baroque of romanesque

Lisa Whaley on Google

Beautiful church with the tomb of Santa Lucia

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