Centro Riparazioni Piacentino S.P.A.

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro Riparazioni Piacentino S.P.A.

Address :

Via Piemonte, 11, 29122 Piacenza PC, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : http://www.ivecocrp.it/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8AM–12PM
Saturday 8AM–12PM
Categories :
City : Piacenza

Via Piemonte, 11, 29122 Piacenza PC, Italy
Armando Alfaro Martinez on Google

Horrible el chófer a horas de comida. De 12 a 2 te hechan fuera de la sala de espera a la calle y ya te apañaras
Horrible chauffeur at meal times. From 12 to 2 they throw you out of the waiting room into the street and you will manage
Pierandrea Granata on Google

Officina all'avanguardia, gentili e disponibili tutti i meccanici del reparto furgonI
State-of-the-art workshop, kind and helpful all the mechanics of the van department
steve stuttgart on Google

peggior trattamento che mi sia mai stato riservato; mai più acquisti di automezzi presso questa struttura. Venditori di altri tempi con una politica che oggi non ha futuro.
worst treatment I've ever been given; no more vehicle purchases at this facility. Sellers of yesteryear with a policy that today has no future.
Дмитро Шімон on Google

Приїхав на сервіс о 8 годині ранку, машину забрали в бокс і сказали чекати в кімнаті для водіїв. Чекав до 12 години і мене культурно попросили покинути приміщення і територію сервісу до 14 години. І як придурок дві години мерзнув і ходив по промисловій зоні цілих 2 години.
Arrived at the service at 8 o'clock in the morning, the car was taken to the box and told to wait in the driver's room. Waiting until 12 o'clock and I was asked to leave the premises and the territory of service until 14 o'clock. And as a bastard two hours froze and walked in the industrial zone for as much as 2 hours.
giulio dalia on Google

Deludente erano troppo impegnati x riparare il camion visto che non ero nemmeno della zona
Disappointing they were too busy to fix the truck since I wasn't even from the area
Marco on Google

Non male officina molto bella,addetto alla reception molto lungo nel raccogliere i dati,il capo officina dei pesanti se non lo interpelli tu ti passa a fianco e va', però meccanici competenti e ascoltano molto il cliente anche nel cercare di capire il guasto assieme,e se lo riparano è riparato sul serio, se siatemassero questi atteggiamenti sarebbe da 5 stelle piene
Not bad very nice workshop, receptionist very long in collecting data, the heavy workshop manager if you don't ask him you will go by your side and go, but competent mechanics and they will listen to the customer a lot also in trying to understand the fault together , and if they repair it, it is seriously repaired, if these attitudes were met it would be 5 full stars
Domenico Sgrò on Google

Officina all'avanguardia sembra un quartiere per le sue dimensioni . Meccanici efficienti , esperienza e professionalità. Inpiegati altrettanto cordiali e disponibili . Consiglio.
Cutting-edge workshop looks like a neighborhood for its size. Efficient mechanics, experience and professionalism. Employees equally friendly and helpful. Advice.
Claudiu Valiuc on Google

Nu mi se par foarte serioși, am primit oferta de preț, am fost de acord cu ea, iar la final, surpriza, prețul a crescut cu 100 de euro, aceștia motivând ca au avut nevoie de 3 ore sa schimbe un alternator!! 3 șuruburi!!! Nu recomand decât în caz de nevoie maxima.
They don't seem very serious to me, I received the price offer, I agreed with it, and in the end, the surprise, the price increased by 100 euros, motivating that they needed 3 hours to change an alternator !! 3 screws !!! I only recommend in case of maximum need.

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