
4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cencelle

Address :

01016 Tarquinia VT, Italy

Postal code : 01016
Categories :
City : Tarquinia

01016 Tarquinia VT, Italy
marcello cannarsa on Google

Area archeologica piena di segreti ancora da svelare. Speriamo sia presto valorizzata come merita
Archaeological area full of secrets yet to be revealed. We hope it will soon be enhanced as it deserves
Enrico Coloturos on Google

Il posto è molto bello. Purtroppo, come spesso accade in Italia, è abbandonato e non è assolutamente valorizzato.
The place is very beautiful. Unfortunately, as often happens in Italy, it is abandoned and is absolutely not valued.
Italy Mary Season's on Google

Lavoroli di scavi in corso. Sito veramente interessante
Workings of excavations in progress. Really interesting site
Maria Rita Roscani on Google

Bella passeggiata ad anello che parte dalla tenuta Farnesiana e passando per l'antica Cencelle e la falesia di Cencelle torna alla tenuta Farnesiana attraverso un bosco di querce da sughero e pascoli di mucche maremmane.
Beautiful circular walk that starts from the Farnesiana estate and passing through the ancient Cencelle and the Cencelle cliff back to the Farnesiana estate through a wood of cork oaks and pastures of Maremma cows.
massimo ceci on Google

Sorprendente e interessante area archeologica, oggetto di importanti campagne di scavo, ha portato alla luce una città sviluppata su un acrocoro, strategicamente a guardia della valle del Mignone. Per una passeggiata nella storia, si lascia l auto alla stazione abbandonata e si sale sul colle tra i cavalli al pascolo. Non presenta difficoltà ma bisogna fare attenzione ai pozzi nel terreno, guardare sempre dove mettere i piedi.
Surprising and interesting archaeological area, the subject of important excavation campaigns, has brought to light a city developed on an acrocoro, strategically guarding the Mignone valley. For a walk in history, leave your car at the abandoned station and climb the hill among the grazing horses. It does not present difficulties but you have to pay attention to the wells in the ground, always look where to put your feet.
Marco Vignati on Google

Molto interessante, purtroppo difficile da raggiungere, non presidiato in stato di abbandono, non si capisce come mai non si investa nella ricerca archeologica
Very interesting, unfortunately difficult to reach, unmanned in a state of neglect, it is not clear why it is not invested in archaeological research
Patrizia Martinelli on Google

Si tratta delle evidenze architettoniche dell'antica città di Leopoli, eretta a metà del IX secolo da papa Leone IV per proteggere gli abitanti di Civitas vetula dagli attacchi dei Saraceni. La città era dotata di una possente cinta muraria, di cui restano porzioni di mura e di torri. All'interno della cinta, spiccano le fondamenta della chiesa e la splendida cripta. La chiesa era divisa da pilastri e colonne in tre navate. È sopravvissuta anche una vasca più o meno circolare, verosimilmente usata come fonte battesimale e una vasca parallelepipeda, forse una sepoltura privilegiata. Tra la chiesa e le mura si distinguono i basamenti degli altri edifici di una città. Gli archeologi hanno rinvenuto molti frammenti di ceramica altomedievale. Il sito è interessante e suggestivo, il panorama circostante meritevole del cammino percorso.
These are the architectural evidence of the ancient city of Lviv, built in the mid-ninth century by Pope Leo IV to protect the inhabitants of Civitas vetula from attacks by the Saracens. The city was endowed with a mighty wall, of which portions of walls and towers remain. Inside the walls, the foundations of the church and the splendid crypt stand out. The church was divided by pillars and columns into three naves. A more or less circular basin has also survived, probably used as a baptismal font and a parallelepiped basin, perhaps a privileged burial. Between the church and the walls stand out the bases of the other buildings of a city. Archaeologists have found many fragments of early medieval pottery. The site is interesting and evocative, the surrounding landscape is worth the journey.
Julia on Google

В Италии много городов -призраков , по разным причинам покинутых людьми в разное время. Один из них - Ченчелле- находится в Лацио недалеко от Чивитавеккьи, главного римского порта. Уникальность его заключается в том, что он является типичным средневековым городом, основанным в 9 веке и оставленным в 15 веке. Для археологов -медиевистов это представляет несомненный интерес , поэтому здесь на протяжении почти 30 лет Кафедра археологии Сапиенцы раскапывала город и нашла много чего интересного. Город основал папа ЛевIV, сюда он перенёс резиденцию епископа из Чивитавеккьи из-за постоянной угрозы со стороны приплывавших из Африки сарацин. Город находился на стратегически выгодном месте, обнесён мощной стеной с тремя входными порталами. Внутри базилика с криптой, резиденция епископа, квартал ремесленников и помещения для милиции. Следы города хорошо видны , эта местная достопримечательность , поэтому туристов здесь полно. Тем более , что недалеко находится средневековый город Фарнезиана, до которого можно прогуляться пешком пару км. Там отличная сельская траттория, где на фоне зелёных холмов и криков петухов можно славно пообедать. Вообщем, рекомендую.
There are many ghost towns in Italy, abandoned by people at different times for various reasons. One of them - Chencelle - is located in Lazio near Civitavecchia, the main Roman port. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is a typical medieval town, founded in the 9th century and abandoned in the 15th century. This is of undoubted interest for archaeologists-mediaevalists, so here for almost 30 years the Department of Archeology of Sapienza has been excavating the city and found a lot of interesting things. The city was founded by Pope Leo IV, here he moved the residence of the bishop from Civitavecchia due to the constant threat from the Saracens sailing from Africa. The city was in a strategically advantageous place, surrounded by a powerful wall with three entrance portals. Inside there is a basilica with a crypt, a bishop's residence, a quarter of artisans and premises for the police. The traces of the city are clearly visible, this is a local landmark, so there are a lot of tourists here. Moreover, the medieval town of Farneziana is located nearby, to which you can walk a couple of kilometers on foot. There is an excellent rural trattoria, where you can dine nicely against the backdrop of green hills and crows of roosters. In general, I recommend.

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