Cat Suite Home Hotel for Cats

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cat Suite Home Hotel for Cats

Address :

Via Privata Cascia, 6, 20128 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99799
Website :
Categories :
City : Milano

Via Privata Cascia, 6, 20128 Milano MI, Italy
Michela Boldrin on Google

La mia esperienza con Cat Suite Hotel è stata impeccabile! Nonostante tutte le remore inziali (primo mio gatto, che vive in simbiosi con noi dato che siamo a casa a lavorare per la pandemia, è pure abituato al giardino quindi chissà come sta chiuso, non conosce altri gatti...), Alessia si è presa cura in modo eccezionale non solo del nostro micio ma anche di noi! Loki è stato benissimo, servito, riverito, coccolato, ha fatto pure amicizia con altri amici ospiti e quando siamo andati a prenderlo quasi non voleva tornare con noi a casa! Noi eravamo sereni grazie all'ambiente splendido che abbiam trovato, e a tutte le foto e video che ogni giorno ci facevano vedere il nostro micio sereno e felice. Sicuramente ci affidieremo ancora alla struttura in futuro, complimenti e grazie!
My experience with Cat Suite Hotel was flawless! Despite all the initial hesitations (my first cat, who lives in symbiosis with us since we are at home working for the pandemic, is also used to the garden so who knows how it is closed, does not know other cats ...), Alessia is taking exceptional care not only of our cat but also of us! Loki was great, served, revered, pampered, he also made friends with other guest friends and when we went to pick him up he almost didn't want to go home with us! We were serene thanks to the splendid environment that we found, and to all the photos and videos that every day showed us our serene and happy cat. We will certainly rely on the structure again in the future, congratulations and thanks!
Alessandra Sponchiado on Google

Tutto, ma dico proprio tutto eccezionale! Per i mici è un Luna Park, per noi custodi ansiosi per i nostri gatti è la certezza di avere a che fare con una vera professionista, tra l'altro anche molto simpatica. Super consigliato e super grazie per Trinity che è tornata a casa serena e tranquilla dopo il suo primo soggiorno e la sua prima volta con altri gatti! A presto!
Everything, but I mean everything exceptional! For cats it is an amusement park, for us anxious keepers for our cats it is the certainty of having to deal with a real professional, among other things also very nice. Super recommended and super thanks for Trinity who returned home calm and peaceful after her first stay and her first time with other cats! Soon!
Federica Carusi on Google

Meraviglioso!!!!! Pulitissimo, organizzato, i mici hanno una marea di spazio, giochi e affetto a disposizione. Un terrazzo in sicurezza per stare sia al sole che all'ombra Gestione super professionale ma anche cordialità, simpatia , empatia Le ragazze sono meravigliose come il posto. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Andrea Silvestri on Google

Pensione per gatti ottimamente adattata per tutte le loro esigenze. Un vero sollievo affidarli ad Alessia che comunica quotidianamente coi proprietari lo stato del soggiorno dei propri felini. Ambiente pulito, iper fornito di tutte le comodità e attrezzature per farli dormire, giocare, nutrirli, ecc. in più, essendo in compagnia di altri simili, la permanenza può costituire una valida occasione per socializzare. Congratulazioni e continuate cosi!
Cat boarding house perfectly adapted for all their needs. A real relief to entrust them to Alessia who communicates daily with the owners the status of the living room of her cats. Clean environment, hyper stocked with all the comforts and equipment to let them sleep, play, feed them, etc. in addition, being in the company of other similar ones, the stay can be a valid opportunity to socialize. Congratulations and keep it up!
Shawkat Zahid on Google

Behaviour of the owner is good
Clare Ski (Clare) on Google

Wonderful place, wonderful people. ❤️
Rashid Amanzholov on Google

Hello! We with our nice cat Jessica are not the first time using the hospitality of Signora Mirella and a wonderful hotel for our lovely little friends Cat Suite Home. We were always surrounded by care and kindness and I could easily trust Signor Mirella with my Jessica. If still there will be an opportunity I will definitely use the hotel hospitality of this hotel for cats! I recommend to all! P.S. Gentle greetings from Jessica: Mrrrryau!
Viki Martinez on Google

I can not begin to explain how AMAZING this place is. My friends and I adopted a kitten while on a road trip through Italy/France and didn’t want to put the kitten through the stress of having to move everyday or so (not to mention long hours in a car). So, we googled “cat hotels” and choose this place because of the already extremely good reviews and the proximity to our hotel. Upon arrival we were astonished by the actual cat PALACE that this place is. It’s a two story flat completely devoted to cats. There are impressive cat towers and carpeted cat shelves on the walls starting on the first floor and going to the second floor. There are also small cat houses where new cats can be locked in while they get accustomed to the other cats staying with Mirella (lady in charge). We were also able to see what was happening on a day to day basis through an app/webcams that Mirella has set up. Finally, we were a little worried about her interacting with the other cats (more so their interactions with her) but the second we got there we knew that Mirella has the whole situation under control. There were VERY large Maine Coons that we’re completely calm and friendly (not to mention majestic AF). 200% recommend this place to anyone passing by or living in Italy. I wish Mirella the absolute best ❤️ thanks again for taking care of our baby girl!

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