Cascate Marmore

4.9/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Cascate Marmore

Address :

Strada Provinciale 209, 38, 05100 Terni TR, Italy

Categories :
City : Terni

Strada Provinciale 209, 38, 05100 Terni TR, Italy
Manuela Gioacchini on Google

Giuseppe Fenu on Google

Davide Pelucchi on Google

Parco molto bello
Very nice park
Sandro on Google

Alessandro Alex Plebani on Google

Bellissimo parco, cascate stupende.
Beautiful park, stunning waterfalls.
Jens Hoffmann on Google

Es gibt zwei Eingänge, einer oberhalb des Wasserfalls einer unter am Fuß. Der obere Weg führt nach nur 100 Stufen vom Ticketkontrollhäuschen direkt zur Panorama Plattform, hier ist man am nächsten am grosse Wassserfall dranne. Steigt man dann den Wanderweg 1 abwärts sollte man fit sein, es geht noch einmal 500 Treppen abwärts bis zur Kreuzung zu Wanderweg 2, erst hier kommen die Wasser-Terassen und die breite kleinere Fall. Empfehlung: Getränk, festes Schuhwerk, Pullover oder Regenjacke. Toiletten: Je an den Eingängen, Plus am oberen noch eine öffentliche im Park Kosten (Stand 10.2021): Parken am Automaten 1,20€ je Stunde Eintritt Park 10€ je Person Zeitplan: Willst du das gesamte Programm plane 3-4 Stunden ein, nur Zugang nördlich um den Hauptfall zu sehen reicht 1h locker aus. Sparfüchse: Kein bock auf Eintrittsgeld? Vom unteren Eingang geht vom Parkplatz eine kleine Brücke ab, diese überquert Ihr und haltet euch rechts. Hier geht ein wilder Pfad bis an die Wasserterassen heran, Vorsicht sehr rutschig. (letzten beiden Bilder)
There are two entrances, one above the waterfall and one below at the foot. The upper path leads after only 100 steps from the ticket control house directly to the panorama platform, here you are closest to the large waterfall dranne. If you then climb down the hiking trail 1 you should be fit, there is another 500 stairs down to the crossroads to hiking trail 2, only here come the water terraces and the wide smaller fall. Recommendation: Drink, sturdy shoes, Sweater or rain jacket. Toilets: Each at the entrances, plus a public one in the park at the top Costs (as of 10.2021): Parking at the machine € 1.20 per hour Entrance to the park 10 € per person Time schedule: Do you want to plan the entire program 3-4 hours, only access north to see the main fall, 1 hour is easily enough. Bargain hunters: Tired of the entrance fee? From the lower entrance goes from the parking lot take a small bridge, cross it and keep to the right. Here a wild path goes up to the water terraces, be careful, very slippery. (last two pictures)
gabbriel 22 on Google

Le PIANTE NATANTI CENTRI DI EDUCAZIONE AMBIENTALE COMUNE DI TERNI LAGHETTO della BIODIVERSITÀ Questo esemplare di ninfea bianca proviene dal Centro Ittiogenico del lago Trasimeno. E' stata immessa nel laghetto per tentare una conservazione "ex situ" al fine di aumentare le possibilità di sopravvivenza della specie, poiché nel lago Trasimeno la ninfea bianca, un tempo molto diffusa, è ora scomparsa; ne rimangono solo 20 esemplari conservati presso il Centro Ittiogenico. Ninfea bianca E' una pianta acquatica che vive preferibilmente nelle acque ferme o a lento corso, sopporta facilmente le variazioni temporanee del livello dell'acqua Durano a lungo e si apror verso le 11 e raggiunge il più calda.
Plants VESSELS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTERS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF TERNI BIODIVERSITY LAKE This specimen of white water lily comes from the Ittiogenic Center of Lake Trasimeno. It was placed in the pond to attempt conservation "ex situ" in order to increase the possibility of survival of the species, since in the Trasimeno lake the white water lily, a long time widespread, has now disappeared; only 20 specimens remain preserved at the Ichthyogenic Center. White water lily It is an aquatic plant that lives preferably in still or slow-flowing waters, easily withstands temporary changes in level of water They last a long time and open around 11 and reaches the more warm.

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