Carabinieri Comando Compagnia San Vito dei Normanni - Via Don Milani

3.8/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Carabinieri Comando Compagnia San Vito dei Normanni

Address :

Via Don Milani, 72019 San Vito dei Normanni BR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 72019
Categories :

Via Don Milani, 72019 San Vito dei Normanni BR, Italy
Hans Friedrich Gunther on Google

Alessio Lupo on Google

Rosa Cantanna on Google

Desire Sirea on Google

Eccellenti cordiali e efficienti 5 stelle sono poche, grandi uomini
Excellent friendly and efficient 5 stars are few, great men
Gaetano Carrone on Google

Staff disponibile ma evidentemente non sufficiente a gestire i carichi di lavoro in tempi congrui. Tempi di attesa molto lunghi anche per le pratiche più semplici.
Staff available but obviously not sufficient to manage workloads in a reasonable time. Very long waiting times even for the simplest practices.
G B on Google

Willkommen in San Vito dei Normanni. Ein unfreundlicher, ekliger Beamter der nach einem Einbruch in deinem Auto deine Anzeige nicht aufnehmen will! Weil du kein italienisch sprichst und er kein Bock auf Englisch hat. Eine Kleinstadt in Apulien die von kleinkriminellen durchseucht ist und einige Carabinieri anscheinend bewusst weg schauen. Bravo!!! ??? Danke für ihre Hilfsbereitschaft.
Welcome to San Vito dei Normanni. A rude, disgusting officer who refuses to record your report after a break-in in your car! Because you don't speak Italian and he doesn't feel like English. A small town in Apulia that is ravaged by petty criminals and some Carabinieri seem to be consciously looking the other way. Bravo!!! ??? Thank you for your helpfulness.

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