Campercar Sicilia

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Campercar Sicilia

Address :

300, C.da Monachella SP 52, km 2, 97100 Ragusa RG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9987
Website :
Categories :
City : Ragusa

300, C.da Monachella SP 52, km 2, 97100 Ragusa RG, Italy
Cristina Bambara on Google

Campercar... Michele il titolare una persona disponibilissima e competente. Siamo stati x un problema al nostro camper che purtroppo abbiamo avuto durante la nostra vacanza! In poco tempo problema risolto! Lo consigliamo VIVAMENTE!! Prezzi onesti e tanta tanta serietà! Grazie Michele ti aspettiamo con la tua famiglia in Ancona!! Ciaooo!!!
Campercar ... Michele is the owner of an extremely available and competent person. We were x a problem to our camper that unfortunately we had during our vacation! In a short time problem solved! We highly recommend it !! Honest prices and lots of seriousness! Thanks Michele we are waiting for you with your family in Ancona !! Ciaooo !!!
arinev aka oppositaer on Google

Ottimo servizio di riparazione, ho avuto a che fare un paio di volte con loro e mi sono trovato bene.
Great repair service, I have dealt with them a couple of times and I was fine.
lilly calimera on Google

Eravamo in Sicilia in vacanza e ci si è rotto il pistoncino del letto basculante, ci siamo rivolti a Campercar e il titolare si è prodigato in tutti i modi x risolvere il problema, purtroppo il pezzo dopo aver girato tutta Ragusa non l'ha trovato in nessun rivenditore, ma è riuscito comunque a mettere in sicurezza il nostro camper e poter riprendere le vacanza serenamente, grazie a Michele , persona gentile e competente ??
We were in Sicily on holiday and the piston of the drop-down bed broke, we turned to Campercar and the owner did everything he could to solve the problem, unfortunately the piece after having toured all of Ragusa did not find it in no dealer, but he still managed to secure our camper and be able to resume the holiday peacefully, thanks to Michele, a kind and competent person ??
Wilma Wilma on Google

Siamo stati oggi x un problema al tubo di scarico, il sig. Michele ci ha risolto il problema, abbiamo conosciuto una persona gentilissima, competente e soprattutto onesta. Consigliatissimo....
We had a problem with the exhaust pipe today, Mr. Michele solved the problem for us, we met a very kind, competent and above all honest person. Highly recommended ....
Gaetano Spatuzza on Google

Proprietario molto preparato e davvero gentile...Lo consiglio
Very knowledgeable and really kind owner ... I recommend it
ThomaS Faure on Google

Nous nous sommes présentés pendant les horaires d’ouverture, le portail était fermé. Nous avons donc appelé le numéro affiché à l’entrée. On nous a demandé d’écrire un message sur whatsapps. Nous avons fait le message aussitôt pour expliquer notre venue. Nous n’avons jamais eu de réponse ! Un manque de professionnalisme flagrant, je ne recommande pas
We showed up during opening hours, the gate was closed. So we called the number displayed at the entrance. We were asked to write a message on whatsapps. We made the message immediately to explain our arrival. We never got an answer! A blatant lack of professionalism, I do not recommend
Pippo Cardile on Google

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Ma Gu on Google

Best, friendliest, fastest and most competent service for campers ever! Thanks for saving our journey!

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