Bruno Giacosa

4.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Bruno Giacosa

Address :

Via XX Settembre, 52, 12052 Borgonovo CN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9777
Postal code : 16046
Website :
Categories :
City : Borgonovo

Via XX Settembre, 52, 12052 Borgonovo CN, Italy
Marmi Mauro on Google

Enrico Baldoni on Google

Alessio Giacometti on Google

Sergio Foglino on Google

Ale Pigl on Google

Igor Puscasu on Google

Во многих странах эта винодельня является олицетворением всего Бароло и Барбареско благодаря своей широкой известности. Чаще всего место является закрытым к помещению но это не мешает найти их вина в энотеке. К дегустации обязательного рекомендуется BARBARESCO ALBESANI VIGNIA SANTO STEFANO 2011.
In many countries, this winery is the personification of all Barolo and Barbaresco due to its wide popularity. Most often, the place is closed to the room, but this does not stop you from finding their wine in the enoteca. For tasting a must recommend BARBARESCO ALBESANI VIGNIA SANTO STEFANO 2011.
Gianni Tapra on Google

Cantina storica ed importantissima. Nelle annate migliori viene imbottigliata la riserva che si differenzia dalle annate normali per il colore della sua etichetta, che da bianca passa ad un granata scuro. Oltre per essere stato un grandissimo vigneron, il compianto Bruno era un ottimo compratore di uve, e grazie ad un suo vino che ho avuto la più grande soddisfazione, un Barolo collina Rionda 1978. Ineguagliabile
Historic and very important cellar. In the best vintages the reserve is bottled which differs from the normal vintages by the color of its label, which changes from white to a dark grenade. In addition to being a great vigneron, the late Bruno was an excellent buyer of grapes, and thanks to his wine that I had the greatest satisfaction, a Barolo hill Rionda 1978. Unmatched

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