Altes Rathaus, Baudenkmal

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Altes Rathaus, Baudenkmal

Address :

Laubengasse, 24, 39020 Glurns, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy

Categories :
City : Südtirol

Laubengasse, 24, 39020 Glurns, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy
Cristina Espa on Google

Città con un perfetto perimetro di cinta molto ben conservato, il mulino, la via dei portici, il ballatoio in legno e la famosa pera pala da gustare a settembre
City with a perfect perimeter of very well preserved walls, the mill, the street of the arcades, the wooden gallery and the famous pear pala to be enjoyed in September
anna wth on Google

Glurns im Vinschgau ist die kleinste Stadt der Alpen hat nur 900 Einwohner.Eine komplett erhaltene mittelalterlichen Stadtmauer mit Türmen und Toren.
Glurns im Vinschgau is the smallest town in the Alps and has only 900 A completely preserved medieval city wall with towers and gates.
Pappenheim40 on Google

Glurns is ein unglaublich schöner Ort. Es aber als das "Rothenburg von Südtirol" zz bezeichnen, wie das manche Reiseführer tun - der Vergleich hinkt schon gewaltig.
Glurns is an incredibly beautiful place. But to describe it as the "Rothenburg of South Tyrol", as some guides do - the comparison is already huge.
Marisa Brera on Google

Tutta la città di glorenza è molto bella ha conservato un aspetto medievale con le sue stradine minuscole i suoi porticati che nascondono passaggi tra le case ottimamente conservate l abitato è circondato da mura parzialmente percorribili dalle quali si gode una piacevole vista sul paesaggio, circostante
The whole city of glory is very beautiful has kept a medieval appearance with its tiny streets its arcades that hide passages between the houses very well preserved the town is surrounded by walls partially passable from which you can enjoy a pleasant view of the surrounding landscape
Silver Bussolin on Google

Citta' unica nel panorama venostano. Fiume Adige che scorre al fianco delle mura...percorso sui bastioni...torri con porte d'accesso....portici. All' interno...abitazioni molto vecchie e ristrutturate. Parcheggi e sosta camper. Negozi e strutture per il pubblico che non sono eccessive per il luogo storico. Un buon mix nell'insieme.
Unique city in the venostano panorama. River Adige that runs alongside the walls ... path on the ramparts ... towers with access doors ... arcades. Inside ... very old and renovated houses. Parking and camper stop. Shops and facilities for the public that are not excessive for the historical site. A good mix as a whole.
Bernd Friedrichs on Google

Sehr schönes kleines Dorf, auch wenn es offiziell eine Stadt ist. Um den Stadtplatz herum kann man eine eindrucksvolle Architektur aus dem Mittelalter bestaunen, alles ist sehr gut erhalten bzw. gepflegt. Die Stadtmauer mit den hölzernen Brücken und Überdachungen legt tatsächlich den Vergleich mit Rothenburg nahe.
Very nice little village, even if it is officially a city. Around the town square you can admire an impressive architecture from the Middle Ages, everything is very well preserved. The city wall with wooden bridges and canopies actually suggests a comparison with Rothenburg.
Sven Koehler on Google

A local historic building if you have some sparetime and are nearby...
Jurie Pohl on Google

It is a walled town (medieval). It is fascinating if you appreciate history.

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