Agenzia Immobili Senza Confini

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Agenzia Immobili Senza Confini

Address :

Via S. Giorgio, 1, 34134 Trieste TS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978998
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Categories :
City : Trieste

Via S. Giorgio, 1, 34134 Trieste TS, Italy
mario rossi on Google

Bravi onesti e competenti
Good honest and competent
Daniele Samuelli on Google

Personale competente e cordiale.
Competent and friendly staff.
Lara Di Marino on Google

Onesti, professionali e competenti
Honest, professional and competent
Елена Илюхина on Google

Рекомендую это агентство. Профессиональные. Говорят по- английски, по - немецки и по- словенски.
I recommend this agency. Professional. They speak English, German and Slovenian.
Mike Juvi on Google

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit, Kompetent und ausserordentlich Nett. Man wünscht Sicht nur solche Immobilen Partner.
Excellent work, competent and extremely nice. One wishes to see only such real estate partners.
Zana Kapetanovic on Google

Predanost in profesionalen odnos! Prijaznost in srčnost. To je Maja Vrtovec. Potrudi se ne samo za poslovni uspeh ampak tudi za srečo posameznika, ki si ustvari nov dom ali poslovni prostor.
Commitment and professional attitude! Privacy and cordiality. This is Maja Vrtovec. Make sure not only for business success but also for the happiness of an individual who creates a new home or business space.
Leonarda Lunder on Google

Gospa Maja je izvrstna pomoč pri nakupu nepremičnine.Je zelo strokovna,natančna in zaupanja vredna.Med načrtovanjem nakupa nepremičnine v tujini,sva jo našla preko odličnih referenc.Opravičila je najino zaupanje v celoti.Nakupa brez nje si ne bi znala predstavljati.Iskrena hvala!!!
Mrs. Maja is an excellent help in buying a property. She is very professional, accurate and trustworthy. While planning to buy a property abroad, we found her through excellent references. She justified our trust completely. I would not be able to imagine the purchase without her. !!!
Vincenzo De Leo on Google

La mia esperienza con l'agenzia è stata ottima sotto tutti i punti di vista!Oltre alla qualità dell’offerta, ho apprezzato molto la gentilezza e la disponibilità dello staff! È stata sempre data pronta risposta alle mie molte domande; ho richiesto un controllo su un aspetto tecnico dell’appartamento e l’Immobiliare si è fatta subito carico di eseguire; mi sono sentito seguito e tutelato durante tutti i processi burocratici e mi è stata data una spiegazione esaustiva dei vari aspetti tecnici. Non potrei dunque essere più soddisfatto del mio rapporto con Immobili Senza Confini
My experience with the agency was excellent from all points of view! In addition to the quality of the offer, I really appreciated the kindness and helpfulness of the staff! My many questions have always been promptly answered; I requested a check on a technical aspect of the apartment and the Real Estate immediately took charge of carrying out; I felt followed and protected during all the bureaucratic processes and I was given an exhaustive explanation of the various technical aspects. Therefore, I could not be more satisfied with my relationship with Immobili Senza Confini

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