Villa Medici at Careggi

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Medici at Careggi

Address :

Viale Gaetano Pieraccini, 17, 50134 Firenze FI, Italy

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City : Firenze

Viale Gaetano Pieraccini, 17, 50134 Firenze FI, Italy
Konstantin Vladimirov on Google

В старости Козимо Медичи проводил большую часть времени в Кареджи — вилле с длинным парапетом машикули и величественной лоджией, которая и поныне стоит среди сосен и кипарисов на склонах низких холмов в двух милях к северу от Флоренции. Именно там он изучал Платона под руководством Фичино. Любимым диалогом Козимо был недавно переведенный „Филеб“. Кроме того, он любил слушать орфические гимны под аккомпанемент лиры Фичино. В одном из писем наставнику он пишет: „Вчера я прибыл в Кареджи — не столько для занятия своими делами, сколько ради самого себя. Позволь мне увидеть тебя, Марсилио, как можно скорее, и не забудь принести книгу твоего любимого Платона De Summo Bono — которую, я полагаю, в соответствии со своими целями ты уже перевел на латынь... Приходи и обязательно захвати свою сладкозвучную лиру“.
In his old age, Cosimo Medici spent most of his time in Careggi, a villa with a long mashiculi parapet and a stately loggia that still stands among pines and cypresses on the slopes of low hills two miles north of Florence. It was there that he studied Plato under Ficino's guidance. Cosimo's favorite dialogue was the recently translated Fileb. In addition, he liked to listen to Orphic hymns to the accompaniment of Ficino's lyre. In one of his letters to his mentor, he writes: “Yesterday I arrived in Careji - not so much to do my own thing as for my own sake. Let me see you, Marsilio, as soon as possible, and do not forget to bring your beloved Plato's book De Summo Bono - which I believe you have already translated into Latin for your purposes ... Come and be sure to grab your mellifluous lyre. "
giacomo fabbri on Google

Mi è piaciuta molto......peccato che noi italiani non sappiamo mantenere le belle cose che abbiamo. La villa ha un grande potenziale na ha bisogno ancora di restauri.
I liked it very much ... it's a pity that we Italians don't know how to keep the beautiful things we have. The villa has great potential but still needs restoration.
Mariaelena Mazzei on Google

Un "grande"gioiellino immerso nel verde di Careggi,che merita assolutamente di visitare....seppure siano ancora in corso i lavori di restauro e non sia aperta al pubblico,ho avuto la fortuna di visitarla in via eccezionale grazie alle giornate di Fai Primavera 2022...che dire, è stupenda!!!
A "great" gem immersed in the greenery of Careggi, which absolutely deserves to visit .... even if the restoration works are still in progress and it is not open to the public, I was lucky enough to visit it in an exceptional way thanks to the days of Fai Spring 2022 ... what can I say, it's wonderful !!!
Franco Magnani on Google

Aperta solo grazie alla azione costante e preziosa e encomiabile del FAI,la villa si trova in uno stato direi pietoso,di totale abbandono tranne un cortile,una sala,un altro cortile.Non e ' agibile il primo piano, del giardino rimane solo una parvenza.Direi che al solito i beni proprietà dello Stato giacciono in un stato di abbandono; pensiamo a Villa Medicea di Castello il cui giardino,PRESTIGIOSO , e'chiuso non per il covid 19 ma PER MANCANZA DI PERSONALE !!!! VERGOGNA ITALIA !!!!
Open only thanks to the constant and precious and commendable action of the FAI, the villa is in a pitiful state, of total abandonment except for a courtyard, a room, another courtyard. semblance. I would say that as usual state-owned assets lie in a state of neglect; we think of Villa Medicea di Castello whose garden, PRESTIGIOUS, is closed not for covid 19 but for LACK OF STAFF !!!! SHAME ITALY !!!!
Annalysa Rabaglia on Google

L'ho visitata nelle giornate Fai di primavera, è ben restaurata ma i giardini sono ancora da sistemare. Peccato non poter visitare tutte le stanze perché non ancora agibili.
I visited it in the Fai days of spring, it is well restored but the gardens are still to be restored. Too bad not being able to visit all the rooms because they are not yet accessible.
La Cenni on Google

VERGOGNA!!! La villa medicea di Careggi si trova sopra al parcheggio dell’omonimo ospedale. È impossibile visitarla poiché chiusa per restauro da anni… Dalle foto che allego potrete vedere con i vostri occhi lo stato di abbandono e degrado che circondano questo gioiello del rinascimento, edificato da Cosimo e Lorenzo de Medici fu sede dell’Accademia Neoplatinica, qui nacque e morì il nipote Lorenzo il Magnifico. Il valore storico e artistico di questa villa è così alto che la Regione Toscana ha ben visto di farla sovrastare da una giungla di rovi, erbacce, sporcizia e aimé degrado.
SHAME!!! The Medici villa of Careggi is located above the parking lot of the hospital of the same name. It is impossible to visit it as it has been closed for restoration for years ... From the photos I am attaching you will be able to see with your own eyes the state of neglect and decay that surround this Renaissance jewel, built by Cosimo and Lorenzo de Medici, it was the seat of the Neoplatinic Academy, where his nephew Lorenzo the Magnificent was born and died. The historical and artistic value of this villa is so high that the Tuscany Region has seen fit to make it overlooked by a jungle of brambles, weeds, dirt and alas decay.
Daniela Ceccherini on Google

Chris W. on Google

Terrible service. Dont bother.

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