Vet Village - Policlinico Veterinario e Pronto Soccorso h24

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vet Village - Policlinico Veterinario e Pronto Soccorso h24

Address :

Via Alessandro Manzoni, 28g, 80127 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98988
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Alessandro Manzoni, 28g, 80127 Napoli NA, Italy
Paolo Simone Casa on Google

Ho avuto una esperienza bellissima al Vet Village. Personale preparatissimo, competente, disponibile e di grande umanità. Ringrazio la dott. Orlando il medico internista, la dott. Vitiello perché hanno preso in cura la mia cagnetta come se fosse la loro. Ringrazio la segretaria una persona amabilissima. Pur abitando in penisola sorrentina mi conforta sapere che in qualsiasi momento e per qualsiasi problema ci sarà sempre il centro Vet Village pronto ad accoglierci. Ancora grazie
I had a great experience at Vet Village. Staff very well trained, competent, helpful and of great humanity. I thank Dr. Orlando the internist, Dr. Vitiello because they took care of my dog ​​as if it were their own. I thank the secretary, a very nice person. Although I live in the Sorrento peninsula, I am comforted to know that at any time and for any problem there will always be the Vet Village center ready to welcome us. Thank you again
maurizio ruggiero on Google

Una struttura eccezionale. Personale altamente preparato qualificato. Venivamo da lontano con la mia gattina in un giorno mi hanno fatto una diagnosi corretta e specifica cosa che precedenti veterinari non avevano fatto. Anche se il risultato è stato negativo nei confronti della mia gattina lo staff meriterebbe 10 stelle e non cinque. Sanno fare bene il loro lavoro. D'altronde loro non lo considerano un lavoro ma il desiderio di aiutare nel far star bene i nostri piccoli. Non sono uno che fa recensioni ma in questo caso questa clinica la merita. Ho trovato una dottoressa gentilissima. Mi riferisco alla dottoressa Dionisio. Ma voglio precisare che avrei fatto i nomi di tutto lo staff se li avessi conosciuti perché tutti hanno una preparazione molto elevata. Se il vostro piccolo ha un problema serio vi consiglio di andare lì. È passato qualche settimana da quando la clinica ha fatto la diagnosi alla mia gattina. Sono desideroso di continuare questa recensione perché ho visto un sincero desiderio di aiutare la mia piccolina. Sono stato contattato dalla clinica per migliorare la terapia per la mia piccolina. Continuamente ho chiamato ti ho mandato email per ricevere informazioni mi hanno sempre risposto con gentilezza e amore. Non sono persone che bramano denaro. Addirittura non potendo andare da loro mi hanno consigliato di andare a fare una RX in un'altra struttura. Io l'ho semplicemente mandata via email e da quella mi hanno perfezionato la terapia. Sono persone che vivono il giuramento di Ippocrate verso i nostri piccoli.
An exceptional structure. Highly trained qualified staff. We came from afar with my kitty in one day they made me a correct and specific diagnosis which previous vets had not done. Even if the result was negative for my kitten, the staff deserves 10 stars and not five. They know how to do their job well. On the other hand, they do not consider it a job but the desire to help make our little ones feel good. I'm not a reviewer but in this case this clinic deserves it. I found a very kind doctor. I refer to doctor Dionisio. But I want to clarify that I would have mentioned the names of all the staff if I had known them because they all have a very high level of preparation. If your little one has a serious problem I recommend that you go there. It's been a few weeks since the clinic diagnosed my kitten. I am eager to continue this review as I saw a sincere desire to help my little one. I was contacted by the clinic to improve the therapy for my little girl. I constantly called I sent you emails to receive information they always answered me with kindness and love. They are not people who crave money. Even not being able to go to them, they advised me to go for an X-ray in another facility. I just emailed her and they perfected my therapy from that. They are people who live the Hippocratic Oath towards our little ones.
Mariagiulia de Peppo on Google

I veterinari di questa clinica sono riusciti a riprendere il mio Oliver che aveva avuto una brutta intossicazione alimentare, i dottori e gli infermieri che lavorano durante il giorno sono professionali, intuitivi e si vede che amano gli animali e li trattano come i figli, se potessi dargli 10 stelle gliele darei subito; l’unica nota negativa che mi porta a mettere 4 stelle sono stati i dottori della guardia notturna..quando ho portato il mio cucciolo che a stento si reggeva in piedi, hanno entrambi ipotizzato ci fosse un problema ortopedico quindi dopo analgesico e antinfiammatorio ci hanno rimandato a casa, invitandoci poi a ritornare il pomeriggio successivo per una lastra. Chissà, forse avremmo potuto evitare la nottata di sofferenza se fosse stato capito prima il problema? Comunque volevo ringraziare tutto lo staff❤️?consigliato vivamente
The vets at this clinic managed to get my Oliver back who had bad food poisoning, the doctors and nurses who work during the day are professional, intuitive and it shows that they love animals and treat them like children if I could give him 10 stars I would give them immediately; the only negative note that leads me to put 4 stars were the doctors of the night guard .. when I brought my puppy who could hardly stand up, they both hypothesized there was an orthopedic problem so after analgesic and anti-inflammatory they gave us sent home, then inviting us to return the following afternoon for a slab. Who knows, maybe we could have avoided the night of suffering if the problem had been understood first? Anyway I wanted to thank all the staff ❤️? highly recommended
Camilla Di Cerbo on Google

Con qualche giorno di ritardo arriva anche la mia recensione :-) Siamo della provincia di Benevento e siamo arrivati da Vet Village col nostro bimbo di 10 anni, Yoghi, affetto da grave cardiopatia e problemi respiratori.Il nostro cucciolo non si reggeva neanche in piedi, respirava malissimo e non mangiava da 4 giorni, a tal punto che non riuscivamo più nemmeno a somministrargli le compresse per la terapia prescritta dal cardiologo. Per telefono lo staff della clinica di è mostrato subito disponibilissimo e arrivati lì ci hanno accolti immediatamente.Lo hanno visitato, hanno raccolto tutte le informazioni utili e lo hanno ricoverato.In 10 giorni lo hanno rimesso a nuovo!!!!Personale super qualificato e scrupoloso, disponibilissimi per qualsiasi chiarimento, ma noi e Yoghi lasciamo un posticino speciale nel nostro cuore a Rita ❤️ e alle dottoresse Serena Cristiano e Teresa Ricciulli ❤️, che in modo particolare hanno seguito Yoghi.Temevamo non riuscisse nemmeno a ritornare a casa e, insieme al lui e alla sua voglia di vivere, ci avete fatto un regalo enorme! Ps: fantastiche anche le infermiere ☺️ I nostri pelosetti sono in buone mani lì!
My review arrives a few days late :-) We are from the province of Benevento and we arrived from Vet Village with our 10 year old son, Yogi, suffering from severe heart disease and respiratory problems.Our puppy couldn't even stand up, breathed very badly and hadn't eaten for 4 days, to such an extent that we could no longer even administer the tablets for the therapy prescribed by the cardiologist. By phone, the staff of the clinic was immediately extremely available and when we arrived there they welcomed us immediately.They visited him, collected all the useful information and hospitalized him.In 10 days they refurbished him !!!! Super qualified staff and scrupulous, extremely available for any clarification, but we and Yogi leave a special place in our hearts to Rita ❤️ and to the doctors Serena Cristiano and Teresa Ricciulli ❤️, who in particular followed Yoghi, we feared he might not even be able to return home and, together with him and his will to live, you have given us a huge gift! Ps: the nurses are also fantastic ☺️ Our pets are in good hands there!
Giuseppe Bisaccia on Google

La mia esperienza è super positiva. Sono arrivato d'urgenza, il mio cane era stato aggredito da un altro cane e si sono attivati subito. Preparati e amorevoli si prendono cura di questi pazienti "senza parola" . Grazie per l'enorme cura, Oliver ve ne sarà per sempre grato e noi con lui.
My experience is super positive. I arrived urgently, my dog ​​had been attacked by another dog and they activated immediately. Knowledgeable and loving care for these "speechless" patients. Thanks for the tremendous care, Oliver will be forever grateful to you and we with him.

brando helbig on Google

Sophia Feng on Google

We went on a Sunday morning with the dog and got checked by a doctor who said everything is fine and we paid 100+ euro. When we got back our dog started shaking in his whole body so we had to go back again. Some checks were done but in the end we had to pay extra and wait for a vet for almost 1.5 hours, and when she arrived she made her ultrasound check and told us something that is completely opposite to what the X-ray shows. In the end we went out of the hospital not knowing what was wrong. We left because they said our dog has to operate there, but we have seen the operation room (which they claim to be sanitized): anyone can enter and exit freely, there’s dust on top of the surgery lamps and I saw old blood stains on the operation desk. In general we do not recommend because they do not seem reliable. We had to wait super long and the vet who arrived 1.5 hours late did not even say sorry. In the meantime my dog was suffering. And this happened because the vet who saw us in the morning was incapable of even diagnosing that something is wrong! At the end after we decided to leave they made us wait ANOTHER HOUR for the ultrasound video and photos. DO NOT RECOMMEND! To respond: Sundays should not have been the excuse for making patients wait for over an hour, especially when the poor dog was suffering. In the end we had to do another ultrasound with another vet and immediately they managed to diagnose the problem precisely. You wanted my dog to poop out the object he ate, without noticing that his intestines were distorted and had to be surgically adjusted anyways. Also you did not notice that there’s also something wrong with his stomach. As well, I noticed that when one of your vets trimmed him in the afternoon, she made multiple scratches on his belly. You made us do three times ultrasound and once with an ‘expert’ who in the end DID NOT MANAGE YO HELP ANYTHING WITH THE CONCLUSION and we wasted 1.5 hours waiting (from 4:50 to over 6:00pm). Also, a dog being in critical condition does NOT justify you not sanitizing the surgery room. You are a veterinarian and you took my trust for granted. I was very surprised when my boyfriend touched the top of the lamp in the “sterilized” surgery room and a ball of dust flew off. In the end the fees we were charged at Vet Village is almost more than what the surgery costs. The worst part is that it took another vet 20 minutes to explain clearly what happened and at yours it took a whole afternoon, 3 ultrasounds and 2 x-rays and even phone calls to other vets to NOT figure out clearly what’s the problem. I want to write not only for my disappointment in this experience but also for the fact that if my dog were in a more critical condition, your incapacity could have cost him his life. For this I BEG of you to be more responsible for whoever trust you with their pet’s life in the future. This is my first time and will be my last time here.

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