Vanessa Serra | Fotografo matrimonio Puglia | Wedding Photographer Apulia

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Contact Vanessa Serra | Fotografo matrimonio Puglia | Wedding Photographer Apulia

Address :

IMPACT HUB, Fiera del Levante, Viale Volga, 70123 Bari BA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9989
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Categories :
City : Bari

IMPACT HUB, Fiera del Levante, Viale Volga, 70123 Bari BA, Italy
Michelle Friedlaender Reple on Google

Muito obrigada, obrigada, obrigada ❤️? fotos sensacionais !! Vanessa, que escolha boa a gente teve em ter você como nossa fotógrafa. O trabalho foi impecável, as fotos foram tiradas em momentos muito autênticos e cheios de emoção. Pelas fotos conseguimos captar a essência do casamento e ficamos tão felizes em receber o trabalho. Recomendo fazer o álbum também e contratar o serviço de vídeo e drone. Temos agora uma memória fantástica desse dia maravilhoso que foi e está tudo documentado e muito bem por causa de você :) o nosso muito obrigado mesmo! beijos, ? Michelle & Sebastian (um casal do Brasil ?? e da Alemanha ??).
Thank you, thank you, thank ❤️? sensational photos !! Vanessa, who choose good we had to have you as our photographer. The work was impeccable, the pictures were taken in very authentic moments and full of emotion. From the pictures we can capture the essence of marriage and we were so happy to get the job. I recommend doing the album also and hire the video and drone service. We now have a fantastic memory of this wonderful day it was and it's all documented and very well because of you :) thanks very much the same! kisses, ? Michelle & Sebastian (a couple from Brazil and Germany ?? ??).
Giulia Orlandi on Google

Vanessa è stata unica! È riuscita a catturare le emozioni che abbiamo provato, nel nostro grande giorno, in ogni singola foto ! Si è creato subito un bellissimo feeling, come se ci conoscessimo da sempre ! Ci ha permesso di vivere il momento in modo molto spontaneo , facendo sì che il contesto unito a noi creasse l’immagine perfetta da immortalare. Il risultato? Foto incredibili, naturali, vere! Non smetteremo mai di ringraziarla! Super consigliata!
Vanessa was unique! She managed to capture the emotions we felt, on our big day, in every single photo! A beautiful feeling was created immediately, as if we had known each other forever! It allowed us to experience the moment in a very spontaneous way, ensuring that the context united with us created the perfect image to be immortalized. The result? Incredible, natural, true photos! We will never stop thanking you! Super recommended!
Carmine Cafforio on Google

Finalmente ci sono arrivate le foto del nostro giorno!!! Sono stupende!!! Vanessa e il suo team sono stati fantastici! Vanessa è stata sin dal primo istante che ci siamo sentiti disponibile, professionale, ha ascoltato le nostre richieste, ha colto tutti i momenti più salienti e importanti, ha valorizzato i dettagli e con il suo stile reportage che le abbiamo richiesto è stata bravissima a cogliere tutto ciò che speravamo di ritrovare nelle foto. Insomma lei e il suo team sembravano dei ninja, erano ovunque e neanche te ne accorgevi ?è stata precisa e puntualissima anche per la post-produzione. Insomma in una parola sola è un'artista! Siamo contentissimi della scelta e chiameremmo Vanessa altre 100 volte ma ci si sposa (auspicabilmente ?) una sola volta e quindi fate bene la vostra scelta. Scegliete Vanessa!!!
Finally the photos of our day have arrived !!! They are gorgeous !!! Vanessa and her team were great! Vanessa was from the first moment that we felt available, professional, she listened to our requests, she took all the most salient and important moments, she enhanced the details and with her reportage style that we requested she was very good at capturing everything we hoped to find in the photos. In short, she and her team looked like ninjas, they were everywhere and you didn't even notice it ? she was precise and punctual even for post-production. In short, in one word she is an artist! We are delighted with the choice and would call Vanessa another 100 times but we get married (hopefully ?) only once so make your choice well. Choose Vanessa !!!
Maddalena di paola on Google

Vanessa con il suo meraviglioso team, ci hanno accompagnato durante il nostro matrimonio. Sono stati discreti e professionali che neanche ci siamo accorti della loro presenza. Di una professionalità, pazienza e gentilezza unica. Hanno catturato ogni momento, ogni emozione, mettendoci a nostro agio, come con degli amici.Super contenti della scelta fatta. Un grazie immenso per il vostro lavoro. Maddalena & Jonathan 7 maggio 2022
Joulia Assaf on Google

Vanessa, I don't know how to thank you. You've done so much for us during our wedding, thanks to you we can really feel the emotion through the photo and movie. You are such a patient and kind person, but you also pay attention to every details and that is the most important thing. You are gifted, you have this thing for capturing moments, love, emotions, laugh and so much more. Thanks to your team also, that did a excellent job and was very professional. Thank you for supporting me guys (bridezilla)! If I had to choose again, I'd still choose you. For sur, I will always call you for our next adventures. Everyone who is reading this, just go. With all my affection, Joulia and Massimiliano
Joanna Woszczak on Google

Vanessa did really great job with our wedding photos! She is amazingly talented! The shots are beautiful and natural. We would thoroughly recommend her. Joanna&James
Jérémie Conte on Google

We were searching for a photographer to make a shooting during our honeymoon. We liked Vanessa’s photos, so i contacted her. She is really nice, great, smily girl, she makes you feel comfortable and especially, she is the best photographer in Puglia. Thank you to her ?❤️?
Adrienne Harreveld on Google

Vanessa was absolutely amazing. I can’t begin to describe how great an experience it was working with her. First, we were coming from America and because of COVID we had to do all of our planning remotely. Vanessa was communicative, thoughtful, responsive, and easy going throughout the entire process. When we got to Puglia, Vanessa appeared on time with her entire team. They were amazing!!! They were so kind and fun and put us at ease. They felt like our guests! It was great having a team fit so seamlessly into our intimate event. And, shamefully, I don’t speak Italian, but it was so so easy to communicate with she and her team during the event. Now that we have our photos, I am over the moon. They are way more than I could have asked for. This experience was a dream through and through. I highly recommend her for anyone, especially for people having a destination wedding in Puglia.

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