Trento Expo

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Trento Expo

Address :

Via di Briamasco, 2, 38122 Trento TN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Website :
Categories :
City : Trento
Description : Versatile, modern exhibition space with conference halls and a large square for outdoor displays.

Via di Briamasco, 2, 38122 Trento TN, Italy
Otmar Falkensteiner on Google

Eine niedliche kleine Landwirtschaftsmesse (Agricultura) wo viele kleine Selbstständige oder mit Gewerbe ihre (selbstgemachten) Waren vorstellen,sehr übersichtlich!
A cute little agricultural fair (Agricultura) where many small self-employed or trade present their (homemade) goods, very clear!
Silvana on Google

Fiera "fa' la cosa giusta" interessante, organizzata bene, molti gli stand, tutti all'aperto, prodotti particolari anche di realtà sconosciute ai più, come ad es. le cooperative dei carcerati.
Fair "do the right thing" interesting, well organized, many stands, all outdoors, special products even from realities unknown to most, such as for example. cooperatives for prisoners.
Ruggero Bortolotti on Google

Con l'aiuto di ditte e volontari sempre un punto gradito anche ai bimbi: in mostra conigli,caprette,mucche e vitelli,un bellissimo cavallo. Molti banchi alimentari di prodotti artigianali tipici. Ottimo punto del Muse dove si spiegava il ciclo del baco da seta. In altro punto si spiegava come è importante l'ape ..
With the help of companies and volunteers always a welcome point even for children: on display rabbits, goats, cows and calves, a beautiful horse. Many food stalls of typical artisan products. Excellent point of the Muse where the silkworm cycle was explained. In another point it was explained how important the bee is ..
La viaggiatrice cinica on Google

Robocop junior
pdf fdp on Google

Silent Mohai on Google

Vinifera top
Massimiliano Girardi on Google

Really good place when it comes to regional contests or other expositions. There are two bar, one restaurant and multiple bathrooms per floor making the stay overall positive. When it comes to organization though, the first floor restaurant might need still some work when the place gets crowded. One last note, hopefully the keys for the bathrooms will get fixed on the -1 floor
Sebastian on Google

It's nothing special. The space reserved for fairs and expos is not big, but it is to be expected in a small city like Trento. The area is useful for whoever is looking to park their car since it's not far from the city center

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