Trattoria le nonnerie

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Trattoria le nonnerie

Address :

Via Giulio Palermo, 31, 80131 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98978
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Giulio Palermo, 31, 80131 Napoli NA, Italy
Fabio Policino on Google

Locale carino, distinto, semplice. Personale che accoglie in modo familiare. Cibo con alimenti freschi di giornata (in particolare il pesce) per cui è meglio prenotarlo prima. Tavoli esterni che nonostante la posizione centrale nel Rione Alto restano adeguatamente appartati. Qualità del cucinato buono. Prezzi nella media, alta. Vale la pena andarci per divertirsi magari in coppia ma non per chi ha necessità quotidiane di cibarsi.
Nice, distinguished, simple place. Staff that welcomes in a familiar way. Food with fresh foods of the day (especially fish) so it's best to book in advance. Outside tables that despite the central position in the Rione Alto remain adequately secluded. Good quality of cooking. Prices average, high. It is worth going there to have fun perhaps as a couple but not for those who have daily needs to eat.
the best on Google

Location davvero carina, ci si sente a casa. Atmosfera casalinga e rilassata. I proprietari sono molto simpatici e attenti alle esigenze dei commensali. Cibo fresco e cucinato bene. Da provare.
Really nice location, you feel at home. Homely and relaxed atmosphere. The owners are very nice and attentive to the needs of the diners. Fresh and well cooked food. To try.
Francesca G d a on Google

Non ho parole per definire il livello della.cucina di questo ristorante e l' onesta' dei prezzi e del.proprietario che per errore aveva sbagliato il conto di 20 euro in più e ci e' venuto a cercare con la.macchina nel rione sperando di trovarci e dopo.aver chiesto ad un bar ci ha visti e fermati. Una scena da film. Si mangia pesce fresco e anche carne, non so chi ci fosse in cucina mi.dicono dio ci credo. GRANDIOSO!!
I have no words to define the level of the cuisine of this restaurant and the honesty of the prices and of the owner who by mistake had mistaken the bill of 20 euros more and came to look for us with the machine in the neighborhood hoping to find us and after. having asked a bar he saw us and stopped. A movie scene. We eat fresh fish and also meat, I don't know who was in the kitchen but if I am told god I believe it. GREAT!!
Brunella Delfina La Salvia on Google

Una piccola chicca all'interno del quartiere di Rione Alto. Una trattoria a condizione familiare che ci delizia con piatti locali genuini, preparati con materie prime eccellenti. Possibile andare a consumare da loro, sia a pranzo che a cena. Trattoria dotata di tavoli anche esterni! Personale gentile, cordiale, accogliente e giovanile ? Il posto intimo e accogliente che ci voleva proprio! ?
Franco Polosa on Google

Per chi ama veramente la buona cucina partenopea non deve fare altro che prenotare un tavolo alle Nonnerie resterete sicuramente soddisfatti ?
For those who truly love good Neapolitan cuisine, all they have to do is book a table at Nonnerie you will certainly be satisfied ?
Margherita Di Caterino on Google

Locale caratteristico con pochi tavoli e tanta ospitalità. Piatti veraci e gustosi. Pesce freschissimo e dolci gustosissimi. Sono rimasta piacevolmente colpita da questa scoperta. Consigliatissimo. Il prezzo è nella norma. Il limoncello e il meloncello offerti dalla casa. Ci tornerò sicuramente.
Characteristic place with few tables and a lot of hospitality. True and tasty dishes. Fresh fish and very tasty desserts. I was pleasantly surprised by this discovery. Highly recommended. The price is in the norm. Limoncello and meloncello offered by the house. I will definitely be back.
giuly paky on Google

Siamo stati ieri a pranzo. La pasta che mi hanno proposto era nostrana e molto buono il contrasto del pecorino dal sapore deciso di Bagnoli Irpino e la riduzione di vino. Ottimo l antipasto di nonna Ada e ottime le patatine che accompagnano la carne. Oggi come dolce c hanno proposto la millefoglie all arancia buonissima e la torta ricotta e cioccolato che tra l altro era da poco sfornata?! Cucina con prodotti della nostra terra. Tutto ottimo e prezzo giusto.
We were for lunch yesterday. The pasta they offered me was local and the contrast of the pecorino with a strong flavor from Bagnoli Irpino and the wine reduction was very good. Grandma Ada's appetizer is excellent and the chips accompanying the meat are excellent. Today as a dessert they proposed the delicious orange millefeuille and the ricotta and chocolate cake which, among other things, had recently been taken out of the oven?! Cook with products from our land. All great and fair price.
Maria S on Google

We arrived at 7pm for dinner but they don't open till 7:30. We walked around, considered other places, but decided to wait it out. OMG, it was worth the wait! They printed an English menu for us, but the owner explained it to us. We ordered the eggplant appetizer; it was lightly battered and the mozzarella cheese just melted between the eggplant slices. It had 4 slices on the plate. It was great. But I should have saved the space because next we got the "ravioli caprese" and "Gramma's pasta"... Amazing! The ravioli was so cheesy with ricotta and another Italian cheese that I can't spell... Melts in your mouth great! It comes 8 big ravioli to a plate. Then the headliner, "Gramma's Pasta" which the owner says he cooks the sauce for 12 hours and comes with pasta he calls "splits" but it's like a long skinny macaroni. The sauce is meaty and just delicious! It was too much food! We didn't leave room for "Gramma's cake" so we'll be going back. It's right next to the Rione Alto stop of the Metro 1 line so it's worth the trip if you're not in the area! You'll be so glad you went!

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