Tour Valentina - Vieste in barca

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tour Valentina - Vieste in barca

Address :

Lungomare Amerigo Vespucci, 52, 71019 Vieste FG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +987
Postal code : 71019
Website :
Categories :
City : Vieste

Lungomare Amerigo Vespucci, 52, 71019 Vieste FG, Italy
Jessica Rodolfi on Google

Purtroppo per risparmiare l'uscita di una terza barca siamo stati tutti ammassati senza rispettare il distanziamento. Avrei preferito che diminuissero la capienza di ogni singola imbarcazione per tutelare la salute dei passeggeri. La gita è interessante si vedono tante grotte da fuori e addirittura la barca riesce ad entrarci creando un'atmosfera bellissima. Ho scelto questa compagnia perché il sito è fatto alla perfezione (unica pecca non si può comprare il ticket on line ma solo alla biglietteria e oltretutto in contanti) e segna precisamente ogni tappa e le condizioni per partecipare. Il comandante ha dato la nozione delle grotte ma mi aspettavo dicesse qualcosa di più, una curiosità un cenno particolare.. Il ticket costa 25 euro.
Unfortunately, to save the exit of a third boat, we were all crowded together without respecting the distance. I would have preferred that they decrease the capacity of each individual boat to protect the health of the passengers. The trip is interesting you can see many caves from the outside and even the boat manages to enter, creating a beautiful atmosphere. I chose this company because the site is made to perfection (the only flaw you cannot buy the ticket online but only at the ticket office and above all in cash) and precisely marks each stage and the conditions to participate. The commander gave the notion of the caves but I expected him to say something more, a curiosity a particular mention .. The ticket costs 25 euros.
Antonio on Google

Il tour delle grotte è ben organizzato, buono anche la discesa sulla sulla spiaggia dove ci si arriva direttamente in barca. Diciamo che i soldi spesi valgono il tour.
The tour of the caves is well organized, also good is the descent to the beach where you can get there directly by boat. Let's say the money spent is worth the tour.
Maria Grazia Giardini on Google

Bellissimo giro tra spiagge e grotte...super consigliato anche con bambini
Beautiful ride between beaches and caves ... super recommended even with children
Angela Blancuzzi on Google

Esperienza bellissima... Simpaticissimo il ragazzo che ci ha accolto e intrattenuto e spiegato le varie grotte viste. Il signore che guidava il barcone "Paloma" bravissimo e competente nelle manovre. Alla biglietteria gentilissima la signora, perché ci ha permesso di spostare l'escursione nel pomeriggio, perché al mattino il tempo non era bello. Lo consiglio a tutti, bambini compresi
Beautiful experience ... Very nice the guy who welcomed us and entertained us and explained the various caves seen. The gentleman who drove the barge "Paloma" very good and competent in maneuvers. At the ticket office the lady was very kind, because she allowed us to move the excursion in the afternoon, because in the morning the weather was not nice. I recommend it to everyone, including children
Etienne Novel on Google

Tour de 3 heures superbe permettant d'embrasser les paysages de la côte, et même de rentrer dans d'incroyables grottes pendant le tour ! Nous en avons pris plein la vue. L'équipage est parfaitement sympathique et professionnel. Petite pause d'une demi heure pendant le tour sur une belle plage pour piquer une tête. On en redemande.
Superb 3-hour tour to embrace the coastal landscape, and even to enter incredible caves during the tour! We took full view. The crew is perfectly friendly and professional. A short break of half an hour during the ride on a beautiful beach to take a dip. We ask for more.
Jakob on Google

We booked a boat for 8 people in advance, when we got here they told us we needed 2 boats for 8 people, and that we had to pay 150€ extra.
Erica Amy Kees on Google

My son and I did this tour yesterday morning and really enjoyed it, thanks to Angela and all the professional crew aboard Francesco 1°! Angela was especially helpful and friendly - she can book your tour in almost any language so don't worry. Have fun and go for it! Check out the website first - sometimes they have discount vouchers for 3 Euros.
Veronica Winters on Google

My husband and I enjoyed our tour. Lorenzo was a great boat driver. I was afraid I'd feel sick but the boat was large enough to be stable and go quickly. Basically they drive you to see rather small sea caves where the boat can pass through, then they stopped at a all beach for a 45min break and then drove straight back to Vieste. The guide-Nicola spoke in Italian only and most tourists were Italians. Very sunny, warm and beautiful. I can't say that the caves are super fantastic but they're fun to experience. Water ✨.

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