Torre Morosini

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Torre Morosini

Address :

45020 Lusia RO, Italy

Postal code : 45020
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Lusia

45020 Lusia RO, Italy
Michele Mich Vallerini on Google

Torre dei caduti nell'ex cimitero di Lusia. Torre storica ove era stata bombardata in tempo di guerra. All'interno si trova una lapide con tutti i nomi dei caduti in guerra.
Tower of the fallen in the former cemetery of Lusia. Historic tower where it was bombed in time of war. Inside there is a plaque with all the names of those killed in the war.
Luisella Montin on Google

Edificio d'altri tempi inserito in un contesto attuale.
Old-time building inserted in a current context.
chiara panizzo on Google

Peccato per il bellissimo borgo colpito purtroppo prima dai bombardamenti e poi dalla seconda mano dell'uomo non conservativa, la mano "costruttrice" dell'uomo
Too bad for the beautiful village unfortunately hit first by the bombings and then by the second hand of the non-conservative man, the "building" hand of man
Franca Bazzarello on Google

È la torre del Castello Morosini bombardato il 20 aprile 1945. Negli anni è servito come abitazione a qualche famiglia...poi col tempo lasciato a degrado. Con stupore stamattina ho visto una insegna di una impresa che a breve iniziano i lavori di ristrutturazione. La gioia che ho provato è stata immensa!!!!
It is the tower of the Morosini Castle bombed on April 20, 1945. Over the years it has served as a dwelling for some families ... then over time left to decay. With astonishment this morning I saw a sign of a company that is soon starting to renovate. The joy I felt was immense !!!!
Matteo Previato on Google

Una storica torre circondata dal paese, un tempo utilizzata per mostre di quadri, ora visitabile solo esternamente.
A historic tower surrounded by the town, once used for painting exhibitions, now open only externally.
antonio sambinello on Google

Il 20 aprile si celebra l'anniversario del bombardamento su Lusia. Non dobbiamo dimenticare. Mai
April 20 is the anniversary of the bombing of Lusia. We must not forget. Never
CABlabix on Google

Ultimo elemento dell'antica villa resistito ai bombardamenti, testimone della storia di Lusia
Last element of the ancient villa that resisted the bombings, a witness to the history of Lusia
Gernot Berndt on Google

Nicht zu übersehen, aus der Ferne als Wachturm zu deuten „Torre Morosini“. Er zog uns magisch an so verließen wir den Rad/Wanderweg und fanden einen Rastplatz mit einer gut gestalteten Schautafel zur Geschichte der Villa Morosini vor. Auf den Resten einer Festungsanlage aus der Römerzeit lies das Geschlecht der Este im 12.Jahrhundert eine Burg errichten. Im 17. Jahrhundert wurde die Burg von der venezianischen Patrizierfamilie Morosini für ihren Sommersitz zu einer Villa verwandelt. Infolge eines Bombenangriff der alliierter Flugzeuge am 20. April 1945 ist nur der heute noch zu sehende Nordturm vorhanden.
Not to be overlooked, to be interpreted from a distance as a watchtower “Torre Morosini”. He magically attracted us so we left the bike / hiking trail and found a rest area with a well-designed display board about the history of Villa Morosini. The Estonians had a castle built on the remains of a fortress from Roman times in the 12th century. In the 17th century the castle was transformed into a villa by the Venetian patrician family Morosini for their summer residence. As a result of a bomb attack by Allied aircraft on April 20, 1945, only the north tower, which can still be seen today, remains.

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