Tonoli S.r.l.

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tonoli S.r.l.

Address :

Via Maestri del Lavoro, 29/33, 12039 Verzuolo CN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9789
Postal code : 12039
Website :
Categories :
City : Verzuolo

Via Maestri del Lavoro, 29/33, 12039 Verzuolo CN, Italy
Giovanni Brizio on Google

Puntualità, professionalità e gentilezza contraddistinguono il personale..per non parlare degli autisti... mi hanno consegnato del materiale in una località montana (Montoso) con precisione e disponibilità consiglio vivamente.
Punctuality, professionalism and kindness distinguish the staff .. not to mention the drivers ... they delivered me the material in a mountain location (Montoso) with precision and availability I highly recommend.
Fernando Luciano on Google

Foi a primeira vez que aqui estive, carga muito rápida colaboradores simpáticos e prestaveis.
It was the first time I've been here, very quick load, friendly and helpful staff.
Adrian Pasarica on Google

Anch’io per la prima volta , qualcosa non va , dalle 9 del mattino nel parcheggio e non mi scaricano . Adesso sono le 14 e fin qua tutto bene posso capire , ma non ce acceso alle machine venditrici bibite e cafe , nemmeno al bagno . Mi dispiace ma do solo due stelle . Non sono un cane a fare i bisogni su la ruota nel parcheggio .
I too for the first time, something is wrong, from 9 in the morning in the parking lot and they don't unload me. Now it is 2 pm and so far I can understand everything well, but there is no access to the vending machines for drinks and cafes, not even in the bathroom. I'm sorry but I only give two stars. I am not a dog to go to the wheel in the parking lot.
Laurentiu Bratu on Google

Muy rápidos en cargar o descargar Personal amable Posibilidad de aparcar en la calle
Very fast to load or unload friendly staff Possibility of parking on the street
Marek Czaja on Google

Sprawnie. I miło. Meldunek na wyświetlaczu nr wjazdu i rampy potem wyjazd na parking pięć minut i przynoszą papiery
Efficient. And that's nice. Check-in on the entry and ramp number display, then exit to the parking lot for five minutes and bring the papers
Adrian GARLIŃSKI on Google

Szybko sprawnie parking jest przed firma dokumenty rampa wyświetla się na tablicy ogólnie firma na plus toalety pod rampami , trochę trudny dojazd przez centrum miasta ale widoki rekompensują powolna jazdę
Fast efficient parking in front of the company documents the ramp is displayed on the board generally the company plus toilets under the ramps, a bit of a difficult access through the city center but the views compensate for the slow drive
Максим on Google

Всё быстро и приветливо. Приезжаешь, паркуешься перед входом и ждешь. Придут, возьмут документы, присвоят номер. Ждешь, когда на экране появится твой номер и какая рампа. Подъехал, открыл, запарковался и ждешь окончания. Документы либо в конце загрузки дадут, либо выйдешь с территории и подождешь 5 минут. Душа нет, туалет только на территории.
Everything is fast and friendly. You arrive, park in front of the entrance and wait. They will come, take the documents, assign a number. You wait for your number and what ramp to appear on the screen. Pulled up, opened, parked and wait for the end. Documents will either be given at the end of the download, or you will leave the territory and wait 5 minutes. There is no shower, the toilet is only on site.
Florin Maghiar on Google


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