Tip of the Ravens

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tip of the Ravens

Address :

Ginostra, 98050 Lipari ME, Italy

Postal code : 98055
Categories :
City : Lipari

Ginostra, 98050 Lipari ME, Italy
Razor on Google

Jerome Soulard on Google

Parfait de nuit bien qu'eloigné pour voir et entendre les éruptions sur la sciara d'El fuoco. Par contre chemin pas facile et pas très bien indiqué. Lampe torche indispensable
Perfect at night although far away to see and hear the eruptions on the El fuoco sciara. On the other hand, the path is not easy and not very well indicated. Flashlight essential
Burkhardt Rump on Google

Auf dieser Insel ist fast jeder Ort mit einer eigentümlichen Magie versehen. Von Ginostra aus führt ein schmaler Weg hinauf auf den Timpone und von dort zur Feuerrutsche. Es ist auch der Weg, über den man von dieser Seite der Insel aus auf den Gipfel des Strombolis kommt. In den 70ziger Jahren sind wir über die Route, direkt vorbei am Friedhof, zum Gipfel aufgebrochen. Das ging damals noch ohne Führer. Wir haben auf dem Gipfel hinter kleinen Steinmauern übernachtet. Im September 2017 führte uns eine Nachmittagswanderung bis zu diesem Punkt. Die Ruhe / Stille - nur von gelegentlichen Grollen des Idu unterbrochen - war (wie immer) beeindruckend. Der Abstieg nach Ginostra (vor der gesamten Kulisse des Archipels bei einsetzendem Sonnenuntergang und klarer Sicht bis zum Ätna) haute mich um.
Almost every place on this island is endowed with a peculiar magic. From Ginostra a narrow path leads up to the Timpone and from there to the fire slide. It is also the way to get to the top of Strombolis from this side of the island. In the 1970s, we set off for the summit via the route, directly past the cemetery. Back then it was still possible without a guide. We stayed at the summit behind small stone walls. In September 2017, an afternoon hike took us to this point. The calm / silence - only interrupted by the occasional rumble of the Idu - was (as always) impressive. The descent to Ginostra (against the entire backdrop of the archipelago when sunset sets in and a clear view to Mount Etna) knocked me out.
Devid Cecchi on Google

Un posto magnifico raggiungibile con 30 minuti di passeggiata alla portata di quasi tutti.. Al termine della quale è possibile vedere la Sciara del Fuoco..
A magnificent place reachable with a 30-minute walk within reach of almost everyone .. At the end of which it is possible to see the Sciara del Fuoco ..
Roberto di Alicudi on Google

Ci vado ogni mattina quando sono a Ginostra, è un buon posto per parlare da soli.
I go there every morning when I'm in Ginostra, it's a good place to talk to yourself.
Enrico Gasparini on Google

Great place. Better of going there early in the morning or after sunset.
Sang Eun Kim on Google

You can watch volcanic eruptions here after sunset. Amazing experience. Take a torch with you!
dusty on Google

pathway is very poorly maintained, not well-marked, easy to get lost and into remote danger; yet the viewpoint at the end somehow seems to make it all worth it. you can hear the volcanic eruptions like a large truck rattling by; probably the finest view of the lush side of stromboli ever to be seen (much better from ginostra side than where most visitor go on the stromboli porto side of the island

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