4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact THOLER

Address :

Via Aschbach, 30, 39022 Lagundo BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9888
Postal code : 39022
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City : Lagundo

Via Aschbach, 30, 39022 Lagundo BZ, Italy
Barbara Oberdorfer on Google

Einfach einen Besuch wert...sehr nette Gastgeber.
Just worth a visit ... very nice hosts.
CarmenSchuler de Pferd&Mensch on Google

Sehr netter Kontakt mit viel Herz Toller Umgang mit den Kindern und Tieren Ausritt war mega schön Danke Ina und Carmen Auch mit dem Auto über die enge, kurvenreiche Straße ab Töll zu erreichen
Very nice contact with a lot of heart Great dealings with the children and animals The ride was really nice Thank you Ina and Carmen Can also be reached by car via the narrow, winding road from Töll
Francesca Presutti on Google

Ottimo. Un luogo incantevole, la casa é meravigliosa e il panorama è mozzafiato! I proprietari sono molto gentili e disponibili.
Great. An enchanting place, the house is wonderful and the scenery is breathtaking! The owners are very kind and helpful.
Girolamo Festa on Google

Stuttura nuova e molto bella. Pulizia appartamento curata. Posto meraviglioso con un panorama mozzafiato. Consiglerei di ofrire la colazione visto il prezzo abbastanza alto per il posto moto isolato e fuori mano e la strada stretta e ripida
New and very nice structure. Careful apartment cleaning. Wonderful place with a breathtaking view. I would recommend offering breakfast given the fairly high price for the isolated and out of the way motorcycle place and the narrow and steep road
Fabrizio Coni on Google

Posto incantevole situato a 1350 metri. Gestito da una famiglia di persone molto educate è disponibili, la casa è curata nei minimi particolari molto pulita, dotata di riscaldamento a pavimento lavastoviglie doccia e vasca. Tutto l'arredamento è fatto di legno, con appendiabiti tutti rigorosamente fatti in corno di cervo e camoscio . Noi siamo stati a dicembre, era ricoperto di neve, ma le strade pulite siamo arrivati senza nessun problema. Abbiamo visitato anche la stalla adiacente la casa, dove troviamo quattro poni, tre cavalli, due mucche, tre capre,e dei conigli. Quando non c'è la neve vengono fatte delle bellissime passeggiate a cavallo sia per adulti che per bambini.
Lovely place located at 1350 meters. Run by a family of very educated people is available, the house is very clean with attention to detail, equipped with underfloor heating dishwasher shower and bathtub. All the furniture is made of wood, all made with hangers made of deer and chamois horn. We were there in December, was covered with snow, but the clean streets we arrived with no problem. We also visited the barn adjacent to the house, where there are four ask, three horses, two cows, three goats, and rabbits. When there is no snow, beautiful horse rides are made for both adults and children.
Maria Luisa Campanini on Google

Arrivati dopo aver percorso una stradina di montagna molto ripida, pulita nonostante le recenti nevicate, abbiamo trovato un panorama fantastico. Borgo con case tipiche e quasi tutte ristrutturate. Accoglienza molto calorosa da parte di Elisabeth e Ernst. Appartamenti molto belli, puliti e forniti di tutti i confort. Servizio giornaliero su richiesta come la consegna di latte, burro e pane. Nei dintorni sentiero didattico per favolose passeggiate. Funivia che porta a valle senza dover spostare l'auto con trasporto gratuito essendo ospiti del maso. Treno locale per visite a Merano e zone limitrofe. Abbiamo soggiornato 4 giorni e nonostante le basse temperature, abbiamo avuto sempre il sole. Ma il meglio arriva al tramonto quando si può osservare un favoso cielo stellato senza inquinamento acustico né luminoso. Notte di San Silvestro allietata da bellissimo spettacolo pirotecnico. Luogo consigliato a chi vuole trascorrere qualche giorno di completo relax. Appartamenti nuovissimi, puliti ed attrezzati anche per parecchie persone (10). Accoglienza molto calorosa
Arrived after traveling a very steep mountain road, clean despite the recent snowfalls, we found a fantastic view. Village with typical houses and almost all renovated. Very warm welcome from Elisabeth and Ernst. Very nice apartments, clean and equipped with all comforts. Daily service on request such as delivery of milk, butter and bread. In the surroundings an educational path for fabulous walks. Cable car that leads to the valley without having to move the car with free transport being guests of the farm. Local train for visits to Merano and surrounding areas. We stayed 4 days and despite the low temperatures, we always had the sun. But the best comes at sunset when you can see a fabulous starry sky without noise or light pollution. New Year's Eve enlivened by a beautiful fireworks display. Recommended place for those who want to spend a few days of complete relaxation. Brand new apartments, clean and equipped even for several people (10). Very warm welcome
Rolf on Google

Wir waren Anfang September mit unserem Wohnmobil eine Woche zu Gast auf dem Tholer-Hof und hatten von unserem Stellplatz einen genialen Ausblick auf den Vinschgau. Elisabeth und Ihre Familie sind die perfekten Gastgeber. Es war eine wunderbare Zeit.
At the beginning of September we were guests with our mobile home for a week at the Tholer-Hof and had a great view of the Vinschgau from our pitch. Elisabeth and her family are the perfect hosts. It was a wonderful time.
R. K. on Google

Einfach herrlich, absolut empfehlenswert ? Für uns war es der schönste Urlaub überhaupt. Die Kinder sind richtig aufgeblüht und auch die Eltern hat das ein oder andere Tier sehr ins Herz geschlossen? Die Zimmer sind sehr hübsch und kinderfreundlich gestaltet,ordentlich und sauber?
Simply wonderful, absolutely recommendable ? For us it was the best holiday ever. The children really blossomed and the parents also took one or the other animal to their hearts ? The rooms are very pretty and child-friendly, neat and clean

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