Stazione FS Casalecchio Ceretolo

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Stazione FS Casalecchio Ceretolo

Address :

Via Cardinale Giacomo Lercaro, 37, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno BO, Italy

Postal code : 40033
Categories :
City : Casalecchio Di Reno

Via Cardinale Giacomo Lercaro, 37, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno BO, Italy
nilda rodrigues on Google

Angelo Pranzini on Google

Lorenzo Campana on Google

Comoda per gli abitanti della zona .....con il minimo indispensabile
Convenient for the inhabitants of the area ..... with the bare minimum
Inos 68 on Google

Comodissimo per arrivare in centro in pochi minuti
Very convenient to get to the center in a few minutes
Marisa Capelli on Google

Stazione del nulla, se non sei del posto difficoltà per biglietti pochissime informazioni
Station of nowhere, if you are not local, difficulty for tickets very little information
maurizio bolognini on Google

Laís Verger on Google

El tren es muy confortable y bonito! Siempre llega a la hora... pero la estación de tren no tiene la máquina que valida los tickets, tenemos que validar adentro... pra descubrir que teníamos que hacer eso, nos quedamos muy confundidos. preguntamos a una persona, que nos dijo que teníamos que validarlo adentro... que nos ayudo mucho. Pero es solo eso que nos dejó confundidos. Yo y mi familia aprovechamos mucho el paseo y el viaje para Italia! Realmente es una ciudad muy Bonita! Ah! Una cosa, el transporte es muy complicado aquí en Italia, tenemos que buscar los autobuses, los horarios... entonces, para las personas que quieren pasar un tiempo en Italia, tienen que preucuparse con el transporte, digo, el horario, las paradas, programarse con tiempo...
The train is very comfortable and beautiful! Always arrives at the time ... but the train station does not have the machine that validates the tickets, we have to validate inside ... to discover that we had to do that, we were very confused. We asked a person, who told us that we had to validate it inside ... that helped us a lot. But it's just that that left us confused. Me and my family took advantage of the trip and the trip to Italy! It really is a very beautiful city! Ah! One thing, transport is very complicated here in Italy, we have to look for buses, schedules ... so, for people who want to spend time in Italy, they have to worry about transport, I mean, the schedule, the stops , schedule with time ...
giancarlo bertuzzi on Google

Una gran bella stazione dei treni visto che è comoda perché si trova vicino al esselunga di Casalecchio e poi di fianco per chi deve aspettare il treno ce un parco, la linea è Bologna Centrale e Vignola
A very nice train station since it is convenient because it is located near the esselunga di Casalecchio and then next to it for those who have to wait for the train there is a park, the line is Bologna Centrale and Vignola

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