St. Georgs- und St. Jakobs-Kirche

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact St. Georgs- und St. Jakobs-Kirche

Address :

Erdpyramidenweg 39054, Oberbozen, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Website :
Categories :
City : Südtirol

Erdpyramidenweg 39054, Oberbozen, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy
Thomas Forer on Google

Bellissima chiesetta
Beautiful little church
GIORGIO tomasi on Google

Bellissima chiesa...
Beautiful church ...
Alessio Clementi on Google

Per chi vuole visitare Bolzano fuori dal caos cittadino, consiglio l'altopiano del Renon dov'è incluso nel prezzo della stanza viene consegnata la RittenCard che vi permette utilizzare tutti i mezzi pubblici della Provincia di Bolzano incluse le funivie, ovovie e anche Ferrovie dello Stato fino a Innsbruck potete quindi godervi un soggiorno con il massimo comfort e la massima tranquillità senza problemi di parcheggio. I vantaggi offerti dalla carta sono inclusi anche gli ingressi ai musei della città di Bolzano.
For those who want to visit Bolzano out of the chaos of the city, I recommend the Ritten plateau where the RittenCard is included in the price of the room, which allows you to use all public transport in the Province of Bolzano including the cable cars, lifts and also the State Railways up to Innsbruck you can therefore enjoy a stay with maximum comfort and peace of mind without parking problems. The advantages offered by the card are also included the entrances to the museums of the city of Bolzano.
RoBa71 on Google

Interessanter Ort, sehr schönes Kirchlein. Sehenswert
Interesting place, very nice little church. Worth seeing
Maurizio Azzola on Google

Di ritorno dalla vista delle piramidi di terra si trova questa bella Chiesetta su un cucuzzolo
Returning from the view of the earth pyramids is this beautiful little church on a summit
Uwe Rüdiger on Google

Die kleine Kirche / Kapelle, welche seit dem 13. Jahrhundert hier auf dem Bergvorsprung majestätisch über Bozen thront, sollte einen Abstecher auf dem Keschtnweg von Oberbozen ins Tal wert sein. Man kann über die geöffneten Fenster auch einen Blick ins innere werfen, bzw über den lokalen Tourismusverband auch eine Besichtigung arrangieren.
The small church / chapel, which has been enthroned majestically over Bozen on the mountain promontory since the 13th century, should be worth a detour on the Keschtnweg from Oberbozen into the valley. You can also take a look inside through the open window or arrange a tour through the local tourist office.
roberta maderi on Google

Bellissima chiesetta immersa nella quiete del Renon. E' visitabile chiedendo la chiave all'Ufficio Turistico di Oberbozen
Beautiful little church immersed in the quiet of the Renon. It can be visited by asking for the key at the Oberbozen Tourist Office
Mauro T. C. on Google

Chiesetta posta in posizione panoramica a Signato sul Renon.
Church in a panoramic position in Signato on Renon.

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