
4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Soma

Address :

Via Somalia, 1, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9998
Categories :
City : Siracusa

Via Somalia, 1, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy
massimo miceli on Google

Grande professionalità e simpatia dei proprietari. Locale accogliente con una bella veranda. Ottimo assortimento di rum. Consigliatissimo!
Great professionalism and friendliness of the owners. Cozy room with a nice veranda. Great assortment of rums. Highly recommended!
Andreas Petö on Google

Es gibt kein Menü zum Lesen, es werden keine Drinks empfohlen, wir haben uns dann klischeehaft für Aperol Spritz entschieden. Die Frage, ob es Snacks oder kleine Speisen gibt, wurde verneint. 30 min später hat der Nebentisch eine Platte mit Bruschetta, eingelegtem Gemüse, Bratkartoffeln, etc. erhalten. Auf meine Rückfrage, warum uns das nicht genannt wurde, hat die Kellnerin entgegnet, das seien eben Antipasti und keine Snacks. Wir sind dann sehr unzufrieden von dem Lokal Heim gegangen.
There is no menu to read, no drinks are recommended, we then opted for Aperol Spritz clichéd. The question of whether there are snacks or small dishes was answered in the negative. 30 minutes later, the next table has received a platter with bruschetta, pickled vegetables, fried potatoes, etc. When I asked why we weren't told that, the waitress replied that they were antipasti and not snacks. We then left Heim, very dissatisfied.
video2 produzioni on Google

Lascio comunque una recensione positiva "in fiducia" ma purtroppo non posso confermarla dalle circostanze. Ci accoglie una gentilissima ragazza e per ordinare niente menù. Strano, se vado in un locale che vanta un certo livello di preparazione di cocktail fai vedere al cliente le tue proposte (anche con menù digitale) oppure mandi al tavolo il bartender per qualche consiglio. Non insisto e prendo un Old Fashioned, che conosco molto bene e ne ho bevuti di eccellenti, dal quale ho dovuto togliere il ghiaccio che strabordava dal bicchiere perché non c'era modo di berlo. Risultato, troppo ghiaccio e il drink era annacquato. Poco dopo vedo una ragazza con un bicchiere martini entusiasta per un drink buonissimo e in quel momento esce la bartender a spiegare come lo aveva preparato. Mi chiedo in che modo avrei potuto ordinare quel drink. Non so, o era tardi e loro erano stanchi oppure mi hanno scambiato per un turista. Mi spiace, queste situazioni fanno la differenza.
However, I leave a positive review "in confidence" but unfortunately I cannot confirm it from the circumstances. A very kind girl welcomes us and to order no menu. Strange, if I go to a place that boasts a certain level of preparation of cocktails, show the customer your proposals (even with a digital menu) or send the bartender to the table for some advice. I do not insist and I take an Old Fashioned, which I know very well and I drank excellent ones, from which I had to remove the ice that overflowed from the glass because there was no way to drink it. Result, too much ice and the drink was watered down. Shortly after I see a girl with a martini glass enthusiastic about a very good drink and at that moment the bartender comes out to explain how she had prepared it. I wonder how I could have ordered that drink. I don't know, either it was late and they were tired or they mistaken me for a tourist. I'm sorry, these situations make a difference.
Simona P on Google

Buonissimi i piatti preparati con amore pensando alla bellissima Roma.. Gli antipasti: le polpette di nonna Rella i crostoni ai funghi e guanciale per non parlare quelli ai friarelli e salsiccia. I primi piatti ottimi. Complimenti alle cuoche e alla qualità dei prodotti, grande Daniele sei stato simpaticissimo. Alla prossima ?
Delicious dishes prepared with love thinking of the beautiful Rome .. The starters: grandmother Rella's meatballs, croutons with mushrooms and bacon, not to mention those with friarelli and sausage. Excellent first courses. Congratulations to the cooks and to the quality of the products, great Daniele you were very nice. Until next time ?
Sio Lan on Google

Super nettes Personal ABER : Kein Crash Eis, kein brauner/ weißer Zucker und noch nichtmal Maracuja Saft für einen Maracuja. Getränk war trotzdem nicht schlecht
Super nice staff BUT: No crash ice, no brown / white sugar and not even passion fruit juice for a passion fruit. Drink wasn't bad anyway
Alessio Dioni on Google

Uno dei pub più bello e accogliente che abbia mai visitato
One of the nicest and friendliest pubs I've ever visited
Giuseppe Messina on Google

Qualità dei prodotti eccellente. Servizio gentile ed efficiente. I proprietari sono sempre a disposizione con un bel sorriso sulle labbra. Atmosfera sana e rilassante. Bravi!! Continuate così.
Excellent product quality. Friendly and efficient service. The owners are always there with a big smile on their faces. Healthy and relaxing atmosphere. Well done !! Keep it up.
Raphaël on Google

I started the evening with great food and stayed late at night with excellent cocktails, perfect to spend a beautiful evening.

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