Sezione Consolare - Ambasciata di Romania

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sezione Consolare - Ambasciata di Romania

Address :

Viale Libano, 40, 00144 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–3PM
Tuesday 9AM–3PM
Wednesday 9AM–3PM
Thursday 9AM–3PM
Friday 9AM–3PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Roma

Viale Libano, 40, 00144 Roma RM, Italy

Ar trebui modificat orarul de ridicarea pașaportului, ce orar e ăsta 9-10, după amiază minim 2ore, pentru depunere am pierdut 3zile de muncă, să vin să-l iau voi pierde la fel (șofer)
The passport pick-up time should be changed, what time is this 9-10, at least 2 hours in the afternoon, for the deposit I lost 3 working days, to come and pick it up I will lose the same (driver)
Simona Calia on Google

Ambasciata rumena ben organizzata. Alcuni consoli sono molto gentili e disponibili. Gli spazi sono un pò stretti e nei periodi di maggiore affluenza si crea un pò di confusione. All'esterno non ho mai avuto problemi a trovare parcheggio.
Well organized Romanian embassy. Some consuls are very kind and helpful. The spaces are a bit narrow and in the periods of greater turnout there is a bit of confusion. Outside I've never had a problem finding parking.
Vichentii Cristian on Google

I telefoni non funzionano, quindi inutile attaccarsi come ho fatto io, non essendo troppo tecnologico ci sono andato di persona, per delle info, ma e andato male !… Alla fine mi sono fatto aiutare e siamo riusciti a prendere 2 appuntamenti, giorni differenti (per me è per la mia fidanzata ) perché lo stesso giorno non ci li dava. Ci siamo presentati il 02-03-2022 il giorno del primo appuntamento, e la situazione si è capovolta trattati bene !! , ci hanno fatto tutte le pratiche di cui avevamo bisogno anche se la data del secondo appuntamento era dopo 1 settimana, sono stati gentili ed educati, veramente umani. E per questo vi ringrazio tanto. La ragazza all’ingresso veramente cordiale, esplicita, gentile e professionale, più persone così ai servizi publici sarebbe bello. Conclusione…. Prima impressione (negativa) Seconda impressione (ottima )
The phones don't work, so it's useless to hang on like I did, not being too technological I went there in person, for info, but it went wrong! ... In the end I got help and we managed to make 2 appointments, different days (for me it is for my girlfriend) because the same day he didn't give them to us. We showed up on 02-03-2022 on the day of the first appointment, and the situation turned upside down! , they did all the paperwork we needed even though the second appointment date was after 1 week, they were kind and polite, really human. And for this I thank you so much. The girl at the entrance is really friendly, explicit, kind and professional, more people like that at public services would be nice. Conclusion…. First impression (negative) Second impression (excellent)
Dore Giovanni Lorenzo on Google

Aveam nevoie sa imi refac pasaportul, am depus cererea on line, facut pas cu pas ceea ce imi venea solicitat, dupa validarea cererii, am facut programrea, tot online si m-am presentat la data indicata in Roma, eu locuiesc in Sardegna. Personalul a fost mai mult decat disponibil, plecand de la domnul foarte dragut de la poarta, si incheind cu doamna care s-a ocupat de cererea mea si mi-a dat o gramada de sfaturi utile. Au acceptat sa ma primeasca ore prima dell' ora prevista, intelegand ca aveam nevoie de timp pentru a ma intoarce la aeroport. Am depus actele in 31 martie si in 27 aprilie, in nici 20 de zile lucartoare pasaportul mi-a ajuns acasa prin curier DHL. Eram ingrozita de recensiunile negative, de faptul ca nu reusisem sa am un contact telefonic cu Consulatul inainte de a veni in Roma, dar am fost surprinsa de profesionalitatea functionarilor si de omenia lor. sper sa fie de folos si altor persoane care trebuie sa se adreseze Consulatului pentru prima data, ca si in cazul meu. PS eu nu am intampinat nici un fel de problema in atasarea documentelo si fixarea datei pentru depunerea documentelor in orignal
I needed to get my passport back, I submitted the application online, I did step by step what I was asked to do, after validating the application, I made the appointment, also online and I showed up on the date indicated in Rome, I live in Sardinia. The staff was more than helpful, starting with the very nice gentleman at the gate, and ending with the lady who took care of my request and gave me a lot of useful advice. They agreed to receive me before the scheduled time, realizing that I needed time to return to the airport. I submitted the documents on March 31st and on April 27th, in less than 20 working days the passport arrived at my home by DHL courier. I was horrified by the negative reviews, by the fact that I had failed to have telephone contact with the Consulate before coming to Rome, but I was surprised by the professionalism of the officials and their humanity. I hope it will be useful to other people who have to address the Consulate for the first time, as in my case. PS I did not encounter any problems in attaching the documents and setting the date for submitting the documents in the original
Florentina . on Google

Ho avuto necessità più volte di recarmi al consolato per diversi documenti! Devo dire che OGNI volta ho trovato persone professionali, sempre gentili e disponibili a rispondere e consigliare al meglio! Raramente trovi persone così, che mandano avanti tutto con passione e dedizione! Per noi di diaspora, l'ambasciata è un ancora di salvezza, e sapere di poterci contare a piena fiducia fa la differenza! Molto organizzati e nessuna fila d'attesa, niente a che vedere con gli uffici burocratici italiani!
I had to go to the consulate several times for various documents! I must say that EVERY time I have found professional people, always kind and willing to answer and advise in the best possible way! You rarely find people like this, who run everything with passion and dedication! For us in the diaspora, the embassy is a lifeline, and knowing that we can rely on it with full confidence makes the difference! Very organized and no waiting lines, nothing to do with the Italian bureaucratic offices!
teodor sorin sirbu on Google

dorofeev alexandru on Google

Gabi Socaciu on Google

Really nice people, problem solved

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