Santuario della Madonna del Bosco

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Santuario della Madonna del Bosco

Address :

Via Madonna del Bosco, Via del Santuario, 1, 23898 Imbersago, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9999
Postal code : 23898
Website :
Categories :
City : Imbersago
Description : Reached via 349 steps, this landmark 1600s church has sweeping views across the countryside.

Via Madonna del Bosco, Via del Santuario, 1, 23898 Imbersago, Italy
Ralph Maldia on Google

One of the best place
nebu simeoni on Google

Good place
Havana Diana on Google

William Bloor on Google

A beautiful monument to a well loved local pontiff
Álvaro Canivell on Google

Nice location and road. Good place if you are fond of cycling
Andrew Jhonson on Google

You feel here the energy of this holly place. It's just amazing and is very close to Milan for those who are visiting Italy.
Mari A. on Google

Breathtaking ❤️
KK on Google

Great place with almost 300 stairs. The view from the upstairs is amazing.

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