Saint Stefano

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Contact Saint Stefano

Address : Santo Stefano, 10, 20871 Vimercate MB, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998
Postal code : 20871
Categories :
City : Vimercate Santo Stefano, 10, 20871 Vimercate MB, Italy
Marco Campus on Google

Chiesa anticamente collegiata prepositurale plebana di Santo Stefano, XIII secolo, era la sede dell'antica pieve di Vimercate. Attenzione aperta solo per matrimoni e per le importanti festività.
Formerly a collegiate provost of Santo Stefano, 13th century, it was the seat of the ancient parish church of Vimercate. Attention open only for weddings and important holidays.
Patrizia Stabilini on Google

Bella chiesa, bellissimi affreschi
Beautiful church, beautiful frescoes
Armando D'Alessio Grassi on Google

Merita una visita....La colleggiata è spettacolare. L'abside del Gambara con il martirio di Santo Stefano, sovrastato dalla Gloria celeste, è realisticamente ben rappresentato. Inoltre sono pure da ammirare, ad un ad uno, il martirio degli Apostoli raffigurati, su due lati, alla base di imposta della volta centrale della basilica.
Worth a visit .... The collegiate is spectacular. The Gambara apse with the martyrdom of Santo Stefano, dominated by the celestial Glory, is realistically well represented. Also to be admired, one by one, the martyrdom of the Apostles depicted, on two sides, at the base of the central vault of the basilica.
Matteo Ruggiero on Google

Non è stato possibile l'accesso ma posso dire che lo stato attuale è molto valido ed efficiente. Peccato che mi rimane il dubbio dell'interno!
Access was not possible but I can say that the current status is very good and efficient. Too bad that I am left with the doubt of the interior!
Luciano Pieri on Google

Chiesa con magnifici affreschi
Church with magnificent frescoes
Giuseppe Magni on Google

Chiesa antichissima, a tre navate con tre absidi. La zona del presbiterio è la più antica, risale al X secolo. La decorazione interna meno recente è posta nella cappellina di Sant'Ambrogio, conserva affreschi trecenteschi. L'abside della navata centrale è stata affrescata da Lattanzio Gambara con storie della vita di Santo Stefano e la Gloria Celeste nel 1566. Dal 1805 la chiesa è stata modificata col l'intervento di Leopoldo Pollack.
Very ancient church, with three naves with three apses. The presbytery area is the oldest, dating back to the 10th century. The less recent internal decoration is placed in the chapel of Sant'Ambrogio, it preserves fourteenth-century frescoes. The apse of the central nave was frescoed by Lattanzio Gambara with stories from the life of Saint Stephen and the Celestial Glory in 1566. Since 1805 the church has been modified with the intervention of Leopoldo Pollack.
Nicoletta Gherardi on Google

Grazie alle Giornate Fai di Primavera 2022,ho potuto visitare questa interessantissima chiesa, solitamente chiusa. Primo nucleo del V e VI secolo, con rifacimenti cinquecenteschi. Pareti affrescate. Chiesa tenuta molto bene. Un encomio alle guide FAI che ci hanno illustrato il monumento con competenza e passione.
Thanks to the Fai Spring Days 2022, I was able to visit this very interesting church, which is usually closed. First nucleus of the fifth and sixth century, with sixteenth-century renovations. Frescoed walls. Very well kept church. A commendation to the FAI guides who illustrated the monument to us with competence and passion.
Diego Pinheiro on Google

today’s appearance of the Chiesa di San Stefano Protomartire is the result of a succession of transformations. located in the historic centre of Vimercate, the church was built between the tenth and eleventh centuries, perhaps on the site where there used to be older buildings (probably roman). the building has suffered interventions in the 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 19th centuries. this building is also home to frescoes from 1566 by Lattanzio Gambara with the “Storie della passione di Santo Stefano”. also, in 1805, the interior of the church underwent modifications supervised by Leopoldo Pollack. this is a monument about the coexistence of different times in one place. anyone who’s interested in architecture and in restoration should visit this church.

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