Saint Gervasio of Bulgaria

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Saint Gervasio of Bulgaria

Address :

61037 Mondolfo Pesaro Urbino, Italy

Categories :
City : Mondolfo Pesaro Urbino

61037 Mondolfo Pesaro Urbino, Italy
Sabrina M. on Google

La struttura esterna è bella, peccato sia difficilissimo trovarlo aperto al pubblico.
The external structure is beautiful, it is a pity that it is very difficult to find it open to the public.
Rachele Ragnetti on Google

Chiesa di origini paleocristiane, la si scopre piano piano, dall'esterno in laterizio all'interno a navata unica in stile tardobarocco settecentesco, che cela due navate laterali accessibili da porte, attraverso cui si rivela l'anima più antica della costruzione, che culmina nella discesa verso la cripta, dove, come un tesoro, è conservato un sarcofago in stile ravennate risalente al VI secolo d.C. Per l'estate 2018 la trovate aperta: venerdì feriali ore 17-19 sabato ore 16-19 domenica ore 9.30-12.30 Ingresso gratuito
Church of early Christian origins, it is discovered slowly, from the outside in brick to the inside with a single nave in late eighteenth-century Baroque style, which conceals two side aisles accessible by doors, through which the oldest soul of the building is revealed, which culminates in the descent towards the crypt, where, like a treasure, there is a Ravenna-style sarcophagus dating back to the 6th century AD For summer 2018 you can find it open: Friday weekdays 5-7pm Saturday 4 pm-7pm Sunday 9.30-12.30 Free entry
Lucia Cazzagon on Google

Bella chiesa ben conservata. Visitabile solo alcuni giorni dei mesi estivi.
Beautiful well preserved church. It can only be visited on a few days in the summer months.
Cristiano Da Mont'Olmo on Google

Da fuori molti bella, peccato averla trovata chiusa.
From the outside, many beautiful, too bad to have found it closed.
Paolo D'Ancona on Google

Estremamente bella. Ma vista solo dall'estrema perché i giorni di apertura sono pochi e le messe vengono fatte all'aperto
Extremely beautiful. But seen only from the extreme because the opening days are few and the masses are done outdoors
Alain Simonin on Google

Fermée ! Et le grand parking devant est inaccessible.
Closed! And the large parking lot in front is inaccessible.
Caroline Jung on Google

Sehr schöne Kirche, uralt mit einem Sarkophag und einer Strassenkarte aus der Römerzeit. Really wonderful and old Church with a big surprise inside.
Very beautiful church, ancient with a sarcophagus and a road map from Roman times. Really wonderful and old Church with a big surprise inside.
Vanessa L. on Google

Forse è più facile vincere un terno al lotto che trovarla aperta! Non ho visto neanche il cartello con gli orari, assolutamente sfortunata! Esternamente molto bello!
Perhaps it is easier to win a lottery than to find it open! I did not even see the sign with the times, absolutely unfortunate! Outwardly very beautiful!

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