Saint Domenico

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Contact Saint Domenico

Address :

Piazza S. Domenico, 30015 Chioggia VE, Italy

Postal code : 30015
Categories :
City : Chioggia

Piazza S. Domenico, 30015 Chioggia VE, Italy
pietro bryan de faveri on Google

Chiesa nel centro storico di Chioggia, semplice nel complesso ma ricca nella opere d'arte esposte, dai dipinti al Cristo crocifisso particolare nella sua unicità. Sicuramente da inserire nella visita alla città detta "la piccola Venezia". Ovviamente meglio se aiutati da una giornata di sole.
Church in the historic center of Chioggia, simple overall but rich in works of art on display, from paintings to Christ crucified particularly in its uniqueness. Definitely to be included in the visit to the city called "the little Venice". Obviously better if helped by a sunny day.
Lino Fe on Google

Molto bello l'interno. Nella torre campanaria di S. Andrea è presente il modellino originale della chiesa.
The interior is very nice. In the bell tower of S. Andrea there is the original model of the church.
Francesco Soletti on Google

La chiesa di San Domenico occupa con quel che rimane del suo monastero e del lazzaretto un’isoletta all’estremità nord-orientale della città. Alla fine di corso del Popolo, dove s’innalza la colonna con il leone di San Marco, il seicentesco ponte Vigo immette nella calle della Santa Croce. In questo modo lo sguardo si fissa su un campanile d’inconfondibile matrice veneziana-bizantina, a canna quadra, aperto da bifore nella cella superiore, testimonianza più evidente della fondazione trecentesca della chiesa che sorge alla sua ombra. L’edificio, rimaneggiato in epoca barocca, conserva al suo interno opere che meritano particolare attenzione. Tra i dipinti: a metà della navata destra, San Paolo, ultima opera conosciuta di Vittore Carpaccio, firmata e data 1520; a sinistra del presbiterio, Gesù che parla a San Tommaso d’Acquino e i Santi Pietro, Agnese, Caterina, Cecilia e Bernardo, attribuito a Jacopo Tintoretto. All’altare maggiore spicca invece un crocifisso ligneo trecentesco, che misura quasi cinque metri in altezza e tre metri e mezzo in larghezza, dominando l’interno della vasta aula domenicana. Molte sono le ipotesi legate all'origine e soprattutto al modo con cui sarebbe approdato nelle acque dell’isola di S. Domenico: Il violento espressionismo della scultura e la tensione drammatica del volto e delle membra del Cristo hanno fatto ipotizzare una matrice artistica nordica, forse renana, coerente con i contatti culturali che Venezia all’epoca aveva con l’area mitteleuropea. Quanto al suo arrivo in città, non è affatto inverosimile l'ipotesi che sia stato recuperato fortunosamente dopo un naufragio, circostanza che ha alimentato la devozione che l'ha fatto diventare il Cristo dei Pescatori. Un aspetto sorprendente della scultura riguarda la visione ravvicinata che si coglie dal basso: se osservato da destra, il volto manifesta il dramma del Cristo patiens ancora in agonia, con gli occhi socchiusi e sofferente, mentre da sinistra appare rasserenato nel riposo della morte.
The church of San Domenico occupies, with what remains of its monastery and the hospital, an islet at the north-eastern end of the city. At the end of Corso del Popolo, where the column with the lion of San Marco rises, the seventeenth-century Vigo bridge leads into the Calle della Santa Croce. In this way, the gaze is fixed on a bell tower of unmistakable Venetian-Byzantine matrix, with a square barrel, opened by mullioned windows in the upper cell, more evident testimony of the fourteenth-century foundation of the church that rises in its shadow. The building, remodeled in the Baroque era, still houses works that deserve particular attention. Among the paintings: in the middle of the right nave, San Paolo, the last known work by Vittore Carpaccio, signed and dated 1520; to the left of the presbytery, Jesus speaking to St. Thomas Aquinas and Saints Peter, Agnes, Catherine, Cecilia and Bernardo, attributed to Jacopo Tintoretto. At the main altar, a fourteenth-century wooden crucifix stands out, measuring almost five meters in height and three and a half meters in width, dominating the interior of the vast Dominican hall. There are many hypotheses related to the origin and above all to the way in which it would have landed in the waters of the island of S. Domenico: The violent expressionism of the sculpture and the dramatic tension of the face and members of Christ have led to the hypothesis of a Nordic artistic matrix, perhaps Rhenish, consistent with the cultural contacts that Venice at the time had with the Central European area. As for his arrival in the city, the hypothesis that it was fortunately recovered after a shipwreck, a circumstance that fueled the devotion that made him the Christ of the Fishermen, is not at all improbable. A surprising aspect of the sculpture concerns the close-up vision that can be grasped from below: if observed from the right, the face manifests the drama of the Christ patiens still in agony, with narrowed and suffering eyes, while from the left it appears calmed in the rest of death.
Gernot Berndt on Google

Die Kirche San Domenico steht auf den Resten eines ehemaligen Klosters. Aus dem Besitz der Benediktiner ging um 1200 die Insel in dem Besitz der Dominikaner, Klosterbau 1287. Die antike romanische Basilika wurde nach einen Abriss 1745 nach einem Plan von Pietro Pelli neu aufgebaut. Heute ist die Kirche Wallfahrtsort wegen des berühmten und wundersamen Kreuz aus dem 1400. Jh. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurde das große Kreuz nur sechsmal außerhalb der Kirche in einer Prozession getragen, wobei jedes Mal aufgrund seiner mächtigen Abmessungen das Kirchenportal abgerissen und wieder aufgebaut werden musste. Leider war die Kirche verschlossen und wir konnten das Innere nicht bewundern.
The church of San Domenico stands on the remains of a former monastery. The Benedictines owned the island around 1200 and the Dominicans owned the monastery in 1287. The ancient Romanesque basilica was rebuilt in 1745 according to a plan by Pietro Pelli. Today the church is a place of pilgrimage because of the famous and miraculous cross from the 1400th century. Over the centuries, the large cross was carried only six times outside the church in a procession, each time due to its huge dimensions the church portal had to be torn down and rebuilt . Unfortunately the church was closed and we couldn't admire the inside.
Photoartist web on Google

È purtroppo una chiesa non più operativa, aperta da giovedì a domenica per visite libere o guidate. Famosa per il suo Cristo in croce trovato da pescatori in mare, nel secolo scorso. Bellissima nel suo isolotto. Impossibile non restarne affascinati.
It is unfortunately a church no longer operational, open from Thursday to Sunday for free or guided visits. Famous for its Christ on the cross found by fishermen at sea, in the last century. Beautiful in its islet. Impossible not to be fascinated.
Thomas Schmiedgen on Google

wunderschöne Kirche und ein Stück "altes Italien", ein Gefühl von Donna Leon kommt auf, ist eigenlich nicht so einfach zu finden, da an der äußertsen Landspitze über dieGalle Santa Ctoce und Ponte St. Domenico zu erreichen, ein regelrechter Geheimtip, sehr zu empfehlen..., die Chiesa di San Domenico ist eine Kirche in Chioggia in der Metropolitanstadt Venedig, Region Venetien. Sie liegt auf einer kleinen Insel, die den nordöstlichsten Teil von Chioggia bildet. Die Insel ist über eine Brücke über den „Canale di San Domenico“ erreichbar, Die Insel, auf der sich die Kirche befindet, war früher Eigentum der Benediktinermönche. Zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts übernahmen sie die Dominikanerprediger, die dort 1287 einen Konvent mit einer romanischen, Dominikus geweihten, Basilika mit kleinerer Grundfläche errichteten. Nach dem Abriss 1745 wurde sie nach einem Plan von Pietro Pelli bis 1762 auf der heutigen Grundfläche errichtet. Der Glockenturm auf quadratischem Grundriss und eine Doppelglockenzelle wurden im 14. Jahrhundert erbaut.[1] 1797 löste sich die Adelsrepublik Venedig auf und wurde von den Franzosen unter Napoleon Bonaparte besetzt und von 1798 bis 1805 Österreich angegliedert. Mit der Säkularisation 1806 wurden unter Eugène de Beauharnais den Klöstern die Steuerprivilegien entzogen und die Konventsgebäude als Kaserne genutzt. Von 1805 bis 1814 war Venedig Teil des napoleonischen Königreichs Italien. Anschließend nutzten die Jesuiten die Gebäude des Konventes. Die Kirche wurde im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert radikal verändert. Das Innere der Kirche hat ein einziges Kirchenschiff mit Chor und einigen Seitenkapellen.
beautiful church and a piece of "old Italy", a feeling of Donna Leon arises, is actually not that easy to find, as at the extreme point of land over the Galle Santa Ctoce and Ponte St. Domenico, a real insider tip, highly recommended ..., the Chiesa di San Domenico is a church in Chioggia in the metropolitan city of Venice, Veneto region. It is located on a small island that forms the northeastern part of Chioggia. The island can be reached via a bridge over the "Canale di San Domenico". The island on which the church is located was formerly the property of the Benedictine monks. At the beginning of the 13th century they were taken over by the Dominican preachers, who built a convent there in 1287 with a Romanesque basilica, consecrated to Dominic, with a smaller footprint. After it was demolished in 1745, it was built according to a plan by Pietro Pelli by 1762 on the present-day area. The square bell tower and a double bell cell were built in the 14th century. [1] In 1797 the aristocratic republic of Venice dissolved and was occupied by the French under Napoleon Bonaparte and annexed to Austria from 1798 to 1805. With the secularization of 1806 under Eugène de Beauharnais the tax privileges were withdrawn from the monasteries and the convent buildings were used as barracks. From 1805 to 1814 Venice was part of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. The Jesuits then used the buildings of the convent. The church underwent radical changes in the 18th and 19th centuries. The interior of the church has a single nave with a choir and a few side chapels.
Jessy Dadi on Google

Beautiful church with stunning art.
Shawn Alfonsi on Google

Favorite Church in Chioggia! Crucifix is FANTASTIC! ❤️

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