S. Ilario Church

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Contact S. Ilario Church

Address :

Via Giuseppe Garibotti, 2, 26100 Cremona CR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Website : http://www.santilariocremona.it/
Categories :
City : Cremona

Via Giuseppe Garibotti, 2, 26100 Cremona CR, Italy
Raffaele Falco on Google

Ennesimo piccolo grande museo cremonese. Bellissimo luogo di culto e d'arte
Yet another great little Cremonese museum. Beautiful place of worship and art
Alberto Barcellari on Google

Di origini trecentesche, venne totalmente ristrutturata nei primi anni del Settecento. L'interno, in un sobrio barocco, contiene dei dipinti di Giulio Campi, Francesco Boccaccino, Angelo Massarotti e diversi altari in legno policromo di notevole fattura.
Of fourteenth-century origins, it was totally restored in the early eighteenth century. The interior, in a sober baroque, contains paintings by Giulio Campi, Francesco Boccaccino, Angelo Massarotti and several polychrome wooden altars of remarkable workmanship.
Andrea Costa on Google

Chiesa in stile romanico dalla facciata rimasta non conclusa, caratterizzata da un’unica navata molto ampia. Contiene opere interessanti.
Romanesque style church with an unfinished façade, characterized by a single, very wide nave. Contains interesting works.

Sentivo il bisogno di confessarmi e sapendo che avrei trovato un sacerdote disponibile sono entrata in chiesa. Mi sono fermata davanti alla statua della Madonna e le ho acceso una candeline di saluto. Mi sentivo "a casa".
I felt the need to confess and knowing that I would find a priest available, I entered the church. I stopped in front of the statue of the Madonna and lit a greeting candle for her. I felt "at home".
Roberta Bosio on Google

Ci sarebbe qualche reastauro conservativo da effettuare, specialmente all'altare di S. Antonio da Padova - il cui marmo è danneggiato e deteriorato al basamento -. La chiesa è complessivamente ben mantenuta e valorizzata.
There would be some conservative restoration to be carried out, especially at the altar of St. Anthony of Padua - whose marble is damaged and deteriorated at the base -. The church is overall well maintained and valued.
Veronica Bonura on Google

La chiesa di sant'ilario si trova nel centro storico di Cremona. L'attuale costruzione risale al XVIII secolo. La facciata è divisa in due fasce: la parte sotto che si stava adeguando alle forme barocche del tempo, e la parte sopra a rustico. L'interno è a pianta longitudinale, ad unica navata, in stile barochetto terresiano. Le caratteristiche che emergono di questa chiesa sono: - l'opera "Immacolata con Santi e Angeli e la famiglia di Pardo" opera del Massarotti, dove, la particolarità sta che raffigura la famiglia Pardi; - opere del G. Campi. Assolutamente da visitare. Ingresso: libero. *Visitata 8/05/2021*
The church of sant'ilario is located in the historic center of Cremona. The current construction dates back to the 18th century. The façade is divided into two bands: the lower part which was adapting to the Baroque forms of the time, and the upper part in rustic style. The interior has a longitudinal plan, with a single nave, in the Terresian Baroque style. The characteristics that emerge of this church are: - the work "Immaculate with Saints and Angels and the Pardo family" by Massarotti, where the particularity is that it depicts the Pardi family; - works by G. Campi. A must visit. Free admission. * Visited 8/05/2021 *
Jose Verona on Google

This church was built in 1100 is beautiful and big
AMOL NIKAM on Google

Sant'Ilario is an 18th-century, Baroque style, Roman Catholic church in the Cremona region of Lombardy, Italy. It is also known as the Oratory of San Girolamo. A small church at the site existed since 1137, with façade facing east, opposite to the present orientation. In 1716 a new church was commissioned by the Eremitani Scalzi of the Augustinian order. Except for the façade, which remains incomplete in brick, work was complete by 1776. The interior walls and ceilings are frescoed. The nave has three large frescoes enclosed in elaborate stucco. Additional decoration of the ceiling was added in 1895 by V. Gamba. In the second chapel on the right, above the altar are two canvases, depicting Mary and her parents, the other the Glory of St Joseph, painted by Francesco Boccaccino. In the presbytery is a depiction of the Baptism of St Augustine by Giulio Cesare Procaccini. In the Choir is a depiction of Bishop St Ilario, Sant'Apollonia, St Jerome, and St Catherine with Madonna and child (1546) by Antonio Campi. In the first chapel on the left, is a depiction of the Immaculate Conception with St Nicola da Tolentino, Angels and the family of the donor, Felice da Pardo (Governor of Cremona in 1698), by Angelo Massarotti. The Via Crucis were painted by the studio of Massarotti.

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