Risorgiva Lago di Doberdò

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Risorgiva Lago di Doberdò

Address :

34070 Doberdò del Lago GO, Italy

Postal code : 34070
Categories :
City : Doberdo' Del Lago

34070 Doberdò del Lago GO, Italy
Giuseppe Brandmayr on Google

Una bella passeggiata per vedere il lago che è ridotto ad una piccola pozza d'acqua.
A nice walk to see the lake which is reduced to a small pool of water.
gabriele pliessnig on Google

Riesige Enttäuschung auf dem Alpe Adria Trail. Haben nach stundenlanger Wanderung Hoffnungsfroh das einzige Restaurant erwartet (laut Beschreibung) welches offensichtlich schon Monate geschlossen war..... So verwahrlost sah es jedenfalls aus
Huge disappointment on the Alpe Adria Trail. Hoping after hours of hoping the only restaurant expected (according to the description) which obviously months was closed ..... so neglected it looked
eva krenn on Google

Sicher nicht nur im Winterschlaf, denn die Bänke und Mülleimer sind desolat oder nur mehr fragmentarisch vorhanden. Wäre sicher ein Ort mit Potenzial, wenn sich nur wer kümmern würde
Certainly not only in hibernation, because the benches and trash cans are desolate or only fragmentary. Would certainly be a place with potential, if only who would care
Matjaz Zrimsek on Google

Vse je zanemarjeno, zaraščeno in jezera ni več.
Everything is neglected, overgrown and the lake is gone.
Luca Fortunato on Google

Lasciato al suo destino. Complimenti fvg per il non mantenimento del territorio turistico.
Left to his fate. Congratulations fvg for not maintaining the tourist area.
fedemaru88 on Google

Il luogo potrebbe essere molto più piacevole se ci fossero delle indicazioni chiare o una mappa. Nel parcheggio vicino si trova solo la mappa del percorso più alto che inizia al centro visite. Solo in quest'ultimo invece si trova la mappa dei percorsi attorno al lago. Non ci sono indicazioni su flora e fauna, ne sui percorsi (ti danno una direzione ma poi sul luogo non viene data spiegazione). La parte alta della riserva invece è più bella.
The place could be much more pleasant if there were clear signs or a map. In the nearby car park there is only the map of the highest route that starts at the visitor center. Only in the latter is the map of the routes around the lake. There are no indications on flora and fauna, nor on the routes (they give you a direction but then no explanation is given on the place). The upper part of the reserve, on the other hand, is more beautiful.
Mattia Gri on Google

Il luogo di per sé è molto bello, peccato non sia gestito in modo da valorizzarlo a pieno. Tutta la zona del lago ha una serie di strutture lasciate un po' a sé stesse e con poco di più potrebbero essere sfruttate come si deve e rendere la zona più interessante e fruibile per il pubblico. A parte questo, dal punto di vista naturalistico è possibile vedere molti uccelli e anfibi, oltre a tipi di piante presenti solo qui. Merita una visita!
The place itself is very beautiful, it is a pity that it is not managed in such a way as to fully enhance it. The whole area of ​​the lake has a series of structures left a little to themselves and with little more they could be exploited properly and make the area more interesting and usable for the public. Apart from this, from a naturalistic point of view it is possible to see many birds and amphibians, as well as types of plants found only here. Worth a visit!
Tanja Trdan on Google

It was hard to find and at first tricky but the nature itself was worth at the end. We recommend getting hiking boots cause in winter time there can we a bit floaded near the path. And also, if you get lucky like we did you might come across with some lovely donkeys just chilling in the sun having some hay for lunch. About finding spot to park your car: On the left side of the road, you will see a parking space, a bit rocky one but there is plenty of space to leave your car instead of by the side of the road. We did however missed some informative tables or signs on the road about the location. So happy adventurous searching! :)

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