Radici - 1

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Radici

Address :

Via Henry Dunant, 1, 22042 San fermo della battaglia CO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99897
Postal code : 22042
Website : https://www.radici-restaurant.it/
Categories :

Via Henry Dunant, 1, 22042 San fermo della battaglia CO, Italy
Angelo Accomando on Google

Cose buone a volontà … esperienza fantastica per la qualità delle proposte che sanno di buono con semplicità nonostante il lavoro impressionante che sta dietro… traspare ma non grava … si ha la sensazione che tutto debba essere buono così e che ci fossimo solo dimenticati. Lavoro incedibile . Sevizio carinissimo e caloroso da cui traspare la passione e la sintonia con la cucina… luogo del cuore
Good things at will ... fantastic experience for the quality of the proposals that taste good with simplicity despite the impressive work behind it ... it transpires but does not burden ... you have the feeling that everything must be good like this and that we had just forgotten. Non-transferable work. A very nice and warm service which reveals the passion and harmony with the cuisine ... a place of the heart
Federica Cesconi on Google

Un ristorante alternativo! Non la solita zuppa! Se volete aprire gli orizzonti Radici restaurant da Sara e Mirko è sicuramente la scelta migliore! Cibo spaziale
An alternative restaurant! Not the usual soup! If you want to open your horizons, Radici restaurant da Sara and Mirko is definitely the best choice! Space food
alessandro pini on Google

Grande esperienza, siamo restati molto soddisfatti e non vediamo L ora di provare il nuovo menu appena disponibile . Voto 5:5 super meritato
Massimo Calandrini on Google

... Quando l'arte è la poesia incontrano la cucina... È un viaggio sensoriale con gusti a volte estremi ma dal risultato stupefacente. Grazie per questa meravigliosa esperienza culinaria Bella cantina. In tavola visto le eccellenze dei piatti ed i bellissimi impiattamenti preferirei una tovaglia.
... When art and poetry meet the kitchen ... It is a sensory journey with sometimes extreme tastes but with an amazing result. Thanks for this wonderful dining experience Beautiful cellar. On the table, given the excellence of the dishes and the beautiful dishes, I would prefer a tablecloth.
gabriele de benedittis on Google

Creativity and attention to detail. Love the research work on herbs. ---- Came back after 2 years and can't agree more with myself... Amazing evolution of the concept, a thoughtful trip into charred, earthy, herbal and balsamic flavours alongside surprising wine choices. Great job! A three star in my personal guide.
Audrey Lo on Google

Amazing food, great Chef. Unforgettable experience Highly recommend .

Amazing food, wine and hospitality - can’t wait to come again.
Antonio Cilindro on Google

I'm always fascinated by restaurant who has a story to tell. I'm even more interested when beside the story, you find experiment, something to write a new story. Radici is exactly this. It has the story of local food and the experiment to move it to the next level, but without disrespect. Have you ever thought that musk would be delicious if fried and eat with some fatty cured meat? Would you be curious to try different kombucha to pair with your tasting menu rather than the usual wines? What if I say that even candles are edible at this restaurant? Well, Radici is more than this. Radici is unlocking the real potential of known and very unusual ingredients, presenting them in a small and cozy environment where you'll be surrounded by some of those unknown ingredients

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