Prealpina Traslochi

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Prealpina Traslochi

Address :

Via la Novella, 4, 21046 Malnate VA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 21046
Website :
Categories :
City : Malnate

Via la Novella, 4, 21046 Malnate VA, Italy
paolo carazzolo on Google

Soddisfatto del trasloco! Personale disponibile e competente. Lo consiglio.
Satisfied with the move! Helpful and competent staff. I advise.
Alfonso Casegna on Google

Ho avuto la possibilità di lavorare per quest'azienda e posso solo dire di essermi trovato in mezzo a persone competenti nel settore dei traslochi e dei Trasporti.
I had the chance to work for this company and I can only say that I found myself in the middle of people who are competent in the field of removals and transport.
Nicola Vaona on Google

Puntuali, gentili, professionali. Servizio impeccabile!
Punctual, kind, professional. Impeccable service!
Gizella Gercsak on Google

Impiegata "so tutto io" che parla troppo! Si lamenta pure per 2€ di cartone.. mancanza di personale al giorno del ritiro! Hanno fatto tirare giù i mobili al mio marito da 2,50m di altezza cc.. facendo salire su una scala senza poter agganciare sui scaffali! Non torno di sicuro..
"I know everything" employee who talks too much! He also complains for € 2 of cardboard .. lack of staff on the day of collection! They made my husband pull down the furniture from 2,50m of height cc .. making him climb a ladder without being able to hang on the shelves! I'm not going back for sure ..
Manuela Celano on Google

Ditta di traslochi seria competente e super disponibili. I miei mobili sono arrivati a destinazione perfettamente imballati e ben custoditi. Consigliatissimo!
Reliable and super helpful moving company. My furniture arrived at its destination perfectly packaged and well kept. Highly recommended!
Giacomo Mariotti on Google

Ho dovuto urgentemente trovare un trasportatore per traslocare da Basilea in Svizzera a Firenze. Oltre alla disponibilità ed efficienza, sono stati gentilissimi. Abbiamo avuto un problema in dogana che hanno monitorato fino alla risoluzione. La Sig.ra Rossella bravissima ed il team di trasporto eccellente. Tutto e' arrivato nei tempi previsti e senza danni. Li raccomando vivamente.
I urgently had to find a transporter to move from Basel to Switzerland to Florence. In addition to the availability and efficiency, they were very kind. We had a customs issue which they monitored until resolved. Mrs. Rossella very good and the transport team excellent. Everything arrived on schedule and without damage. I highly recommend them.
ed martivitto on Google

Efficienti seri pulizia e precisione durante i traslochi. La Signora Rosella la titolare fantastica!!!
Efficient serious cleaning and precision during removals. Mrs. Rosella the fantastic owner !!!
Holger Klose on Google

Ich habe von Prealpina im August 2021 einen Umzug von Italien nach Deutschland durchführen lassen. Von der Qualität des Umzugs war ich begeistert. Unsere Mails zur Umzugsplanung wurden rasch und klar beantwortet. Die Umzugshelfer vor Ort waren freundlich und flink. Alle Haushaltsgegenstände wurden prima eingepackt. Auch unser Klavier kam in bestem Zustand in Deutschland an. Ich kann das Unternehmen uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
I had Prealpina move from Italy to Germany in August 2021. I was delighted with the quality of the move. Our emails about relocation planning were answered quickly and clearly. The moving helpers on site were friendly and quick. All household items were packed well. Our piano also arrived in Germany in excellent condition. I can unreservedly recommend the company.

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