Pizzeria Pulcinella

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizzeria Pulcinella

Address :

Corso Umberto I, 166, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +997
Categories :
City : Siracusa

Corso Umberto I, 166, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy
simona solarino on Google

Pizza buonissima e questo è indubbio, la qualità è davvero divina, locale esteticamente carino, pulito e confortevole. Ma aimè alla fine di una piacevole serata arriva la tristezza: ricevere un conto di 200,50 euro (tavolo da 11) è stato semplicemente ridicolo, proprio quando si dice perdersi in un bicchier d'acqua. Abbiamo preso antipasti, pizze, bevande, dolce, caffè. Abbiamo chiesto il conto, è arrivato il tristissimo scontrino di 200,50€ ma abbiamo voluto dare il beneficio del dubbio pensando che poi alla cassa avrebbero rimediato. All arrivo alla cassa ci è stato chiesto se fossero precisi o dovevano dare resto, abbiamo solo risposto che erano esatti, fine. Quando si dice proprio breve storia triste. Personalmente non ritornerò, esiste pizza a Siracusa altrettanto buona in cui non si tagliano la faccia per 50cent.
Very good pizza and this is undoubted, the quality is truly divine, aesthetically nice, clean and comfortable. But alas at the end of a pleasant evening comes sadness: receiving a bill of 200.50 euros (table of 11) was simply ridiculous, just when they say getting lost in a glass of water. We got appetizers, pizzas, drinks, dessert, coffee. We asked for the bill, the very sad receipt of € 200.50 arrived but we wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, thinking that then they would fix it at the cashier. Upon arriving at the cashier we were asked if they were accurate or should they give change, we only replied that they were correct, fine. When you tell just a sad short story. Personally I will not go back, there is pizza in Syracuse that is just as good where they don't cut their faces off for 50cent.
Stefy Stefy on Google

Avevo desiderio di assaggiare la pizza Napoletana, sono contenta di essere venuta in questo locale, pizza grande e buona, poca scelta (abituata con altri menù ?) prezzi un po' carucci, ma considerando che se devi andare a Napoli per provare la pizza... Ti costa di più! Locale molto carino.
I wanted to taste Neapolitan pizza, I'm happy to have come to this place, big and good pizza, little choice (used with other menus ?) prices a bit expensive, but considering that if you have to go to Naples to try the pizza. .. It costs you more! Very nice place.
Pasquale Menanno on Google

Vera Pizzeria napoletana situata vicino alla stazione di Siracusa. Per chi ama la vera pizza lontano dai locali turistici questa è la migliore. Impasto e ingredienti ottimi, assolutamente da provare. Per 2 pizze con bufala , una 0.4 di birra e un'acqua abbiamo speso 31€. Consigliato
True Neapolitan Pizzeria located near the Syracuse station. For those who love real pizza away from the tourist spots this is the best. Excellent dough and ingredients, a must try. For 2 pizzas with buffalo, a 0.4 beer and a water we spent 31 €. Recommended
Natkowaty on Google

Myślę że to zależy głównie od gustu, czy pizza bedxie smaczna czy nie. Dwie osoby zamówiły 4 formaggi i jednej osobie nie smakowało a drugiej bardzo. Szczerze to ja nie polubiłam tej pizzy, czułam w niej smak oscypków. Plusem pizzy jest dość krotki czas oczekiwania, duży obszerny lokal i niskie ceny w porównaniu z innymi (pizza zazwyczaj kosztuje około 7-9€)
I think it depends mainly on your taste, whether the bedxie pizza is tasty or not. Two people ordered 4 formaggi and one person didn't like it and the other one didn't like it very much. Honestly, I didn't like this pizza, I felt the taste of oscypek in it. The advantage of pizza is quite a short waiting time, a large, spacious place and low prices compared to others (pizza usually costs around 7-9 €)
Matthieu Boussemart on Google

Good pizzas, great service ?
Ελενη Κομπογιαννη on Google

The food delicious, fast service, excellent quality, good prices, nice environment.
Nilo Caiozzo on Google

The pizza was tasty but too thin and difficult to eat, even with knife and fork
Lea C on Google

Excellent pizzeria! So happy I found this place. The staff are so nice, they were happy to make me a vegan pizza (I asked for a marinara pizza with eggplant added), and they also confirmed that the dough is vegan. Super fast service, very good prices, and nice, modern decor. Highly recommend!

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