Parrocchia del Sacro Cuore di Gesù

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parrocchia del Sacro Cuore di Gesù

Address :

Via del Ronco, 12, 34133 Trieste TS, Italy

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City : Trieste

Via del Ronco, 12, 34133 Trieste TS, Italy
Martina Scarpa on Google

Bellissima chiesa anche se piccolina è moto suggestiva. Parroco gentilissimo.
Beautiful church even if small is very suggestive. Very kind pastor.
Franco Lonero on Google

BELLA chiesa .molto frequentata anche da giovani..posto ideale x meditare e pregare
BEAUTIFUL church. Very popular even by young people .. ideal place to meditate and pray
N REBESSI on Google

Gente che insulta prima di entrare in chiesa maledicendo e augurando la morte di cani o semplicemente perché gli sei davanti.
People who insult before entering church by cursing and wishing dogs death or simply because you are in front of them.
qu gongsheng on Google

和平 安静这里可以获得心灵的安宁
Peace, peace, peace of mind can be obtained here
Paola Bruno on Google

La nostra parrocchia è bellissima e i gesuiti sono persone gentili.
Our parish is beautiful and the Jesuits are kind people.
andrea margiore on Google

La chiesa dell'infanzia, stile molto bello e originale. Potenzialità turistica in eventuali percorsi, nel quartiere "Giuseppino" e giardino Pubblico.
The church of childhood, very beautiful and original style. Tourist potential in possible routes, in the "Giuseppino" district and public garden.
Andrea on Google

La mia critica va alle persone che frequentano questa chiesa: cattive a dir poco, e tutto ciò che viene predicato evidentemente poi non viene attuato da loro. Spiego meglio, in questa zona nei condomini abbiamo quasi tutti cani, OGNI VOLTA queste care persone di chiesa insultano i cani che vedono o che abbaiano, e sono arrivati a dire al mio che deve morire. Faccio i miei complimenti a queste belle persone, e queste sarebbero persone di chiesa? Tanto fedeli al signore e poi sono delle persone schifose e cattive! Allucinante a dir poco.
My criticism goes to the people who attend this church: bad to say the least, and everything that is preached is evidently not implemented by them. Let me explain better, in this area we almost all have dogs in the condos, EVERY TIME these dear church people insult dogs they see or bark, and have gone so far as to tell mine that he must die. I give my compliments to these beautiful people, and are these people of the church? So loyal to the lord and then they are lousy and bad people! Hallucinating to say the least.
Simone Porrelli on Google

Agli inizi del 1900 dei Padri Gesuiti della Provincia Austriaca Ungherese sono ritornati a Trieste dopo il loro allontanamento avvenuto nel 1773, e questo ritorno è stato proposto su invito stesso del vescovo Saverio Nagl. Vi erano molte problematiche e difficoltà fra l'ambiente politico triestino e la Compagnia dei Religiosi, quindi essi si dedicarono prima a esercizi spirituali e a piccole missioni di predicazione, solo dopo (1908) poterono istituire e avviare una cura pastorale usufruendo di una piccola cappella in un edificio civile. Quello stesso anno il vescovo annuncia la sua intenzione di voler costruire una chiesa per il Sacro Cuore, come memoria sia dell'anniversario dell'ordinazione sacerdotale del Papa Pio X che l'anniversario del regno dell'Imperatore d'Austria Francesco Giuseppe. Il 26 giugno 1908 avviene la posa della prima pietra, l'architetto fu Mario Ceradini e la costruzione terminò appena 2 anni più tardi, precisamente il 22 gennaio 1910 con la benedizione del vescovo stesso. E' a navata unica sviluppata in verticale (il rapporto asse orizzontale/verticale predilige la verticalità e non la profondità), l'abside in fondo è costituito da una ricca policromia dettata da inserti dorati che abbracciano le bucature finestrate, sia dall'affresco in alto dove viene celebrata la Vergine Maria con Gesù Bambino. La passione di Cristo si sposa perfettamente alla sua nascitura in questa splendida abside. Ai lati vi sono altre due navate minori. Vista la ricchezza dei colori e delle decorazioni avrebbe bisogno di un restauro sia delle singole parti che di un sistema luminoso differente per esaltare proprio le forme e disegni stessi. Chiesa bellissima, merita assolutamente una visita. ENGLISH: In the early 1900s, the Jesuit Fathers of the Austrian Hungarian Province returned to Trieste after their expulsion in 1773, and this return was proposed at the invitation of Bishop Saverio Nagl himself. There were many problems and difficulties between the political environment of Trieste and the Company of Religious, so they first dedicated themselves to spiritual exercises and small preaching missions, only after (1908) they were able to establish and start a pastoral care by taking advantage of a small chapel in a civil building. That same year the bishop announced his intention to build a church for the Sacred Heart, as a reminder of both the anniversary of the priestly ordination of Pope Pius X and the anniversary of the reign of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph. On June 26, 1908, the first stone was laid, the architect was Mario Ceradini and the construction ended just 2 years later, precisely on January 22, 1910 with the blessing of the bishop himself. It has a single nave developed vertically (the horizontal / vertical axis ratio prefers verticality and not depth), the apse at the back is made up of a rich polychromy dictated by gilded inserts that embrace the window openings, both from the fresco in high where the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus is celebrated. Christ's passion fits perfectly with his birth in this splendid apse. On the sides there are two other minor naves. Given the richness of the colors and decorations, it would need a restoration of both the individual parts and a different lighting system to enhance the shapes and designs themselves. Beautiful church, absolutely worth a visit.
In the early 1900s, the Jesuit Fathers of the Hungarian Austrian Province returned to Trieste after their expulsion in 1773, and this return was proposed at the invitation of Bishop Saverio Nagl himself. There were many problems and difficulties between the political environment of Trieste and the Company of Religious, therefore they first dedicated themselves to spiritual exercises and small preaching missions, only after (1908) they were able to establish and start a pastoral care by taking advantage of a small chapel in a civil building. That same year the bishop announced his intention to build a church for the Sacred Heart, as a reminder of both the anniversary of the priestly ordination of Pope Pius X and the anniversary of the reign of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph. On June 26, 1908 the first stone was laid, the architect was Mario Ceradini and the construction ended just 2 years later, precisely on January 22, 1910 with the blessing of the bishop himself. It has a single nave developed vertically (the horizontal / vertical axis ratio prefers verticality and not depth), the apse at the back is made up of a rich polychromy dictated by gilded inserts that embrace the window openings, both from the fresco in high where the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus is celebrated. Christ's passion fits perfectly with his birth in this splendid apse. On the sides there are two other minor naves. Given the richness of the colors and decorations, it would need a restoration of both the individual parts and a different lighting system to enhance the shapes and designs themselves. Beautiful church, absolutely worth a visit. ENGLISH: In the early 1900s, the Jesuit Fathers of the Austrian Hungarian Province returned to Trieste after their expulsion in 1773, and this return was proposed at the invitation of Bishop Saverio Nagl himself. There were many problems and difficulties between the political environment of Trieste and the Company of Religious, so they first dedicated themselves to spiritual exercises and small preaching missions, only after (1908) they were able to establish and start a pastoral care by taking advantage of a small chapel in a civil building. That same year the bishop announced his intention to build a church for the Sacred Heart, as a reminder of both the anniversary of the priestly ordination of Pope Pius X and the anniversary of the reign of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph. On June 26, 1908, the first stone was laid, the architect was Mario Ceradini and the construction ended just 2 years later, precisely on January 22, 1910 with the blessing of the bishop himself. It has a single nave developed vertically (the horizontal / vertical axis ratio prefers verticality and not depth), the apse at the back is made up of a rich polychromy dictated by gilded inserts that embrace the window openings, both from the fresco in high where the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus is celebrated. Christ's passion fits perfectly with his birth in this splendid apse. On the sides there are two other minor naves. Given the richness of the colors and decorations, it would need a restoration of both the individual parts and a different lighting system to enhance the shapes and designs themselves. Beautiful church, absolutely worth a visit.

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