Parco della Balossa - Parco della Balossa

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parco della Balossa

Address :

Città Metropolitana di Milano, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Categories :
Description : A 371-acre urban green space made up of fields & farmland, with some canals & paths.

Città Metropolitana di Milano, Italy
Gabriele Pece on Google

normal park in novate
luis velife on Google

excellent nature
Euaggelos Ntretsas on Google

It was very nice place
Af Ar on Google

Nice meals and good behaviour of stuff
Siretian Daniel on Google

Alex Osana on Google

There is barely a park here... It is an "greeny" industrial zone... This green on that map does not represent a park anyway ...
Anna Pujol Reig on Google

This park will be special for me always, because in a snowing day a close friend of mine and I walked through the beautiful and colorful banks while we talked about the life... Now, I realise that It was the first and last time than I saw and walked in Balossa Park... Anyway, It was amazing and powerful moment.
Valentina Meredith on Google

Beautiful setting I grew up there and I would like VERY MUCH to buy a place in PARCO DELLA BALOSSA

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