Natura & Cavallo Ranch

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Natura & Cavallo Ranch

Address :

06060 Paciano PG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +997978
Postal code : 06060
Website :
Categories :
City : Paciano

06060 Paciano PG, Italy
marina brunella on Google

Peter Triet on Google

sehr familiäres und sympathische ambiente - einfach schön?
very informal and sympathetic ambience - simply beautiful
Stefania Pallassini on Google

Luogo incantevole. Per gli amanti della natura e dei cavalli. Ospitalità deliziosa.
Lovely place. For lovers of nature and horses. Delicious hospitality.
Fabio _____ on Google

Bel posto ma purtroppo tutto chiuso ad ora per lezioni cavallo...
Nice place but unfortunately all closed now for horse lessons ...
Sauro Cagiotto on Google

Sono anni che frequento il ranch, è l’unico posto che affido i miei cavalli, non ho mai avuto un problema, la proprietaria è una persona gentile e professionale.
I have been to the ranch for years, it is the only place I entrust my horses, I have never had a problem, the owner is a kind and professional person.
Stefanie Baumgärtner on Google

Tutto show per i turisti li! Io ho il mio cavallo li è ho dovuto combattere tutto estate per abbastanza acqua e fieno e un staletto pulito per un cavallo annunciato e magro. Alles nur Show für die Touristen dort! Ich habe mein altes Pferd dort eingestellt und musste den ganzen Sommer um genug Wasser, Heu und Sauberkeit kämpfen. Lassen Sie sich nicht blenden und schauen Sie genau hin. It's all Show for the turists there! My horse used to stay there for some time and I had to fight for enough water, hay and a clean stable.
Tutto show per i turisti li! Io ho il mio cavallo li è ho dovuto combattere tutto estate per abbastanza acqua e fieno e un staletto pulito per un cavallo annunciato e magro. All just a show for the tourists there! I hired my old horse there and had to fight for enough water, hay and cleanliness all summer. Do not be dazzled and look carefully. It's all show for the turists there! My horse used to stay there for some time and I had to fight for enough water, hay and a clean stable.
A Google User on Google

Ich durfte wieder wunderschöne Tage bei Tanja geniessen! Es ist immer ein traumhaftes Erlebnis dieses Fleckchen Erde zu erleben und Tanja bei der Arbeit mit ihren geliebten Pferden zuzusehn. Man kann die grosse Harmonie und Liebe richtig spüren die zwischen Tanja und Pferd existiert. Wenn du einen Ort suchst um Ruhe, Glück und Harmonie zwischen Tier und der Natur zu finden dann bist du bei Tanja genau am richtigen Platz.
I was allowed to enjoy wonderful days with Tanja again! It is always a fantastic experience to experience this little spot of earth and to watch Tanja working with her beloved horses. You can really feel the great harmony and love that exists between Tanja and horse. If you are looking for a place to find peace, happiness and harmony between animals and nature then you are in the right place with Tanja.
Gianluca Pippo on Google

Cordialità e professionali. Consiglio un giro a cavallo con loro. Tutto fantastico. Accoglienza di prim'ordine. Consigliatissimo
Friendliness and professional. I recommend a horseback ride with them. All fantastic. First-rate welcome. Highly recommended

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