Menhir San Paolo

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Contact Menhir San Paolo

Address :

Via Enrico Toti, 1, 73020 Giurdignano LE, Italy

Postal code : 73020
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Categories :
City : Giurdignano

Via Enrico Toti, 1, 73020 Giurdignano LE, Italy
Raffaele Carro ProduzioniAmenic on Google

Luogo mistico e suggestivo peccato per l'incuria
Mystical and evocative place, sin for neglect
Giuseppe Serra on Google

Luogo di culto storico, da visitare
Historic place of worship, to visit
Stefano Calo' on Google

Preistoria misteriosa, immersi nella macchia mediterranea Salentina, dolmen e menhir sono carichi di mistero! Da visitare e provare a darsi una spiegazione....
Mysterious prehistory, immersed in the Salento Mediterranean scrub, dolmens and menhirs are full of mystery! To visit and try to give yourself an explanation ....
Майя Мальцева on Google

Менгир Сан Пауло стоит на крипте, в которой бережно сохранены очень необычные росписи. На одной из них изображён абсолютно языческий символ – паук. Согласно местным верованиям, покровителем пауков является сам апостол Павел. Ему принято молиться об исцелении от нервного расстройства наподобие кликушества, которое, - в прошлом, было довольно распространено среди женщин на Юге Италии. Считалось, что причина болезни – укус тарантула. Кстати, отсюда происходит и танец тарантелла: двигаясь в бешеном ритме, больные надеялись изгнать из организма яд вместе с потом. Местная легенда так объясняет посвящение крипты Св. Павлу (прежде она была посвящена Богородице): у одного местного художника жена страдала вышеупомянутым недугом. После молитв Св. Павлу она исцелилась, и благодарный муж изобразил на внутренней стене крипты символ апостола, а сооружение стало носить имя святого.
Mengir Sao Paulo stands on a crypt in which very unusual paintings are carefully preserved. One of them depicts an absolutely pagan symbol - a spider. According to local beliefs, the patron saint of the spiders is the apostle Paul himself. He decided to pray for a cure for a nervous breakdown, similar to a whooper, which, in the past, was quite common among women in southern Italy. It was believed that the cause of the disease was a bite of a tarantula. By the way, the tarantella dance comes from here: moving in a frantic rhythm, patients hoped to expel poison from the body along with sweat. Local legend explains the dedication of the crypt to St. Paul (formerly it was dedicated to the Virgin): a local artist had a wife suffering from the aforementioned ailment. After prayers to St. Paul, she was healed, and the grateful husband depicted on the inner wall of the crypt the symbol of the apostle, and the building began to bear the name of the saint.
Gabriele on Google

Con grotta annessa, indice dell'intrusione della chiesa nei riti pagani.
With adjoining cave, indicating the intrusion of the church in pagan rites.
Atir Gui on Google

Bello, ti fa rivivere il cammino del Santo
Beautiful, it makes you relive the path of the Saint
Luigi Gravina on Google

Un semplice antico storico segno della civiltà umana.
A simple ancient historical sign of human civilization.
Christian Manno on Google

Entra a far parte di un altro mondo. Se vuoi conoscere il Salento devi passare dâ qui.
Become part of another world. If you want to know the Salento you have to pass by here.

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